Saturday, December 14, 2013

Another nice day

Karen came down today and we got all the food for our Christmas celebration. It was so much fun to go shopping.  We had a good time.  Then we came home and dad took a nap and when he woke up he called Grandma Bodily and she wanted to go to dinner with us so we took her to Layton for dinner and then drove up to Willard bay to see the lights.  They are really neat and she had a really good time.  I think we should try and go so see them one time.  I don't know if there is enough time left this year but they have wagon rides and you drive your car all around and there are a ton of lights.  It was only 10 dollars per car.  She had a present for each of you and I will bring it.  It was foggy in spots.  LOVE MOM

What do snowman eat for breakfast?......Snowflakes

Well I got a lot done today. I met mom and dad for lunch and then we went shopping. We went to Sam's and WalMart and got food for Christmas. I think it took me an hour to unload it all. But I did it. Then I cleaned up my living room and kitchen. It needed to be done. It looks very nice. I still need to do laundry, but progress was definitely made. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, December 13, 2013

Elf name

My day was good mostly work. Nothing fancy. The website is.     for Walters armour stuff. Oh back stage they posted find your elf name I put a picture of it below it made me laugh. Have a good night!!


Nice Day

Me and Dad went to Logan today for physicals and had a really good day.  We both checked out good and then we played with Rachel and Isaac and got some Christmas shopping done.  Robin do you have the website where I can get Walter that gift card you said he would like?  I am going to meet up with Karen tomorrow and work on getting everything ready for Christmas.  It is getting close.  Have a great weekend.  Thanks Rachel for the fun day.



Well my day was good. I enjoyed death by chocolate day. It was yummy. Work was good, but I am glad that it is the weekend. I hope that everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Star shining brightly

Rachel those glasses that Isaac was wearing reminded me of the song.  I am like a start shining brightly.  He is so cute.  I am excited to come up tomorrow.  I got Casey's present today so I am getting closer also.  Robin I love your silver guy.  He turned out really good.  You do such an amazing job.  I hope that Elf is going good.  I really enjoyed that show.  Karen have fun with death by chocolate tomorrow.  That will be a fun day.  We are driving up to Logan tomorrow, we both have physicals in the afternoon.  I didn't get a reminder call today so hopefully we still have appointments. If we don't we will just have more time to play with Rachel and Isaac and Casey.  We are coming back on Friday night so Karen we can get food for the Christmas shindig. I can't believe that next weekend it all begins.  So much fun in store.  Have a great Friday.  I love you guys  MOM

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?


Today was good.  I picked up Randy's Christmas present this morning so I only have to get two more things.  I am excited to be almost done.  During Isaac's nap I wrapped all the rest of the presents so I am ready to go.  Isaac has had this weird schedule lately where he wakes up at 5 or 6 then takes a nap at 11.  So after he woke up an Casey left we went to the mall and played for a while.  It was really busy and Isaac had fun.  Then this evening we just read books and watched a show.  It was a good day.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad and everyone have a good night.  I like your statue Robin, you did a good job.  That is a good idea for a big party.



I am so glad that it is almost Friday. Also I just remembered today that it is Friday the 13th tomorrow. That means it is death by chocolate day at work. I love chocolate day. My day at work was good. I did have a project to work on though so it went by pretty fast. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


today was good. I left work early for a makeup gig in park city. I just had to make a guys face silver for a statue guy for a corporate party. it was fun. I was done by 6 so that was super nice. I went grocery shopping and got some cereal after and came home and relaxed its been nice. well have a good night robin


Karen, that would be fun to have you come up on the 20th.  I will plan on it.  Thanks, that will be fun.  Mom I think that is a good idea to ride front runner and me and Isaac are in.  I am not sure about Casey but I will talk to him about it.  That will be a fun day.  I am making a bag for Robins friend and Robin called me tonight and it was good to talk to you.  Thanks for calling.  We had a pretty nice day.  We went to the Library Christmas party this evening and it was fun.  They sang Christmas songs and Santa came and gave everyone a cute bag with candy and cheap prizes.  It was really nice.  I didn't think Isaac would want to see Santa so we just watched the movie but then I noticed they had a nice prize so I talked him into it but we were at the back of the line.  He gave Santa a high five but wouldn't sit on his lap.  The attached picture is as close as he got.  Isaac had a fun time and I am glad that we went.  Well everyone have a good night.  We have a lot of fun things coming up.


My Friday

I hate to rub it in but tomorrow is my Friday at work.  That will be nice.  I have been working extra hours and I am worn out.  Tomorrow is free lunch so that will be nice.  We have a slide show with the lunch and I have been making that.  I hope it goes OK.  I took Kay out for lunch and we went to the book store and got some books for Luke for Christmas.  It was nice to get out and about.  Robin I am jealous you are done Christmas shopping.  I need to finish that up don't I. Well have a great day tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Well I am glad that the week is half over. Work was good. It went pretty fast in the morning, but dragged a bit in the afternoon. For some reason I had trouble sleeping last night so I am kind of tired. I guess I should go to bed early. I will have to see how good I do on that one. Rachel I am taking a half day off on Friday the 20th and I was thinking that if you are okay with it. I would come up to Logan and hang out. Let me know what you think about that. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I think that sounds fun for ogden but they are extending Elf after christmas till the 28th. Friday they are only doing a matinee for now so maybe I could meet up with you later. Sorry its a crazy month. Today was good. A girl is taking my matinees for wednesday so she had to run my show to make sure she was confortable to run it alone. SO tommorow she is doing the whole day. It will be nice to have a break. But someone called me to do makeup in park city and it was paid so I am going up hopefully it will only be an hour gig. I hoping to be done by 6. we will see. I finished Christmas shopping :) yeah!! it just all has to be shipped to me now. I'm a groupon queen. well have a great night robin


Rachel, I liked Isaac's hair.  I am glad you got your car fixed.  Robin that is weird that your water.  I am glad they fixed it.  Karen that is nice to get a hair cut.  Nothing feels better than a haircut.  I had a busy day and I did laundry tonight.  It really need to get done.  I even ironed.  Dad had an idea for one day after Christmas.  Taking front runner to the Ogden Train Museum.  Isaac just loves riding the train and that would be a long train ride.  He looked up the passes and for 6 people it is only 15 dollars.  It is a special deal until December 31.  I was thinking of going on Friday, December 27th.  How does that idea sound to everyone.  Get up early and have lunch in Ogden and be back before the 5 rush hour.  Let me know what you think of that plan.  Not much else is going on with me.  Friday we are going to Logan for doctor appointments.  LOVE MOM

Dead Battery

That is a bummer about your bathroom Robin.  I am glad that they fixed it and you didn't have any damage in your apartment.  I am glad that you made it to the big city Karen, that is always fun.  Casey cut his hair yesterday and Isaac wanted his cut too so I cut a bit off.  I was looking at  it today and it looked horrible so I cut it some more and now it is too short.  I attached a picture below.  I also attached pictures from this weekend.  I need to take more pictures in general.  Today had ups and downs.  Isaac woke up really early but we had a good morning.  I scheduled all my visiting teaching and made Isaac an appointment for his 3 year check up.  Then we were on our way to story time and the car wouldn't start.  The battery had died.  So Isaac was upset we couldn't go so I laid him down and we both fell asleep which was really nice.  He ended up taking a 3 hour nap.  So Casey was able to fix the car and I sewed with Jenn.  I worked on my Santa quilt and I love it so far.  It has been fun to do.  I had scouts today and it wasn't a supper interesting topic but it marked off a section and I tried to have activities to go with it but the boys were really wild.  It was a long hour.  I can't believe it is the 10th already.  This month is going fast.  That is pretty exciting.



Well my day was good. I went to Heber after work and got my hair trimmed. I had a lot of split ends. It is still cold here. I had a meeting this morning, it dragged a bit but I made it thru. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ninny mugguns

Today was good. Very cold. I think fat cats sounds fun. Walters taking me out for lunch then we can meet up for dinner. Today at work I got a call saying my bathroom was leaking to the down stairs apt. I felt so bad. Then I forgot that my iPad wasn't wrapped so I was nervous about my apt. Having matience people INA and out.
But all is well. I came home after lunch to check it out and nothing was moved and nothing flooded in my place. It must have been the tub because my tub look like it had been de clogged. I hopped they fixed it though I don't want to keep flooding people I don't know :/ anyway work was good stay warm have a good one


That is fun that you are getting an IPAD Robin, that is really neat.  You are spoiled.  Mom that sounds like a nice evening.  I am glad that you went to see Kay.  I feel bad for her.  Karen I am sorry that your lunch hour was wasted.  I am glad that you took car of everything.  Well Isaac was kind of grumpy today.  He really wanted to go to Grandma and Grandpa's and ride the train.  We just hung around the house today.  There was a play group in the ward but Casey had woken up and I decided just to spend the time with him.  Not to much else to report.  Last night I must of been cold because I stole all the covers from poor Casey, he had to get extra blankets for him.  It is supposed to warm up so that will be good.  Everyone have a good night.


So Cold

It is so cold.  I am ready for summer already.  I had a good day.  I couldn't sleep last night so today was kind of long.  I am hoping for sleep tonight.  I went to visit Kay tonight and Jen and Riley were there.  We had pizza and visited.  It was fun.  Not much else going on with me.  My computer is going so slow tonight.  I think it is cold also.  Have a great Tuesday.  It is suppose to warm up to 40 by the weekend.  I am jealous Robin that you are getting and IPAD.  You are spoiled.  It will be hard to wait for that one.  I think having dinner at Fat Cats for your birthday will be good.  We are flexible if we need to change it around.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was pretty good. I am glad that Monday is over though. They always seem like long days. It is still cold here in Kamas. I hope hoping for a heat way, but I don't think I will get one. I had to call the bank at lunch because I got a letter from my home owner insurance saying that the bank hadn't paid the premium. So the letter was dated the 30th of November and after talking to the bank it turns out that they paid it on the 2nd. So I wasted 20 minutes of my lunch on the phone to figure out that there really wasn't a problem. It was most annoying. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fun weekend

I had a really nice weekend.  We took Rachel and crew to see the Festival of Trees.  We took Trax and Isaac had so much fun.  I think we need to take the train more often.  Today we drove up to Park City and met Karen for lunch, it was really cold but it was fun.  Robin we were wondering about your birthday also.  Can we still go to Fat Cat's for dinner or lunch?  I know Walter's parents can't come but we still would like to do something.  I wasn't sure what the plan was.  WOW I am jealous you get a IPAD.  You are so spoiled.  Not much else going on with us.  Thanks Rachel and Casey and Isaac for coming down.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. I met up with walter and we went out to madelines for lunch its a steak house. I got gift cards as a christmas bonus for there so I thought I would use them today. THen we went shopping. Walter said he had to go to best buy and SURPRISE he bought me an ipad mini for christmas/ birthday. I was shocked. I am still stunned. But I am excited he wont let me play with it till christmas. so I have to wrap it an wait. so crazy. Then we went to scheels. They had a cute cars sleeping bag for cheap so I got that for isaac to go with his tent. It was fun to shop I'm spoiled. well not to much else. just a few more hours of non working and then back to a long week on of work. sorry I wasn't able to meet up with everyone today. but I will see you for sure on the 22 for isaacs birthday. robin


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...