Saturday, March 23, 2019

Lone wolf

So I decided to blog even if I am the only one  :).  We had a nice day.  Karen came down and we went to Costco and got a few treats for our trip next weekend.  We went to the zoo and got our new memberships and met up with Robin and Jeramy for dinner.  We also got a new bed.  I am excited to try it out.  I hope the shower went well Rachel.  If you need anything we aren't far.  It was a big busy day.  I hope I sleep good in out new bed.  We watched the antman and wasp and missed a big Captain America movie that was talked about a lot in the movie.  It was a good movie even if I missed that part.  Have a nice sunday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, March 22, 2019


Thanks again for coming up last night Mom and Dad, it was a fun night.  It rained here all day long, I like it because I know that they grass is going to be green soon.  Since it was raining I didn't go running I sewed instead and finished up a little wall hanging that turned out really nice.  I worked out and the kids were really good.  We met Casey for lunch and then went grocery shopping.  Then it was time to get Isaac.  We ended up going to the jump zone to get out of the house which was fun, thanks Mom.  Isaac forgot his coat so we had to drive back to pick it up.  The kids went to bed late because we were just playing and it felt nice.  Good luck tomorrow with your mattress Mom, I am excited for you.


I did it

I made it to the weekend.  I guess there is another shake up going on in my department.  Lucky me.  I guess I will have to see who ends up my boss.  It is kind of crazy.  I don't know everything that is happening but I am sure it will change fast like everything else has.  We had a quiet night and that was nice.  Tomorrow we get our new bed and I am excited about that one.  Karen is coming down tomorrow.  Robin if you want to do dinner tomorrow let us know.  Rachel good luck with your shower tomorrow.  I hope that Randy helps and gets it going.  It looks weird without the drain in it.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I am glad that the weekend is here. Work is still moving along. It is snowing a little bit out side right now. At least it isn't sticking. I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Safe and Sound

We made it to the doctor safe and sound and dad for sure has RA.  What a shock that was.  We went to the science fair and it was fun to hang out.  We went to ice cream afterwards.  We took Jenkins home and I think he was glad to be back.  I love the way he always goes to Robin and hugs her leg when he sees her.  Not much else to report other it was really windy all day and I am not a big fan.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday as well.  I am super excited for our new bed on Saturday.  I sure hope we picked a good one.  LOVE MOM


I'm excited tomorrow is friday. Mom and dad dropped jenks. It's nice to have him home. Thanks everyone again you are sweet. Have a good one



My day was good. I kept thinking it was Friday today so tomorrow my feel like a long day. Work went good. Just the usual here. It did snow for a couple of hours here this morning. Nothing stuck though so I guess that spring is really here. Rachel, I haven't heard from the school yet about my classes. The last email they sent they start advising at the end of March/ early April so I have to wait until then. I hope that the science fair went good. I hope that everyone had a good day and have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. BYE

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Hump day

Well we started the day with no water at our house.  I did have some bottled water so we survived until we got to work.  Work was good.  It is slowing down a lot and I am loving that. I don't feel so stressed all the time.  We are going to Ogden for a doctor's appointment tomorrow and then heading to Logan for the Science Fair.  We are planning on bringing Jenkins home with us.  It will be late when we drop him off.  I hope that is OK.  We did have water when we got home.  It was almost disappointing because we had decided to see if we could stay in Kamas if we had no water.  We did find out that it is the charging that is bad not my tablet.  It wasn't charging my new tablet either so we tried different places and my old and new tablet charge just fine.  Who knew.  Well have a nice Thursday.  I am pretty excited that I am only working until 1.  LOVE MOM


I made it home safe :) it's so nice to be home. Jeramy came over and cooked me dinner. It was really sweet. Then I just relaxed for the rest of the night. guys



How is your school applications coming along Karen?  Did they accept your classes?  I am glad that you made it back Robin.  Today was good and pretty normal also.  I walked Jenkins this morning and then went to that workout class.  While Oliver was at school we hunted for more mirrors and I found a some good ones.  We played outside this afternoon, it was windy and the wind got worse as the day went on.  Jenkins is really liking being outside and is getting better at staying out with the kids if I need to run in.  Isaac had to drop off his science fair after school and we took Ty home with us for a play date so we drove.  Ty is a cute kid and they had a fun time.  We called Mom and Dad which is always crazy, thanks for talking to them.  After dinner we took Jenkins on a walk and it was pretty windy.  When we got home everyone went outside and played until dark.  When Casey came home he sat out with them and I made some peanut butter bars.  It was fun to cook by myself.  It was relaxing.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom, we are excited to see you.



Things are going good here in Kamas. It is just the usual here . I hope everyone had a great day . Bye

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


So dad's jeep is having trouble with it blinkers and we bought a new part that will be here on Monday so we took my car today and the right blinker stopped working.  We stopped at O'rielly's on the way home to get a new one but we had to watch utube to figure out how to fix it and by then it was dark.  We will fix it tomorrow.  Work was good.  It has slowed down so much.  I love it.  We stopped at Walmart on the way home and got me a new tablet.  it was nice to have games again.  Robin hope you have a nice trip home.  You deserve it.  You worked so hard.  Rachel, I hope that Casey is feeling better.  I am excited for the science fair.  We will come up after dad's doctor's appointment.  Hopefully it won't take too long.  Tomorrow is the first day of Spring.  We now get longer days than nights.  YEAH.  Everyone enjoy spring.  LOVE MOM


Good luck traveling Robin, that will be fun to more shows.  You are good at that and it will be fun to travel.  Jenkins is doing well.  We haven't been feeding him human food except a hot dog in the mornings but his stomach is still kind sensitive.  He has been eating his dog food better.  He loves going on walks and playing in the backyard.  We spend a lot of time outside today which was fun.  When he was tired of it he just went inside.  We spend a lot of time trying to find some flexible mirrors for Isaac science fair.  Oliver and Ruth wanted a toy everywhere we went but I said no and they were sad.  Casey said he has some at work he is going to bring home today.  It was a pretty day, it was kind of cooler with the wind but it feels good to be out.  Love you guys.



Robin good luck with traveling tomorrow. My day was good. It was meeting day so I had meeting all morning. I made it thru though. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Last day

Sorry I didn't blog last night. I was so tired and we didn't get home from dinner until 10. Today was the last day wahoo. I'm excited I'm ready to be home. I guess im signed up for the next show in 6 months. I need to work out 3 months in advance so it doesnt kick my trash again. My feet hate me. I am flying out at 7 am tomorrow so I am waking up at o dark hundred to make it to the airport. :/ but I guess on the brighter side I'm home earlier than later. :) hope everyone had a good Tuesday


Monday, March 18, 2019


Casey was sick today so he stayed home.  He was able to work on the shower a bit which was good.  I walked Jenkins this morning and then worked out which was nice.  Oliver had school and we just played with Casey.   We were doing bubble guns and Jenkins hated them.  He really doesn't like any guns so we kept them away from him. We walked Jenkins to pick up Isaac and it was such a pretty day.  We went to the park when we got home.  We left Jenkins home because I didn't want him around all the kids.  Ruthie pooped in her underwear a couple of minutes after we got there so we went home and got her cleaned up and then went back.  Randy came over to look at the subfloor to see if we needed to replace it, it was good to see him.  You guys are awesome and I hope that everyone is doing good.



Today was good,  I got a raise at work.  It was the yearly raise and I got a dollar an hour.  Dinner is on me!  We went looking for a new tablet after work but there are a lot around any more.  I think we are going to get one like the kids have.  They seem to be nice.  Dad went to the new dentist and liked him.  He was very down to earth.  He just glued the crown back on.  That was so nice.  I was worried we would have to have a whole new crown etc.  I am going to go see him on April 3rd.  I am with Karen.  The nap made it hard for me to go to sleep.  Robin, I am glad all is going well.  two more days and you will be home.  Let me know if you want us to pick you up at the airport.  Rachel, I hope that Casey is feeling better.  I sure had a fun time visiting.  Thanks for letting us come up.  Saturday our new bed comes.  I am pretty excited about that one.  LOVE MOM


Today seemed like a long day, but that was just because I had trouble falling asleep last night. Nap day messes up bed time. Oh well it was still worth it. Work was good though. Still making progress. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, March 17, 2019


Thanks for giving Jenkins lots of love. I'm glad hes doing well with the kids. The pictures are so cute. I love them. I am so tired it's been a crazy couple of days. It's been running non stop. But it's fun. From talk they are wanting me to go to shows all the time now. So we will see if we end things as well as they started. I'm ready to sleep in my bed though. I'm coming home Wednesday morning. So close to being home :) love you guys



I slept in today and then we decided to go to the zoo and get our new membership and walk around.  it was such a pretty day.  We were driving and the jeep's blinkers wouldn't come on.  So we stopped at O'reilly's thinking it was a fuse but it was bigger than that so we drove home and looked it up on utube and got the part ordered.  It will be here on a week from tomorrow.  We never made it to the zoo.  My tablet won't charge so I think we are going to get a new one of those.  It was a weird day for sure.  Dad made bread and we cleaned out a lot of junk in the shed and put the duck food in there.  I am excited to have duck food again.  Rachel, I am glad the kids got some rest.  They are so dang cute.  I texted Robin tonight and she is doing good.  She has been super busy but they are liking what she is doing.  Karen, I am glad you have food for the week.  That always makes the week go better.  Dad is going to a new dentist tomorrow to see if they can fix that crown that keeps coming off.  I hope they can just glue it back on.  It is suppose to be a pretty week.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  I got up and took Jenkins on a walk this morning which was nice.  The kids slept in which they needed and then we went to church.  We made it late but it was fine.  Isaac gave a talk and did a really good job.  We took Jenkins on another walk after lunch but Ruthie fell so we didn't go too far.  We came back and watched little mermaid.  We played outside and Isaac set up a trap for a leprechaun and we looked for them for a while.  The girls came over but I didn't let them touch Jenkins and he was good to stay by me so it wasn't a problem.  A cat came in our yard and that upset him but he calmed down.  After dinner the boys were sweeping and Jenkins was eating the piles of Parmesan that they swept up.  Isaac is convinced now we need a dog so he doesn't have to sweep as much.  We walked Jenkins around the block and it is so nice to be out in the evening.  Isaac read to Jenkins his bed time story and I think everyone loved that.  Love you guys.  That is so fun that you got to see the river dyed green, that sounds so fun.



Happy St. Patrick's Day

I hope everyone remembered to wear green today. My day was good. I  cooked so I have stuff to bring for lunches. I am enjoying the slightly warmer weather. Maybe I will see grass sometime soon. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...