Saturday, December 3, 2011
Good Day
I had a good day. I slept in and then got some errands done and we went to Logan. It was nice to hang out up there. I got a lot of my Christmas shopping done. That was nice. We stopped in Willard at that Maverick station and got gas and hot chocolate. It tasted really nice. If you want to see some excellent lights go through Willard. The houses there are amazing. It was a nice ride home. I am glad everyone had a good Saturday. It is cold. BRRRRRRRR
Where did the day go
Today was fun. I went to a relief society breakfast this morning and that was nice. Mom and Dad came up. We went to Juniper takeout for lunch. Me and Mom went to a newer quilt store. It was fun. Mom signed me up for a mystery quilt. It is going to be a lot of fun. Thanks Mom. Today went so fast I don't know what happened. Well I am off to put the baby to bed.
Well I had a busy day. I went to the bank, then I got my blood test done, then I went to deseret book to get something for my lesson, then I went grocery shopping, and then I got a call asking me to come in for tithing settlement. So I got that done. I hope that mom and dad had a good trip to Logan. It was super cold here today. I could still see my breath outside at 10 this morning. Burr! Well have a great one bye.
sorry I didn't blog yesterday the power was out and i didn't have the blogger thing on my phone. but anyway I got the call for the second interview for cirque. I'm nervous I hope it goes well. but its on tuesday at one. so hopefully is goes smooth. well not to much else happening just more annie :) have a good one
Friday, December 2, 2011
Rachel I love the santa. If you want to make me some I will give them out to people as Christmas gifts. My day went good. It was Friday and payday so that was good. It went by pretty fast so that was nice. Congrats on your interview Robin that is totally awesome. You will be living in Vegas before you know it. I am going to go get my blood work for my doctors appointment. At least that will be done for another few months. Well have a great one everyone. BYE
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Little Stink
Isaac would not take an afternoon nap. I have been trying to get a routine down so he will get used to taking one at 4. So I went to the Hobby Lobby and he fell asleep in the car on the way home about 6:30. He is still asleep so he is probably down for the night. Casey thinks he might be growing. He is funny. I made the cutest Santa Claus. I am using your fabric from down stairs Mom if that is alright. I went to the store and got buttons for his eyes, his nose and a bell for his hat. I am going to make a ton of these, they are so cute. If anyone wants him and will make you some.

Paper work avalache
Well since I was helping with rework all day yesterday, my desk was a little buried today. I have got my piles down so that is good. It was cold, windy, and cloudy here all day today. Apparently the worst of the wind is hitting Davis county so I hope you don't get blown away mom. the wind is bad enough here. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. i hope that you all enjoy your Friday. BYE
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
today I woke up and felt like death so i basically slept all day. I finally got up to go to work I started to feel better by the time I got all druged up. I think by the end of the night I was feeling better. but that was my day. Nothing else to exciting. but the "Talk" went good. I guess he wants to get together again. but I told him if we do we are going uber slow and see how things go. so who knows how long anything will happen. its just going to be interesting for the next few weeks. so that is the jist. but I'm glad everyone is so festive I liked your trees. :) sorry about the insurance stuff. I hate paper work stuff. well have a great day be safe in the wind and weather. '
Mom, I am glad that you had a fun time. I would like to go sometime. The tree is fun. Isaac likes to look at it but he hasn't pulled himself up on it yet. We are giving him the car ramp for Christmas so I put it kind of in front by the couch, so he us that to stand up and see the tree and he can play with the cars. He is really warming up to it. He was so tired yesterday he fell asleep at 6 pm and slept until 8 am. He took two naps today and we had a really nice day. I picked up the pictures at the mall and we played a while and he had a good time. Well we received a letter in Oct saying that the state needed proof of our insurance so we had our insurance agent send it over to them. But yesterday we got a letter saying they didn't get it and our registration was revoked. So Casey came home and we got the fax the insurance agent sent and they resent the information. Casey also went to there office in SLC and got everything taken care of. It was stupid and I am glad that it is taken care of. Well everyone have a good night.
Festival of Trees
I meet Julie's gang and Kay at the festival of trees. It was the first time I have been there. THere are a lot of fancy trees and they want a lot of money for them. I was glad I went. It was Alyssa's birthday today so that was fun. Work was good. I am glad you got your insurance all worked out Rachel. I am going to stay home tomorrow night. I have been running all week. It has been a nice week. It is suppose to snow tonight not looking forward to that one.
Well the week is half over, yeah! I am ready for the weekend. Work was good. I was busy all day so it went by pretty fast. So Robin how was your "talk" with Josh? Is he still being a dork? Rachel I like the tree. You did an awesome job on it. Has Isaac tried to use it to stand yet? Hopefully he won't get it to fall over. Well have a great one. BYE
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
well today was good. I woke up and then josh wanted to meet up to talk about our feelings so that was a hoot. but we will see about that drama. then I came home and took a nap. it was so lovely. it was short but sweet. then off to annie, the show ran really smooth and I started on caseys funny gift for christmas. this weekend was fun thanks i am excited for christmas!!!! yeah.... well have a great day
Too Quiet
I missed the sound of all of you guys around the house. I am looking forward for all of us being together for Christmas. I had such a nice time. I love your Christmas Tree Rachel and Karen yours was darling also. I need to get some christmas decorations here. It really looks so festive. How did Isaac feel about the tree? I went and saw Kyle today. He looks a lot better. His room is really nice. I think we are going to take Alyssa and Julie to the festival of trees tomorrow for Alyssa's birthday. I have never been to the festival. I think it will be fun to see. Maybe I will find a good decoration there. I need to take some from Logan and bring them here. I looked at some when we were there for Thanksgiving, I just didn't bring them with me. Have a great Wednesday. It looks like a storm is coming. LOVE MOM
I feel bad because you guys left so much food here, I scored, I hope that everyone got some leftovers also. They are so good. Thanks for doing so much while you were at the house. Their wasn't much for me to clean up today and I wanted to say thanks. I did miss all of your help today. It was nice to have everyone together. Last night after we got home we setup our Christmas tree, it looks nice and it is fun to have up, it is a little sparse but I will am working on it. Here is a picture. I hope that everyone had a good day. Everyone stay safe.

Well today was good. I stayed busy at work so it went fast. There was a insurance open enrollment meeting. So that was a little long. Then i helped in assembly. It was very time comsuming. I am going to work on unpack some of the bags I brought back from SLC. Right now they are on the floor of my living room and it looks a little cluttered. Wish me luck. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow. BYE
Monday, November 28, 2011
Me and Rachel went to Kohls to use my Kohls cash and I got a lot of Christmas done with it. It felt nice. I was excited about that. I need to wrap now and get a tree up. I just need to hit Best Buy and I am pretty much done. I thought me and dad will do that sometime this week. I am going to the nursing home tomorrow night to visit Kyle. Julie says she needs a day off so I am taking Tuesdays. It is Alyssa's dance class and that way she can get her around. I was going to go buy him a bunch of chocolate. I am doing laundry and I did two batches and have two more to do. I am never caught up lately. Well have a great Tuesday. It looks like there is a storm coming on WEdnesday.
Mom, you can just eat the chocolate. I ate one of them already so I will share the rest with you. My days has been good. I was tired though. It was tough getting out of bed on time. I hope that every had a fun time in SLC. Have a great rest of the week everyone. BYE
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Missing Item
Karen, you did forget your chocolate. I might eat it before I mail it but I will get you some more. Thanks for driving up here. It was a wonderful holiday. I had such a nice time. It is nice to know that we will be doing it again soon. Have a great monday. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...