Saturday, June 15, 2019

Safe and Sound

We made it back to SLC safe and sound.  The traffic was really light and that was nice.  We had a good time in Logan.  We got all the cement and backer board on so it is all enclosed now.  It felt really nice to have that part done.  It was Summerfest and we got there just as it was shutting down but it was so nice and cool, it felt nice to just walk around.  Karen why don't you come down around 10.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I did some school work. Then I took a nap. Then I did laundry and dishes. So nothing too exciting but it was stuff that needed to be done.  Mom what time did you want me to come down tomorrow? I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, June 14, 2019

Love it

Robin I love the flowers. I am so glad they came. We had a nice day and it goes to fast. Karen that is good you got in so fast. We got some walls up in the shower. It looks nice. Have a nice day. Robin do you want to hook up for lunch or dinner on Sunday.

Made it

Today was good. I only had to work till 2. So I came home and took Jenkins to the dog park. I got my bouquet today. I love it. Then I worked on my jacket. I have a few empty holes to fill then I'm done :) I'm really close. Me.and Jeramy went to baza grill for dinner for a mini date night then watched some Alaska last frontier.. I'm glad you had fun at the dinosaur park. Good job on getting your license Karen. Robin


We had a fun day with Grandma and Grandpa.  We met them at the dinosaur park.  We haven't been in a long time and it was fun.  Oliver did fall and scrap his knee up, poor thing.  Oliver got some butterfly wings and wore them everywhere and he was so cute.  We went to lunch near by and a lot of older people eat their and they loved his wings.  After lunch we came back to Logan and went to Sam's club and got food for the week and snacks.  We worked on the shower when Casey got home and have most of the walls up.  I will take a picture tomorrow.  I hope that everyone has a good Saturday.  Love you guys.



My day was good. I worked half day today. Then I went and got a new driver's license. I am glad I made an appointment though. I got there and it was standing room only. But since I had an appointment I automatically went to the front so I was done in less than 20 minutes. Yeah me. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, June 13, 2019


That is fun you had a work shower.  I am glad that you got some fun things.  Sorry it is late for blogging, book group went late.  I went walking this morning and then let the kids sleep in so I was able to sew for a while which was nice.  We just played at home this morning.  This afternoon the kids had dentist appointments and they all did so well and let them clean their teeth.  Oliver has two little cavities they can fix by painting something onto it and Isaac has a broken sealant that they are going to fix for free.  When we got home the kids got in their swimming suits and we went to the splash park.  It was fun and it felt good on this hot day.  After dinner I started to mow the lawn and Casey cleaned out the garbage can which was gross.  It started to rain and thunder so I didn't get the lawn finished so Casey did it while I was gone after it stopped raining.  Book group was fun and it was good to talk with everyone.  Thanks for meeting up with us tomorrow Mom.  It will be fun. 



Today was fun. Everyone had really nice presents and the shower was fun. I got a pizza stone, muffin tins, neck massager, a cool wooden monoply game. And some other little things. It was the craziest lightning tonight. Hope everyone has a good Friday. Have fun at the dinosaur park.



I took tomorrow off to go to dinosaur museum with Rachel and the kids.  I just needed sunshine.  I am pretty excited to play.  Robin I hope you had an epic shower tonight.  That was fun of them to give you a shower.  Karen your paper looks really good.  I am glad you are liking school.  Rachel, I hope book club was fun.  Not much else to report on my side.  LOVE MOM


Things are going good here. Work was busy so it went by quick. Tomorrow I am taking half day off so I can get my drivers license. Wish me luck with that. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Today was busy but I made it out alive. The girls at work wanted to do something special for a bridal shower since all of Maggie is going to the shower tomorrow. So tonight we got pedicures. It was fun. I'm glad dad is feeling better.



My day was good. I had a bunch of emails today. It took me most of the morning to get them all done. I do have all my school work done. I have a quiz to take tomorrow but then I am done for the week. Thanks for proof reading my English paper mom. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye


I have to say that today seemed like a weird day.  I worked half day and then took dad to get his shot.  He did really well and says he is in less pain.  I hope it works really well for him.  Annette texted me today and said she has a check for us and she should mail it.  I had Gary call her and we are going to pick it up on Sunday.  Robin, Jenkins is a character through and through.  He is such a cute dog.  I am with Rachel.  The wedding is going to be here before we know it.  I am super excited.  Rachel that picture of Ruth is a keeper.  It is so dang cute.  I love her princess crown.  I helped the bottom stiches come out tonight.  It feels so much better having them almost gone.  There is still one left and all of the on the top but it won't be too much longer.  Karen, I hope you had a good day and that you got all your school assignments.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that everything went OK for Dad.  I hope that he feels better.  Today was good.  I walked this morning and then went to exercise class.  Stephanie wasn't coming so the kids brought their tablets and games, their is a picture of them below.  At noon we went to the library for a scales and tails show.  It is always a fun show and the kids like the animals.  It is always outside and it gets so hot so we went and got snow cones afterwards.  We got a card on our car the other day for a free snow cone and Isaac was worried it was going to expire so we used that.  It was watering day so the kids got in their swimming suits and played in the backyard all afternoon.  Isaac had scouts this evening.  Me and Isaac rode our bikes their and that was fun.  Isaac loves scouts and had a fun time.  They are going to scout camp next week and he is excited.  I hope that everyone has a good night.  June is going so fast.  The wedding will be here soon.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Today was a long day. Work dragged on then there was crazy traffic. But I made it out alive. Me and Jeramy had shake and bake chicken then watched Alaska last frontier. Jenkins keeps hiding bones on my couch. I found 5. When I throw them on the rugs he moves them all back to the couch. I'm not falling for his sad face and giving him more treats till he eats his old ones lol


Work was busy but nothing unusual.  I just do what I can do.  We came home and had hot dogs and used Karen's chili.  It was really good.  I got some numbing for my mouth and that feels so nice.  I an going to see if that helps me get through the 1st month.  If it isn't better by then I am going back to the dentist.  They said it takes 4 weeks for your mouth to adjust.  I am glad everyone had a nice day.  I am only working a half day to take dad to get his cortisone shot.  They sedate him so we are coming home and taking naps.  I am pretty excited about the nap.  Karen was wondering what we are doing for father's day and I wasn't sure.  Do you want to get together for a dinner?  We can just hook up separately.  I am more than willing to do a dinner.  LOVE MOM


I really like your security cameras Karen, that is fun you can see who come to your house.  Good job winning Robin, that is a lot of money.  Today was good.  I met Stephanie and her kids and we went on a hike.  We had fun and it was a pretty day.  Their were two sets of baby ducks that were cute.  After lunch we went to the library and watched the Lego Movie 2.  Isaac hadn't seen it.  The kids at a ton of popcorn and liked the movie.  Mom sent a surprise for the kids and they were excited.  It was a game where you balance penguins on a ship, it is a cute game.  Thanks Mom.  Oliver made dinner tonight, he made eggs and bacon.  He wasn't super excited about it but he survived.  It has been so bright in our room in the morning it is hard to sleep so we bought some curtains and hung them up tonight.  The look nice and I hope that it helps.  Love you guys.



My day was good. It was meeting day at work so I wasn't too productive, but it was still good. I had a motion alert at my front door when I was at work and I thought maybe they had found my drivers license, but alas it turned out to be a relief society event flyer. I hope that dad's doctors appointment/shot goes well tomorrow. Have a good one. BYE

Monday, June 10, 2019


Work was good.  I worked a little over so I wouldn't have to take so much leave this week but I really don't care if I work extra.  Robin that is cool you won $50.00.  Karen I kept hoping someone would find your license.  I am sure it is at the bottom of the dump by now.  Rachel swimming can wear you out.  It is a lot of exercise for one.  Walking, class and then swimming.  We bought a Costco chicken and I boiled the bones last night and we had chicken and dumpings for dinner.  It tastes so good.  Everyone have a nice Tuesday.  I am super excited for Lagoon.  Karen that was so nice of them to give us all those tickets.  LOVE MOM

Winner chicken dinner

Today was our annual work golf day. We had a guy that was really good on our team and we won over all. I got a 50.00 gift card. It was awesome. Jeramy came.over to the work dinner we had. Then after we went to cold stone. It was fun. I'm tired though. Thanks for the Lagoon tickets Karen



Things are good here. I got Lagoon tickets, so everyone plan for that. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy to report. I did get all the stuff I needed together to get my license replaced. I also wrote my first essay for English class. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye


Thanks for the lagoon tickets Karen, that will be fun.  Today was good and exhausting.   I walked this morning and went to the workout class.  We had partners at the end and Isaac and Oliver were mine and that was fun.  We went swimming all afternoon and it wore me out.  It was a fun afternoon and the pool wasn't very crowded which was amazing.  I didn't take any pictures today, I forgot to get one at the swimming pool.  Love you guys.


Sunday, June 9, 2019


Today was good. Me and Jeramy met up with mom and dad and we got.bubble machines and cake. We we're lazy the rest of the day. I worked on my jacket and Jeramy played his x box. I got a sleeve done. I was excited the end is in site. Then we ate dinner and watched Alaska last frontier. Tomorrow is our Maggie golf game and BBQ. So hopefully I don't burn or get crazy tan lines lol



How did you loose your drivers license?  That is a pain you have to get a new one.  I am glad that you guys had a good weekend, that is fun.  Today we went to church just for the last hour and it was good.  The kids played outside and sprayed round up to keep the weed down.  We went on a bike ride around the block, I just walked with Ruth since she still has a hard time sometime.  The kids were tired when we got home so they played their tablets and I put the binding on Karen's quilt so I am done.  It turned out really nice.  I have quilted 4 quilts and I just have two more to go.  Casey came home from work and helped Isaac made fish tacos with mango salsa for dinner.  Isaac was so excited to make it and it tasted good.  We were going to go on a hike after dinner but Casey's knee hurt and the kids were emotional so we just played in the backyard.  Casey set up a small tent on the deck and we brought the pillow beds out.  Good luck this week.  I am glad that Dad is getting a shot, I hope that it makes him feel better like last time.


Nice weekend

WE had a really nice weekend.  It was fun to hang out in Kamas.  I love the new game Karen got.  Pandemic.  It is really an interesting game.  We hooked up with Robin and Jeramy this afternoon and went to Costco.  We ordered the cakes and also got the bubble machines.  It was fun to visit with them and go shopping.  We just watched TV the rest of the day.  We watched that Rampage movie that we got Karen and it was a good King Kong movie.  Rachel is was nice to visit you on the phone as well.  Everyone enjoy Monday.  Good luck on Tuesday golfing Robin.  Dad is going to get a steroid shot in his neck on Wednesday.  LOVE MOM


Things are good here. Mom and left this morning to meet Robin. After lunch I took a nap. Then after dinner I wrote an essay for my English class and a scheduled an appointment to get a replacement driver's license for the one I lost during dump day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...