Friday, July 26, 2013

safe and sound in kamas

Love the pictures Rachel this is mom I am using the surface it is nice and cool here they were having a rodeo here so there were a lot of cars around not much else to report I will see you soon drive safe.  Rachel I am glad you got something fun with your birthday money we will have to go to bernias and see all the fun things.  They are getting Halloween stuff out robin I thought that would make your day


Today was good.  We played outside most of the morning.  My birthday money was burning a hole in my wallet so we went to berniahs to get some fabric for a bag I have been wanting to make.  I think I got some cute fabric.  They had the cutest quilt kits there.  There were so many fun things.  It is hard not to buy it all.  I finished my quilt top during his nap and I love it.  It turned out really nice.  After he woke up we went swimming.  It was a good day.  As promised her are the pictures.  I was looking at the last trip pictures and we visited a lot of the same places and I didn't remember.  We had visited the grand canyon last time.


Thursday, July 25, 2013


good luck karen with your tooth I hope it goes super smooth. Thanks for the fun couple days its been fun to play play play. walter may not get surgery tomorrow. there is a battle between works comp and the insurance on who pays what so he said he would know more monday. i am excited for saturday it will be fun. not to much else with me have a great night. oh and I will try to get pictures up tomorrow to! robin

I'm Trying

I am trying to get all the pictures on the blog but my phone is acting weird so it might be tomorrow.  Good luck tomorrow Karen, I hope your tooth feels better.  We had fun with Robin and Mom at the parade yesterday.  Thanks for coming up.  We went to the park last night and watched the movie and the fireworks last night, it was fun to get out.  This evening I noticed a cute dog in our backyard.  I was hoping it would just leave but it didn't.  He is a nice dog so I looked at his tags and called animal control.  They looked up the dogs number and it belongs to the next door neighbors.  They aren't home so the dog in still in our backyard but the police left a message and told them where their dog is.  I went over later and they still weren't there.  That was the highlight of my day.  I am almost done with a quilt.  I just need to put a border on.  I will put a picture on.  Everyone have a good night.


Good Luck

Karen good luck with your root canal tomorrow.  I hope it goes really well.  If you need anything we are never more than a call away.  Today was good.  It wasn't as hot only 98 instead of 102 when dad picked me up today.  It felt a lot different.  I think we are getting over the really bad heat and just going to be in the low 90's from now on.  I am excited for this weekend also.  I love the demolition derby.  LOVE MOM


Sorry I did blog last night. I was taking tickets at bull wars and I just forgot afterwards. It was fun though. My day today was good. It went pretty fast so that was nice. I am getting my root canal tomorrow. Fun times I know. Hopefully it won't be too bad. I am excited for the derby Saturday. Have a great Friday everyone.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Home again Home again

I had a really nice time in Logan.  The parade was really fun and I got a snow cone afterwards.  I went grocery shopping when I got home so we have food again.  That was nice.  I hope you had fun Karen at the rodeo.  I am looking forward to the demolition derby this weekend.  Dad said there is a really good chance he will be here for that.  I don't have much else going on this week.  That is good.  Happy 24th of July  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Well my day has been good. Nothing to wild and crazy. I hope that everyone has a great day off tomorrow. I am jealous that you all get the day off. I hope that you all have a great time. Bye

Monday, July 22, 2013

story time

work was long today but I only have to work tomorrow and get a day off :) yeah!. then I did some laundry. So here is the hand story. The store manager called him on the work phone and yelled and screamed that everything was his fault. he was the freight crew leader and that things are not getting done fast enough. I guess she was yelling and using foul language so he just did the same back. then he hung up the phone and punched the medical kit that was on a wall but his hand didn't stop till it hit the wall. but I guess he was so mad he just kept working so he was moving 5 gallon paint drums for a few more hours and then his had was so swollen by 2 he went to the ER.. He goes to a hand specialist tomorrow to see the damage and weather or not he needs surgery. so that is that. I will keep you up dated. I'm glad the funeral went well as it could be. Sorry about your tooth karen that sucks :( but at least it will feel better. I will call you mom but rachel we are going to come down to logan tues (tomorrow) night and spend the night and then on the 24th do a parade and such. Walter has a family dinner he wants me to go to. SO we will probably head out around 1 or 2 if that is ok?? well have a great night robin


Today was really long for me as well.  I had such a nice vacation it was hard to get back into the work groove.  I am glad the funeral was nice.  It is nice to see everyone.  Isaac won't know what normal is anymore.  He will think he needs to go, go, go.  I did ironing tonight because dad was down to the last shirt.  It was nice to get that done.  I guess not done but at least he has some shirts now.  It sure was a hot one today.  Have a nice Tuesday.  I am glad you are getting your tooth fixed also Karen.  You will feel better with that fixed.  I love you guys  MOM

Busy Day

Today went really well and it was nice to spend the day with all of Casey's family.  It was a full day though.  We got Casey some shoes before hand so we went to khols.  They had a viewing before hand so we were there by 11.  That was nice, Isaac was singing during the family prayer so I had to take him out.  The funeral was nice and everyone did a good job.  We went to the grave site and then they had lunch at Mack park.  After that it was 4 so we went home to give Isaac a nap but he wouldn't fall asleep so we went back up to Ramsay and spent the evening up there.  It was really nice.  Isaac was one tired boy at the end of the day.  It will be nice to have a quiet day tomorrow.  Good job with your teeth Karen.  I am glad you are getting that fixed. :)

i did it

Well I did it. I called and got an appointment to get my tooth fixed on Friday. It will be nice to have done, but it sucks getting it done. Oh well such is life. Today seemed kind of long but I made it thru. Hopefully it will seem shorter as the week goes on. I had a fabulous vacation also. Thanks everyone for the nice time. Rachel I hope that all the funeral went okay. Robin have you got the broken hand story yet? Well have a great rest of the week. Bye

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Thank you everyone for such a fun time.  Isaac has definitely missed everyone and has been asking for you.  He didn't sleep on the way home so we gave him a nap and consequent up to Randy house.  He woke up in time for the viewings we went up there.  He was nervous at first but there were a lot of kids and he really liked playing with them.  He was really cute with the girls also.  The funeral is tomorrow so it should be a busy day.  Thank you again for the vacation.  Casey said he feels better than he has in a while.


Perfect vacation

I had a wonderful time.  Thanks everyone for coming.  It was the perfect vacation.  I feel so blessed.  I love you all so much.  I hope you have a great week.  We will definitely have to do another vacation.  Rachel and Casey and Isaac, I am so excited for your new edition.  We are going to have so much fun.  Congratulations.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...