Monday, July 22, 2013

Busy Day

Today went really well and it was nice to spend the day with all of Casey's family.  It was a full day though.  We got Casey some shoes before hand so we went to khols.  They had a viewing before hand so we were there by 11.  That was nice, Isaac was singing during the family prayer so I had to take him out.  The funeral was nice and everyone did a good job.  We went to the grave site and then they had lunch at Mack park.  After that it was 4 so we went home to give Isaac a nap but he wouldn't fall asleep so we went back up to Ramsay and spent the evening up there.  It was really nice.  Isaac was one tired boy at the end of the day.  It will be nice to have a quiet day tomorrow.  Good job with your teeth Karen.  I am glad you are getting that fixed. :)

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...