Thursday, September 26, 2013


WE made it to the end of the week almost.  It has been a busy week for me.  I only have to work 4 hours tomorrow.  That will be fun.  I am going to come home and vacuum.  It is hard on dad when I do that and I will have some time to get it done.  I am excited to go to Logan also.  Kids do like flashlights for sure.  Not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM

It's dark in here

Today was cold and rainy so were didn't go outside much.  We tried to go on a walk but it started raining and we had to go back.  Since we didn't get to sew Tuesday we tried to meet up again today but I had my visiting teacher coming over so Jenn was going to come over after they left.  But they were late and Jenn got busy so we are going to try tomorrow morning.  This week just hasn't come together like I had planned.  This evening we played in the basement with the lights off and our flashlights.  It made me tired but Isaac would not have the lights on.  I am excited for everyone to come up tomorrow, we will have a fun time.  Robin, I think there is a lot of Halloween decorations here that you could use.  We can look tomorrow.


this is halloween

today was good. I wasn't in the mood to work but I made it out alive. I started decorating for halloween it was fun to get my place more festive. I thought I had more stuff but thats ok I will keep building for when I have a bigger place. ;) well not to much going on have a great night robin


I am flag that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. It was busy in the morning. I had two projects that needed to be done today. I did it, but it was busy. It was snowing this morning, bur it turned to rain later. I am excited to go to Logan tomorrow. Have a great Friday everyone.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It's Freezing

It rained most of the morning and there is snow in the tips of the mountains.  It is crazy that we had heat stroke a couple of weeks ago.  Today was pretty good and uneventful.  I made it to Joanns and got some more thread which is nice.  Casey made sushi for lunch and it tasted really good.  I had some Khols cash so this evening he said he wanted a new semi truck so we went there and got one.  I also got him some new long pants.  I am almost done with my book so I am going to get under twelve blankets and finish it.  I am excited to see everyone this weekend also.


im ready

today was good. I am so excited that it is getting colder outside. I love the winter/fall time i saw snow in the mountians aka karens lair. and I got excited for it to be colder. I went out with mom and dad today it was fun to go out and see the halloween store. I hope dad gets felling better. I hope your work goes well mom. WEll I hope rachel and karen are doing well to. I am excited that its almost the weekend. so close. robin

It is cold

It is a cold one.  You can see snow in the mountains.  Did it cover your lawn Karen?  It is suppose to be really stormy all day tomorrow.  We met Robin for dinner tonight and went to the Halloween store that one of my ex co workers opened up.  It was huge.  We went to Target afterwards to get a prize for the cookie contest my work is having on Tuesday.  I am going to try and bake cookies on Monday night.  I haven't done that for a long time.  Work was good.  Tomorrow is the last day of the interviews.  I have to be at work at 6.  I hope I can make it.  I haven't been up that early for a long time.  I am excited to come up to Logan this weekend.  I can't believe that September is almost over.  15 weeks Rachel.  That is neat. I read Robins blog and forgot to tell you that dad wasn't feeling very well last night.  His heart was beating weird so he stayed home today and rested.  He was feeling a lot better tonight.  I am going to call his heart rhythm doctor tomorrow and get an appointment.  I feel bad I didn't think of that until I got home from work.  I think he is just worn out from this time of year and work.  Resting helped. 


Well it is kind of snowing right now. I am so not ready for it to snow. Other than that is was a good day. I was going to go to Heber after work, but after looking at the weather I lost motivation to go. So I just went to food ton and picked up some stuff. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. bye


Sorry I am late with my blogging.  I laid down on the couch at 8 and that is the last thing I remember.  I was tired.  Yesterday went well.  We ended up with big crowds.  Someone didn't email their people and the groups were a little big but at least people showed up.  Today is managers so it will be an easier day. They are use to this kind of thing.  I am going to drive myself this morning.  Dad wasn't feeling very well and is going to sleep in.  That will be fun to go to Logan this weekend.  I can go to dinner tonight if you want to Robin.  It is OK if Walter doesn't come.  WE can go to the Halloween store and look around.  I am off to work.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


today was good we had 75 banner stands due on friday but we husseled and finished them today. I am tired now i was on high gear. I'm glad you guys are liking the tips on facebook for a while I wasn't going to do it but I think I will keep going and see what happens with it. Its kinda fun. it reminds me of when dad had me write bueaty tips for the dugway paper. so so long ago.... strange memory. I'm glad everyone is doing well. good luck mom. It suppose to be bad weather tomorrow so be safe. I think I will come down to logan this weekend. walter has plans so I thought it would be fun to come up. if you want mom we can go out for dinner tomorrow. Walter has fighter practice so wont be able to make it but if it rains it might change things. anyway have a great one robin

Wild One

Today was pretty busy.  Isaac didn't want to go to story time but he would put his new shoes on and go and mow the lawn.  So we did that this morning and his shoes look really cute on him.  Mom I think that we should look for dress shoes for Isaac this weekend.  If we can't find anything then we can order them online.  Sorry I didn't get your email until late.  We had eye doctor appointments at 11.  Both of our eyes look good.  My prescription didn't change hardly at all.  It had been five!! years since I had last been in so I felt bad.  We got Casey some safety glasses that his work will pay for and they look like normal glasses so that was nice.  The appointments took longer than I thought so I had to tell Jenn to come late.  She got busy with something so we never meet up for sewing.  I did start to work on the I spy quilt while I was waiting and it is turning out cute.  I like it.  I had boy scouts this afternoon.  We have had it at the other ladies house so her baby could nap but the boys are so wild that they wake him up.  So we are going to try to have it outside next week.  Isaac didn't take a nap today so we went on a walk this evening and then I put him to bed early.  It seemed to work out good.  I hope that your survived your crazy day Mom and that the interviews went well.  Robin, I like you beauty tips on facebook, good job.


moving right along

Mom I hope that the first of your crazy days wasn't too bad. My day was good. I had the weekly engineering meeting this morning. That made the morning go pretty quick. It is super windy right now and it is starting to look like rain. Rachel I don't blame Isaac for not liking the show guy touch his feet. I am not found of it either. Well I hope that everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Monday, September 23, 2013

Wish me luck

Well wish me luck tomorrow.  The next three days are going to be interesting.  I hope the interviews turn out good.  I am a little worried about it but I just have to ride the wave now.  It was a good day at work today, more normal than it has been for a long time.  I liked that.  Dad wasn't feeling so great tonight so we just took it easy.  I did dust and wash my sliding glass door.  I was ambitious.  Robin I am good with any night.  If one night Walter is busy we can go to the Halloween store.  I am good with anything.  I am going to Logan this weekend.  I would love company if anyone wants to go with me.  Karen we can leave Friday night if you want to.  Robin do you want to go.  If you want to do dinner with Robin and Walter before we go we could do that.  Just an idea.  Not much else going on.  I really have been liking your posts on facebook Robin.  Are you getting a lot of hits?  I thought they were very nice comments.  Have a nice Tuesday.  I love you guys MOM


I agree that it should still be the weekend.  It was really weird not to have Casey around this evening.  It seemed really quiet.  We had a fun day planned out but everything didn't go smoothly. We went to get Isaac some new shoes and the sales clerk offered to measure his feet and he lost it.  Then he wouldn't try anything on and all he wanted was his sandals on.  It was very stressful.  We decided just to buy them anyway.  This evening we talked about how cool they are.  I attached a picture.  I wanted to go on a walk but it got to late after talking about the shoes.  So we just played with cars and made cookies.  It was a nice evening.  I forgot to say that the other day Isaac picked up Grandma's bee and he loves it.  He carry's it around everywhere.  I was telling him that it was Grandma Gumm's bee and he said "It's Isaac's bee".  It was cute.  Well we have eye doctor appointments tomorrow so I hope that it goes well.  Everyone have a good night.



I agree with robin. It should be the week still or again. My day was good. I figured out a solution everyone liked to a problem we had. So that was nice. Well I really don't have much else to report so I will sign off. Bye

can it be the weekend again

Today was good nothing to crazy. I was going to meet up with walter but he had VA stuff and tons of paper work so we are going to try for tomorrow. I haven't gotten a good date for dinner yet mom sorry plans change alot. but maybe thursday or friday?? Sunday I went over to walters mom and dads house for dinner it was fun. OH and rachel from the blog before walters cast is red. I think the flash on my camera made it look pink. hopefully it will come off tomorrow or at least the pins taken out. but we will see. I am excited halloween is soon. I LOVE FALL. have a great one Robin

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I had a nice day also. It was stormy here this morning. I did get a nap also. I love nap time. I hope that everyone has a nice week. Bye

The Weekend

This weekend has been good.  Saturday I had ran out of thread for a quilt I am quilting so before Casey got up me and Isaac tried to go to Joanns.  The only problem was that it was the top of utah marathon and I didn't realize it.  So I went through the Island and there was no way off the Island except the steep road way.  But they never told you that so it took us forever to get out of the Island.  Then I tried to go on main street but the race went right in front of Joann's so we just went home but it took a hour not to get any thread.  Casey was awake when we got home so we worked on taking out the garden.  It is nice to have that done and it looks nice.  I went to the Kimi's shower and it was nice.  She got a lot of nice things.  Isaac never took a nap while I was gone though.  So Casey mowed the lawn after dinner and me and Isaac went downstairs and he fell asleep in two minutes.  I went to bed early also and Casey worked on the room and he got a lot done.  Today I had a meeting in the morning that was good.  We all went to church which was nice.  They changed nursery a bit and they are doing a good job.  They made necklaces and bracelets that were cute.  Isaac wore his when he was walking around this afternoon and it was cute how he was holding his wrist up.  Isaac wouldn't take a nap either today but he had some time alone in his room.  Casey worked on the race car bed today and I think that it is looking good.  We went over to Randy's this evening and that was nice.  Well everyone have a good day tomorrow and get a good nights sleep.


Good day

We got up and went to church today.  We didn't stay the whole time but it felt really nice to go.  We also worked on our home teaching/visiting teaching and that felt nice also.  We are going to go visit one couple on Thursday.  I did take two naps also.  That felt nice.  It was just nice to just go slow today.  I hope everyone had a nice sunday also.  I can't believe that September is almost over with.  It seems like it was just labor day.  Have a great week.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...