I was so glad it was Friday. Monday Whitney comes back from maternity leave. I did it. We did go to bath and body works. Karen needed some lotion. I got the free 3 items. We went to winco. My cupboards were getting bare. I am excited to.play tomorrow. Robin drive safe. Love mom
Friday, September 29, 2023
Today was good. The moon was so beautiful last night and this morning. It was huge. I did step by steps at work and I am getting better at them so they aren't bad anymore. I left for a bit to drive the kids home from school. I helped Oliver with his homework. Tony has a cut on his back leg and we don't know what happened. It isn't deep and we think he will be ok. I took the little kids to the park and Casey went grocery shopping with Isaac. Casey and Isaac made Mac and cheese for us for lunch tomorrow. Casey is going sailing for a while tomorrow but will be back in the late afternoon. Thanks for coming up.
Love Rachel
Thursday, September 28, 2023
I am glad tomorrow is Friday also. Work was good. I did meet kay and Julie for dinner. Julie still isn't feeling that great. It was nice to visit. I did go get a few things at all a dollar for saturday. I think we will just spend the day if that is OK. Play all day and then go to a corn maze on the way home if that is OK. Have a nice Friday. Last one in September. Love mom
At I bound the quilt I have been working on and it is so pretty. I had to sew on some buttons and I think they are on ok. They piano lessons called and said that Ruth's teacher was sick and could Ruth come in early so we did. Oliver had his lesson at the same time. Isaac had a master class with the Fry Street quartet tonight. Casey went with him and they said it was amazing. They taught the kids how to play together as a group and played for them. Isaac knew that answers to all the technical questions. Then Isaac had a team activity with the library. He had a fun time and some of his friends were their. They played ghost in the graveyard. He had a busy but fun night.
Love Rachel
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Work was good. It is so crazy. That feels so nice. The girl.is coming back to.work on Monday. She is going to work from home all but one day. She hasn't gotten day care yet. Still on a waiting list. I am excited for her to take all the emails back. I kind of didn't feel great either. My throat was all congested. I am getting excited for saturday to go to logan to decorate. Robin I am glad you got to work from home. Rachel I am glad your pot luck was fun. I hope Oliver feels better. I am meeting kay and Julie for dinner tomorrow. Jeff is going to Pocatello. Dad may or may not come. He is thinking about it. Have a nice Thursday. Love mom
Today was good. At work I finished putting the quilt together and now I just need to stitch in the ditch. We had a potluck and that was a lot of fun. It was good to talk with everyone. They have a new manager for product development. She has another job and is going to add the manager job also. Oliver didn't feel well so he stayed home and Casey worked from home. Casey had activity days this evening and they played soccer. Oliver was feeling better so he went. Isaac also had young men's. I hope everyone has a good night
Love Rachel
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
My day was good. I worked on warranty stuff today. It was just talking to people and finding out what went wrong. It took most of the day. Mom made soup, it was okay, but not my most favorite thing. Then I ordered some bins to organize the closet in the room with the piano. Mom and dad helped me get everything organize. It looks nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Well work was good. Nothing to major. I left a little early and went to a ears nose and throat doctor. She thinks I have facial migraines. She prescribed me a migraine med and I am going to try it for a.couple of months and see how it works. Now that was really random. We came home and I made cream of zucchini soup. It was just OK. I need Isaac's expertise on this one. Rachel that is scary about your iron. I am glad no one was hurt. Robin did you talk with your boss yet? Love mom.
My iron caught on fire this morning. It just started smoking and the plastic melted. It turned it off and we took it outside. It smelled bad all day and everyone was commenting on it. We edited instructions most of the day. We sent filler blocks out to a sample maker and a couple of them weren't great so I remade them today. Yesterday Ruth went on a field trip to the hospital and today Oliver went on a field trip to the Capitol and the natural history museum. He had a fun time and learned how the built the capital with earthquakes in mind. Casey had a cardiologist appointment today. The doctor was the one who did his surgery. He had a video of the surgery and showed Casey. He can go off his pallette medicine in December. Ruth didn't feel like tumbling today we she skipped it. We are having a pot luck tomorrow at work and it is soup themed. So I made soup for dinner and doubled it so I could take it to work tomorrow. I made it to exercise class. Their was a sub who is a dancer and it was a fun class.
Love Rachel
Monday, September 25, 2023
I am so glad that they found a reason for Dad's heart troubles. I hope he feels better soon. Today was good. I started sewing together the base quilt and it is looking good so far which feels nice. Isaac's violin teacher has COVID so his lesson was cancelled. So we picked up Oliver and went to the cheese factory. The little kids wanted chocolate milk again. We got some ice cream and it tasted really good. We stopped and said hi to Casey on the way home and it was good to see him. Isaac made the corn on the cob for dinner and it tasted good. I went to exercise class and went to the later one which is high. It was so fun. They played a Celine Dion song which always makes me happy. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Work was a lot slower today. That was nice. Dad missed his 6 month check up with his heart doctor so I called and they had an opening today. His heart has been beating weird. I was glad he got in so fast. Come to find out his magnesium is way low. I give him some every night but I guess it isn't a very high dosage. I went and bought a stronger one and hopefully he will start feeling better. Low magnesium causes a lot of anxiety tiredness high blood pressure heart beating and other stuff. I am going to try it also. Well that is our big excitement. I can't believe it is the last week in September. I need to get working on getting my retirement in order. Love you all mom
Well I made it through Monday. That always feels like a major accomplishment. Things are going good here. Work was good so it went by pretty quick. Then mom and dad made BLTs for dinner they tasted really good. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, September 24, 2023
What a fun weekend I had. I took Friday off and we went to Logan. We played and played. Rachel I am hoping you got some cabinets done. We came home Saturday night after playing in the corn/straw maze. It got really cold after the sunset. We hooked up with robins gang and Josh and went to the arcade. Luna ran and ran. Robin and Karen scored on points and grab machines. I am excited to hook.up and play in Logan next Saturday as well. Everyone enjoy the last week of September. Only 6 more days of doing two jobs. Yeah
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...