Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 My iron caught on fire this morning.  It just started smoking and the plastic melted.  It turned it off and we took it outside.  It smelled bad all day and everyone was commenting on it.  We edited instructions most of the day.  We sent filler blocks out to a sample maker and a couple of them weren't great so I remade them today.  Yesterday Ruth went on a field trip to the hospital and today Oliver went on a field trip to the Capitol and the natural history museum.  He had a fun time and learned how the built the capital with earthquakes in mind.  Casey had a cardiologist appointment today.  The doctor was the one who did his surgery.  He had a video of the surgery and showed Casey.  He can go off his pallette medicine in December.  Ruth didn't feel like tumbling today we she skipped it.  We are having a pot luck tomorrow at work and it is soup themed.  So I made soup for dinner and doubled it so I could take it to work tomorrow.  I made it to exercise class.  Their was a sub who is a dancer and it was a fun class.  

Love Rachel

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