Saturday, May 30, 2020


We had a nice day.  Rachel called and said they were going camping at Simpson Springs so we met them for lunch on their way out.  Karen came down.  We were going to go to El Matador but they were just doing take out so we went to Robintinos.  It tasted really good.  I think was I starving because we ended up with a lot of food.  Left overs in my future.  Me and Karen went to Costco afterwards and it wasn't crowded at all.  It was nice.  Robin, I am so glad you are liking your printer.  LOVE MOM

Friday, May 29, 2020

Happy Birthday Jeramy

I am glad you have been having a fun time off Robin.  I hope that Jeramy had a nice birthday.  I love your new couch Rachel.  You are going to love have more space to sit in there.  It looks perfect.  Karen I am glad you get to work from work again.  That is going to be another adjustment.  It was a quiet day.  Dad went to work and I worked from home.  We did go to Fashion Place mall to walk and The Children's Place is out of business and a lot of the stores were still closed.  I was surprised.  Some just open for a little while.  Everyone enjoy the weekend.  It is going to be a hot one.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I made it through work. It was hot and windy today. At the end of the day I got a call from work and they said I could start going back to work on Monday. Yeah, that will be nice. That is why I missed your call Rachel. Sorry. I did call sprint and got your phone activated though. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I love having Sprint.   Thank you so much.  I was able to call Casey today and he could hear me.  I was able to install the apps I wasn't able to before.  Thank you so much.   I think it will be a good change.  I was at Smith's today and they had a couch for $400.  I sent a picture to Casey and he liked it.  Calleen and Allen came and visited and to pick up so tree cutting equipment.   When they left we went and bought it.  It was a floor model so we got 15% off.  We rearranged the living and I love it.  It looks nice and their is a lot more places to sit.  Oliver wanted a different couch and was really upset.  When he calms down I think he will like it.  We had such a fun day yesterday.   Thank you.   It turned out so perfect.  Love you guys.


Thursday, May 28, 2020


Today was good. I slept in which was nice. We heard that jeramys youngest sister's boyfriend had a minor heart attack. They live together so I cooked a roast and brought some mashed potatoes for eat.for.some.dinners. while we were down his other sister needed us to look at a couch. The back was messed up. So we fixed that. Then all the spies told his mom we were in town so we bought her a sandwich and stopped and said hi. We thought we would grab a milkshake from jcw. But it took like 40 minutes to get through the drive through. So we.didnt get home till 7. Then we just watched movies and relaxed. Tomorrow is Jeramy s for real birthday so we might go bowling. We will see what is open.i finished my dragon and I'm working on a bird feeder for my tree..I have half done but I took a picture to show progress


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

my friday

I took Thursday and Friday off and I'm excited to not work. Its going to be so nice to just relax. I think I finished printing all the dragon pieces. I'm putting it together now. Hopefully it all looks good at the end. I saw this cool bird house I want to try and make a bird feeder as well. I'm printing that now. Hopefully it turns out cute. Have fun at lagoon



My day was good, but quite. It rained here for about 5 minutes then it stopped. Work is still moving along. I will see you all tomorrow. Bye


I went to work today and I forgot how much time that is away from home.  It was nice to be back home.  We are all set for Lagoon tomorrow.  I am going to work in the morning.  I forgot I told someone I would cover for them and their daughter is graduating from high school.  Not much else to say from my end.



We are really excited to go to Lagoon tomorrow.  Thank you so much guys.  Isaac is especially excited.  Today was good.  I will say it again it is nice not to have school.  I walked this morning and it was kind of rainy but it was a pretty day later.  We did the work books Mom got us and the kids were good to do them.  I went to Sam's and the grocery store because the bread was bad for lunch.   The kids played in the sprinklers all afternoon and then took a long warm bath.  While they played I worked on the certification.   I finished the first course but it was just an introduction.   Oliver had a end of Kindergarten Google meet tonight.  It was really nice.  She showed two slideshows of pictures from the year.  She had each kid tell their favorite thing about Kindergarten and then she told them what was special about them.  It was really nice.  We worked in the yard a bit afterwards.   It was a pretty evening.   Love you guys and we will see you tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 26, 2020


I am with Robin, I would have ordered desert also.  I had a bad headache all day.  I hope it feels better tomorrow.  We got our stimulus today and that was fun.  Robin, I am sorry yours isn't coming. That makes me so mad.  We went to the mall after work and got the kids a pair of pants also.  They are going to be set for sure.  We are going to Lagoon on Thursday so that will be fun.  We got reservations.  Not much else going on with me.  Valley Fair mall still has most of its stores closed.  It feels weird.  Well have a nice hump day.  That sounds good.  I am going into work tomorrow instead of Thursday. LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun camping trip.  It was really good to see everyone.   I had a lot of laundry today but it is worth it.  It was really nice not to have school.  We loved it.  I have set time up for the video games and that helps the fighting and they cant play all day.  This morning my sewing machine wasn't working right so I took it in to get fixed.  We also stopped and got some new pants for the kids.  Then we went to the park and it was really fun.  It was a pretty day.  We picked up Sonic for lunch.  The kids were playing video games so I signed up for the certification class and am half way through the first course.  They are just talking about being a data scientist so nothing too interesting yet.  The blinds in the front room have been bugging Isaac so we fixed them today and cleaned the windows.  It looks nice.  After dinner we weeded the garden and planted new plants to replace the ones that froze.  Randy came over and they worked on his bike.  We were talking floors with him and I think we have a plan for the basement which is exciting.  Sorry this is long.  Love you guys and we are super excited for Lagoon.   Isaac will talk of nothing else.



Today was good but it felt like a Monday that is for sure. Jeramy had the day off so it was fun to have someone around to talk to. I also worked on the dragon I'm printing. I tried the texture board that dad had but nothing would stick to it. So I went back to the normal board. It's been fun now all the pieces are coming together it doesn't seem so frantic. Thanks again for camping. It was fun. Jenkins had to be shampooed twice to get clean.



I got my allergy shot this morning. Work was good. Nothing too exciting, but I got stuff done so that was good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, May 25, 2020

Sure had a nice time

I sure had a nice time camping.  That was such a neat place.  I loved it.  Thanks so much for the nice weekend.  I hope Jeramy had a fun birthday.  I am hope Jenkins made it home safe and sound.  We just laid around the rest of the day.  I think we should do that again.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...