Saturday, September 21, 2013
Time flies
I am glad everyone had a nice day. I had a good day also. I washed my sheets and ran errands and then we went Grandma Bodily's and took her to lunch. We came home and went to Sam's to get drugs and then to the grocery store. It was a very productive day. It is really windy here right now. I am sorry about the bird, Karen that is traumatic. Well have a nice Sunday. It is suppose to get really stormy. Me and dad bought hot chocolate and popcorn. We are prepared for the storm. LOVE MOM
sorry i didn't blog either I forgot. yesterday was good. I left work early because I could and I was done. so I went to IATSE the union for theater. but they were closed, they had a email so I emailed the girl and she said stop by on monday. so during lunch I am going to stop by and get an application. Today I meet up with walter at the farmers market. I guess he had a friend that had some of his old stuff but she was out running errands so we never met up with her. we did walk down to gateway and we saw marrissa for a sec. then he went gaming tonight so I am watching gastby. its a good show so far. well have a great night
Sorry I didn't blog last night, I forgot. Today was good. I was good and mowed my lawn. Yea for me. There was a dead bird in my yard so that was traumatic. I was tough and got it in a trash bag and in my trash can. I did get a nap today and that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, September 20, 2013
I made it to Friday. The project I have been working on is just about done. The company we contracted with is coming Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and I have been setting up hour appointments for each day. Some of the groups have 8 people in them. So needless to say that is a lot of people to get organized. Oddly enough the hardest group was the staff people. I guess it is harder from them because they are with the patients. I am glad it is the weekend but it seems so strange not to have everyone here. I am going to run errands tomorrow. I have a lot of them to run. I am so glad you are taking the weekend off Rachel. That will be fun just to hang out. Have a great weekend. Karen I hope you get your lawn mowed. I came across a cute girls name. I wanted to see what you thought about it before I forgot. It was Jillian.
Loosing It
This morning I forgot I was supposed to go visiting teaching. Shirley called me and I ran over there. I felt really bad. It was nice to visit with everyone though. Afterwards I got stuff for bruschetta and a soda. It tasted so good. It was a nice lunch. Casey and Isaac took a nap and I got a lot of sewing done which felt nice. Casey made sushi for dinner and that tasted really good also. We had a really good food day. We picked beans after dinner and we had a ton of them. We gave a bowl full to the Anderson's and we had three more left for us. It started out as a rough day but it got a lot better and ended up being really nice. Casey is taking the weekend off so we are going to work on cleaning up the garden and working on the room. It should be a nice weekend. I also have a shower to go to. Everyone have a good night and a good day tomorrow.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
I like your tea towels rachel I would keep them they are cute. THings are going well here nothing to exciting happening. Tomorrow the grommet kid had the day off so its just me. I think it will be ok. well I am off to bed I am super tired. Have a great friday
It's fall time
Robin, I like the cast. Why did he get pink? I am glad that you made it cool. Good job walking Mom, I am proud of you. That is really good. Good luck mowing the lawn Karen. We need to do the same. With the weather getting so cool you wont have to mow too much more. We had a good day. We went to the nature center today and it was pretty chilly up the canyon. It really surprised me. We made bird feeders out of pin cones and peanut butter with seeds. They were pretty cute. I didn't get any sewing done. I was just going to take a power nap and then sew but I took a long nap. Well everyone have a good Friday. Don't work too hard. The Red Rock bruschetta sounds really good so I think that I am going to make that tomorrow and our beans are ready so we are going to eat them. It should be good.
Day 2
I walked to dad's work again after work. It is a pleasant walk. I found a better way to walk and that was nice. Work wasn't as crazy today and that was nice. I like that. It was beautiful outside today. I love the tea towels also and Walter is very lucky to have a neat looking cast. Robin you are very gifted. I don't have any plans for this weekend. I am just going to chill. I might scrub my kitchen floor if I get ambitious. It is sticky. I spilled salsa the other day and I think some if it is still there. Have a great Friday. LOVE MOM
Rachel I think your towels are cute. Also your cast art is very cool also. My day was good. I am really glad that tomorrow is Friday though. I need to mow my lawn. I am thinking of doing that Saturday. Working is doing good. Well have a great Friday everyone
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Karen, you are good at that game. Good job, I am struggling to even get back to my old high score. I am impressed. Mom good job walking, that is neat. You will definitely get into shape. I attached a picture of the painted train, it is cute, thanks Karen. I have also attached pictures of my tea towels. Be honest and let me know what you thing. I still have time to change them. I found someone to take my place on the 11th for Fantastic Friday so I am ready for the concert. I am excited. This evening we went and got Kimi a present for her shower on Saturday. She registered for some fancy towels so I got them. We walked to the park afterwards and had a fun time. All the kids were climbing the rope ladder so Isaac went over there and did it all by himself. I was really proud of him. Well everyone have a good night and let me know what you think about the teat towels.
today was good. sorry i didn't blog I fell asleep I've been tired. Today was good. I've been going in at 7. For the picture I painted on the veins with my skin illistrator stuff. The festival is the 16th of october so I will see how it looks on film. so yesterday walter came over and I painted his cast with my air brush it was fun. I did laundry today. its finally done. now to restart the whole process. ugh it never ends. have a good night. Thanks for the table runner rachel its super cute.

Boots are made for walking
I was tired also today. I guess it is just Wednesday. I did walk from Primary's to dads work today. Dad suggested that would be good exercise and I tried it. Instead of working later, I walked over to dad's work and just as he was ready to go, I was there. I am going to try that again. It was a nice walk. Not much else to report either. It was a beautiful day. I love this time of year. It did quiet down this afternoon and it was nice to just do data entry. Have a great Thursday. I am getting excited for Halloween. LOVE MOM
Well I had a nice day. I was kind of tired though, but I had a coke at lunch and that perked me right up. Other than that not to much to report. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye
P.S. Rachel I got a new high score on minion rush.
P.S. Rachel I got a new high score on minion rush.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Today was good. Tuesday's are busy and that makes for a good day. When I was sewing with Jenn Isaac and Casey went and got some new skin for his toe. I am hoping that will help it heal faster. Also we walked to story time and he fell and scraped up his elbow and he has a bug bite on his leg. He is falling apart. I made a table runner for Robin with Jenn and I finished it today. I just need to quilt it. I think it turned out pretty cute. At pack meeting we could see all this lighting moving our way. When I was putting Isaac to sleep it finial came and it was pretty neat. Casey is hoping the power goes out so they will send him home. It sounds like from your day Karen that don't send you home. That sounds like a long day. I am glad that you got all the travel plans done Mom and everyone is leaving. That should make things better. I am glad that the movie went well Robin and I really like you makeup picture. Good job.
Eating outside apples
Going good
Today was busy at work but not out of control. Everyone is either going to classes or to Chicago tomorrow so only 1/2 of the people will be there so I guess it isn't everyone but getting everyone ready to go took some time. Check that one off. Robin how did you get those blue veins. That is cool looking. I am impressed. Karen at the least the power went off at work instead at home. What would you do without Netflixs? Our VT/Hometeachers came over tonight. They are interesting people. Nomads. Go where the Lord takes them. Well Rachel tomorrow is 14 weeks. Way to go. I got the invitations to Kim's wedding today. That was nice of them. Not much else going on. We are going to try and go to bed early. We are both tired. Dad is at the bad time of allergies and he is worn out. Have a nice hump day. LOVE MOM
Well today dragged a bit. The power at work went off at 1145 and didn't come back on until 130. So it was kind of boring. But I made it thru. It did rain for a few minutes this afternoon, but nothing major. Other than that it was a quiet day. Have a great one.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Things are going well. The movie was good. I'm glad its over. We didn't get to eat lunch until 3 so I was hungry. but I survived. :) Walter made it home safe he has a bad burn on his shoulders. Its going to be a man cold thing I think :) anyway work is going well. I am going in early tomorrow so the overtime is going to be nice. ALSO my trunk decided to not open again and I was frustrated so walter looked at it and he fixed it instanly. he's a miracle worker. hes a keeper... i posted a pict of the demon gir
l .

Rachel, that is so funny. They do like all their security with them when they don't feel 100 percent. I am glad he is feeling better. Karen I am glad you made it to Walmart. It always feels better to have food in the house. I had a really busy day. Lunch kind of didn't happen and I stayed until 5:15. That was a long day. I think the whole week is going to be like that. Dad meet me at Best Buy on 21st and we went to look at phones. The phones were cheaper but they didn't have any rebate so really they were the same price without a rebate. Thought you would be interested in that. We stopped at Kentucy Fried Chicken and man that was good. It is really bad for us but it sure tasted good. We watched Once Upon a Time. We are in the second season now. I do enjoy that show. Don't work too hard. Robin will you have to tell us how the movie went. LOVE MOM
Holy Moses
Today I was going to rock Isaac and he said he needed his old blanket, new blanket, new binki, soft car, skunk, dolphin and red pillow. He started to carry it all over and I said Holy Moses and he started laughing so hard. It was so funny. He was grumpy this morning but after his nap things were a lot better and we had a really good evening. We finished painting the train. I will put pictures on tomorrow, it was fun to do. This morning Casey's Dad came over and they finished putting up the dry wall. Casey is going to work on mudding it tonight. We also went to Lowes and got a new light fixtures for that room and my new sewing room. I think it should be nice. Well I am going to take a shower and watch IP Man. Thanks for everything.
Well I made it thru Monday. My day went by pretty fast. Thanks everyone for the nice birthday. I went to WalMart after work. I needed to get some food in my house. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Fun Weekend
I sure had a nice weekend. Thanks everyone one for the fun time. It was hard to see everyone leave. I could play all the time. Robin I ended up with a pillowcase and Karen a plant. So far Rachel I haven't found anything you left but I am sure I will. Thanks again for the fun weekend. I am going to have to work a full week this week. Any time any one wants to be play, I am in.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...