Saturday, October 25, 2014

Christmas Miracle

Karen, thanks for the suggestion for Christmas.  That looks awesome.  I need to spend my Khols cash also, I will do that this week.  Today we went to the Hobby Lobby this morning and they had candy canes which was pretty neat.  Then I took the boys to Frizz and fry's to get a root beer and fries.  I had a coupon but I forgot it.  It was fun but I don't think we will got their too often.  After lunch we went to Ryans park to play for a while.  It was supper hot and windy which surprised me.  Isaac and Oliver had fun but Isaac ended up hitting his head on something so we left.  He was really brave about the whole thing.  After dinner Randy and Terry came by, Terry had made us all Halloween pillow cases that are really cute.  I almost finished the tree skirt.  I just need to bind it.  Also today Oliver scooted backwards into a corner like Isaac used to do.  He is getting good.  Well everyone have a good Sunday and get some rest.


Oliver wouldn't look up, that is his hat.


Robin, Casey has my name for Christmas so that was my suggestion of what he could get me for Christmas. Sorry for the confusion. I had a nice day. Mom came up and we got a lot done. It was nice to get the junk room all cleaned up. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye


Rachel Casey is my person for Christmas, I will get the garage things they look cool. I think I will wait till the day after Christmas because maybe they will have a package deal and I can get a whole garage kit. Mom I don't think Walter has a blu ray player I will ask him. Thanks! I went to kohls to spend the kohls cash Walter gave me. When I tried upon jeans but phone was in my back pocket. It fell out and I had no idea till I was trying to find it later. Luckily some one turned it in, it made me feel so disconnected from the world, but all is well, I worked on my Halloween outfit and did laundry. Nothing else to exiting 


Nice time

I went up to Kamas today to help Karen get ready for winter.  We had a really fun time.  We got her junk room aka game room all cleaned up.  Isaac will no longer think it is a messy room.  We also sprayed for spiders and bugs around her house.  It was nice to be outdoors.  I came home and dad was home from work so we just vegged and watched a movie.  It was a nice Saturday.  I think tomorrow we are going to go visit Grandma.  Karen I think your weather report on your phone is wrong.  I can't find were it is only going to be 26 on Monday.  It looks like we might not even get any rain or snow tomorrow.  It will be interesting to see.  Have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM  Robin does Walter have a blue ray DVD player.  Karen had one she didn't want and I brought it home.  If he needs one it is at my house. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Christmas Idea

Rachel, Casey asked me to give some ideas for Christmas. I have attached a link for a wall hanging garage organizer. It would be nice to have something like this to organize my tools and stuff. It doesn't have to be this exact one, but something that organizes things and hangs on the wall are my requirements. I will let you know if I think of anything else.


Robin, I think that is cool your work is on a book.  Isn't that your hand?  You are famous.  Karen, I thought you pumpkin should have won, it was so cute.  You will have to put a picture on the blog for everyone to see.  Today was good it was a quiet day.  I got a lot done.  I am going to Karen's house tomorrow and dad is going to work.  It is suppose to rain on Sunday.  I did go get my haircut after work.  It was getting way long.  It feels nice.  We are having a crock pot cooking contest on Monday.  I am going to make Casey's sandwiches.  They are good.  Have a nice Saturday.  LOVE MOM

Laid Back

Robin, that is neat about the book.  Fun stuff.  Karen, you should put a picture on of your pumpkin, I want to see it.  You do fun things at your work.  Today was pretty laid back.  Isaac didn't want to go anywhere so we just stayed home and played.  It was nice.  It was a beautiful day outside and we played int eh backyard for a while.  Not much else to report.  Everyone have a good weekend.



My day was good. I didn't win the pumpkin carving contest, but I still think my was the cutest though. It was windy here today. It is suppose to get cold this weekend. Robin that I cool your make-up picture got put on a book. You are famous. Well I hope everyone has a great weekend . Bye

Late night

I'm so glad it's Friday. I have a makeup gig tonight so I thought I would blog earlier so I wouldn't forget. Someone posted on Facebook of makeup I did, it's on a book cover. I was kinda excited. It's was random though. Well not to much else with me I have a makeup thing tonight and tomorrow I am going to just relax and finish my Halloween costume. Have a good night 


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wish it was my Saturday

I am glad you got to go to the pumpkin walk.  That is fun.  Those are some big pumpkins.  Karen I am glad you had a good day.  I met up with Robin after work at Gateway.  That Mexican restaurant at the corner closed down.  It is sad to see so many closed stores.  We had a good time and found some cute jewelry and then went to Wet Seal and they had 60 percent off their sale shoes.  It was fun.  4 dollar shoes.  You can't bet that one.  Not much else going on with me.  I got my flu shot today so I hope that goes well.  So far my arm is just a little stiff.  Have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM

My Saturday

Thursday's always feel like Saturday to me lately.  We don't have school and Casey doesn't work.  It is nice.  Today after lunch Casey took Isaac and drove to Clifton to make sure his car was running well.  They got two huge pumpkins their that Casey wants to carve.  Oliver took a nap so I was able to work on my tree skirt for an hour and I got a lot done and it is turning out like I wanted which made me happy.  When they got home we ate dinner and went to the pumpkin walk.  Isaac wanted to take the bus so we walked to the school and rode it up their.  Both Oliver and Isaac really liked going and we had a good time.  I am off to work on the tree skirt a bit more.  I want to have it done for Halloween.


Isaac was looking in the holes the wrong way.

Almost Friday

I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. It was quiet today at work. Tomorrow we are having our Halloween party at work. That should be fun. I could have used a nap today, but I made it thru . I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. Bye

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Love this weather

Today was so nice.  I rode trax home and it was so pretty.  Dad picked me up at the station and I got a gift card the other day and we used it for Red Robin.  It tasted really good.  I thought that was fun.  I spilled my drink all over my desk today so I decided I needed a cup with a lid.  WE went to Shopko on the way home and found one on clearance.  I was excited about that.  They also had those skirts on sale for 3 dollars so I got one for Rachel and Robin.  Karen I didn't know if you liked them or not.  I will have to take you and show them to you.  I think that is so unfair about the pharmacy.  They did that the other day to us and it drives me crazy.  You think they could call and let you know.  I am thinking instead of going to that party on Saturday of coming up to Kamas Karen and helping you winterize your house.  That sounds so much more fun to me.  Dad might have to work and I really don't want to go.  How is that for a major decision.  Robin, I think Rene looks prettier but man what a change.  I wonder what they did.  I am good with anything Robin.  I just want to play and make sure you get your hat for your party on Friday.  I love those pictures Rachel.  They are so cute.  I use to love playing in the leaves.  That is so much fun.  LOVE MOM

Yo face

I won third place in the chili contest. You could by votes so we assume the first place had more in her side because she put cinnamon in it and it tasted funny. But I'm over it. At work we were talking and they told me about Renee zelwger she looks so diffrent. I know it's not leading news but it was interesting. So mom Walter can't go to dinner tomorrow so we can do whatever is fun. Have a good Thursday.


It's done

Sorry about your pens Karen, that is frustrating.  Casey finished installing the motor mounts in his car, yea.  He said to say thank you and they are awesome.  They fixed a lot of problems that he was having, thank you.  Today went pretty fast.  Isaac had preschool which he loves.  Before dinner we were playing outside and it was so nice so after dinner we went out again and raked up some leafs and played in them.  It was fun.  This morning we were playing puzzles and Isaac said "that crazy grandpa was putting all the pieces in the wrong spot really fast and I said not too."  It was funny, it made me laugh.



Well I called in my prescription for pens on Monday and the recorded message said it would be ready Wednesday at 10. So after work I went to Walmart to pick it up and they told me I couldn't refill it until the 25. Three days how annoying. So I drove to Heber for nothing. Oh well what can you do. Other than that I have had a quiet day. I hope that everyone had a good day. Bye

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I had a normal day also.  That was nice.  It rained here also but it was late morning early afternoon.  I drove trax because dad was working in the office.  Tomorrow he is going to the lab so I will ride with him.  I did do laundry tonight so that was nice.  Melissa and Matt want to do a Halloween party on Saturday at 1:00.  You guys are invited.  Dad thinks he might have to work on Saturday.  If he works I am not going to go.  Not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. We have decided at work tues are the worst days. There is no need for a tues, tomorrow we are having a chili cooking contest. I couldn't remember what chili I made last time so I am trying something new I hope it tastes good. Not to much else with me have a good one


Normal Day

It rained here a little bit this morning also and then it was kind of cold and windy.  Today was pretty normal.  We went to story time and then grocery shopping.  Jenn came over to sew which was fun.  I didn't get much done between talking and the kids but that is alright.  I am working on the tree skirt and I hope it looks good when done.  We had an early dinner since everyone was starving then me and the boys walked to the park.  We didn't stay too long since Oliver was getting cold but it was fun to go.  Isaac loves to sing and sang songs all the way home.  Casey worked on his car most of today.  It is a bigger job than he anticipated.  Not much else going on, everyone stay safe and warm.


moving along

Well my day has been good. It was chilly today, but it only rained a little bit in the morning. I did have engineering meeting this morning. It dragged a bit but I made it thru. I am glad that the week is half over tomorrow. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, October 20, 2014


Robin, I am impressed you made that.  Those are really hard to put together.  Congratulations.  Karen congratulations on the soup.  You have a great lunch for the rest of the week.  Rachel I love it when birthdays last more than one day.  That was fun to go to dinner.  Not much going on with me.  I drove trax today to work and home.  It was really crowded in the morning.  I went grocery shopping right afterwards and I must have been starving because I bought the whole store.  I won't have to shop for the rest of the week for sure.  Everyone have a great day.  I just love this time of year.  LOVE MOM


Well my Monday has been good. Work went by fast for a Monday. It was chilly today. It is suppose to be even colder tomorrow though. That metal R2D2 looks cool Robin. I am impressed. Well I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye


Thanks for the fun weekend. Sunday I didn't so much I finished my gun and I finished the metal r2d2 that I bought. Then Walter picked me up and we went out for icecream. It was fun.  Today was good work went well. I didn't do much else it was a easy night ,well have a good night

The Birthday Celebrations Continue

Today was pretty good.  We just played at the house this morning and Casey worked on his car.  He is putting on the new motor mounts.  He worked on it today but had some trouble and should finish it tomorrow.  Isaac had preschool and I lost track of time so we had to rush lunch and it didn't go very well but we survived.  Randy took everyone out to dinner for Casey's birthday.  We went to El Torjo Veijo and it was really good.  Oliver was fussy but did alright.  I had Isaac wear his new shirt and he looked really cute in it.  I tried to get a good picture but he was too busy.  I attached the best one.  I hope that everyone has a good night.


Sunday, October 19, 2014


My day has been good. I got my tortilla soup made. It was yummy for dinner. I also got a nap and it was wonderful. I am had a fun time yesterday at Casey's birthday also. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Nice Weekend

I am glad that Casey had a happy birthday.  I sure had a nice time this weekend.  It was fun to hang out on Friday and Saturday.  I love all my people just like Isaac does.  Thanks for the pictures they are so cute.  We took Grandma Bodily out for lunch today and that was nice and then we had naps.  We watch a funny movie on Netflixs.  My big ass spider.  It was a dad movie.  It was fun to watch.  Not much else going on with us.  Thanks for the fun weekend.  LOVE MOM

Thank you

Thank you again for coming up for Casey's birthday.  He had a great birthday.  I had a really nice day with everyone.  It was fun to spend the day together.  Today was pretty good.  I didn't get everyone ready in time for sacrament so we skipped it.  We just went to our classes.  We came home and gave Oliver a nap then walked to the park.  It made the day go fast.  Casey was talking to his Mom and she thinks that Oliver looks like Grandpa Gary.  Well here are a ton of pictures from this weekend.

Isaac said he was an old women with a hat on his head.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...