Dad and I decided to get a new computer for the computer room. It is a desktop one with 1tb of memory. I know WOW. We are in the process of getting everything moved over right now. I might want to say dad is in the process. We went to best buy and they had one we wanted but no monitor. We went to Sam's tonight to get some stuff and then go see if the monitor had come in at best buy and they had the same computer with a bigger monitor for the same price. We had a good time today. Dad went and worked for Harold this morning and then did some programming for Neil the rest of the day. I just vegged. It felt nice. I am glad the movie went well Robin. It sounds like you didn't do any makeup on friday or saturday. Were you bored. I got corned beef and cabbage for dinner tomorrow. I thought that sounded good. Good luck with the puzzle Karen we might have to come down and help you
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Well today they just shoot the scenes that were needed so They didn't need makeup today. I guess they just shot the in between shots so that was nice. I am going to come home tomorrow for church since they are done shooting. :) The meeting for the other movie went well. everyone is nice, so it will be good. We are still planning on shooting on the 20th of march. so cross your fingers. anyway I'm just going to chill tonight I hope everyone had a great saturday.
Well it has been really windy here today. The cloudy are getting stormy looking also. I hope that your movie stuff went well Robin. Was the weather good enough for you to shoot in? I hope that every had a good Saturday. I bought me a puzzle and it might have been a good idea to get a smaller one, but oh well I will get it done it might just take a year or so. I am doing laundry (under protest) right now. I would put it off longer but I am down to my last pair of clean socks so it was either go and buy more or do laundry. Tempting though it was I am doing laundry instead. Rachel did you go and see Alice in Wonderland. I might try and go to that next weekend.. or maybe the one after depending on how crowded it looks. Well I better go. BYE
Friday, March 5, 2010
dancing cloggers
Celtic night was really a lot of fun. Luke next door even danced a dance. They were really good. I really enjoyed myself. Grandma had a good time also. Dad had to got to SLC today but made it back in time. It is nice to have a weekend. I really need one. I will try to find the recipe for you Karen. I bet you it is in the cookbook Robin made for you. I will look in the morning for it. I think it is up in the cupboard. Not much else going on here. I am glad that Casey gets to come home. Good luck Robin with your busy day. That is too bad you didn't get to work today. Well have a great weekend.
well today we canceled our shoot due to weather. they wanted to shoot outdoors today so we are going to do it tomorrow instead. So we are going to shoot earlier in the day and then I will go to my meeting in the afternoon for the other movie i'm working on. So hopefully tomorrow things will go well with stuff everywhere. well not to much else is going on just chill'n.
A Weekend Home
Well Casye doesn't have to work tomorrow so he is going to finish up tonight and them come home. It will be nice. That sounds fun to have dinner on Sunday Karen. That is fun to make desert. Well I went grocery shoping so we would have food this weekend. I don't have much else going on. I hope that everyone has a good weekend.
Made it
Well I made it to Friday. Things are going good down here. I am going to Friends house for dinner on Sunday and I said that I would bring dessert. So mom can you find the recipe for Robin's triple berry cobbler and email it to me or just write it on the blogg either way. If you can't find it no worries I will just bring something else. Work was good. Nothing too exciting to report there. I hope that Rachel had a safe trip to SLC and that Robin is having a good time down there. I hope that mom, dad, and grandma had fun at the Celtic dance thing. Have a great weekend everyone. BYE
Thursday, March 4, 2010
ew gross
Well today we did full zombie it was fun. I made some ears so the zombies ear can fall off on the plate and we shot that scene today. it was fun. I think the funniest part was they were praying for the food and the only person that said amen was the zombie. No one else thought it was funny but it made me laugh. Well we are shooting tomorrow. The weather is bad the canyon was horrible I went 40 max. I just followed a q west truck through the pass. But i am at the apartment now :) so not a lot of driving for me. so that will be nice. I'm glad sewing night was fun, that celtic dancing will be fun. well have a great friday:)
Third Opinion
I went and got a third opinion and it was pretty much the same as the 2nd opinion. There is notihing they can do with what I have. I just let them grow back and then start all over again. Now I just have to decide how to do that. I will keep you posted on that one. I had a nice time tonight. We went to dinner and then to best buy and then sewed. It just doesn't get any better than that. Dad got us tickets for the Celtic Dancing tomorrow night. Grandma is even going with us. WOW. I hope it is good. It is so cold right now. Yesterday we went to buy some books for work and Charlie picked up the Pokey Little Puppy. I have been singing that song for two days now and it reminds me of Karen so much. That was one of her favorite books. You were so cute (still are). Where in the world is my Pokey Little Puppy. Where in the where can he be. Grandma Gumm bought you the tape and you would play it for hours. That is my memory for the day. Robin I hope your Zombies were fabulous.
sewing night
Well today was good. I got a lot done at work and that felt nice. We went to chilies for dinner, grandma likes the shrimp fajitas. We shared and it was good. We went to best buy and dad found a desktop that he liked. They didn't have the right monitor so he might get it Saturday. I have 10 more blocks on my log cabin quilt. It is getting close. The snow sucks, I am ready for it all to melt and be warm. I am going to slc tomorrow so that will be fun. Have a good Friday.
Have fun
Well I hope that you have fun sewing tonight. I also hope that you don't get too snowed in. It is really cold and windy here right now. It did rain a bit this morning. it is still suppose to be nasty this weekend though. I am glad that dad made it up to Logan. That will be nice for you guys to have a long weekend together. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday though it will be nice to have a weekend even if it is going to rain all weekend. Well have a good night. BYE
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Third opinion
I am going to try another dentist tomorrow morning. See what he thinks. If that doesn't work I am going to SLC to try the clear dentist thing that Robin found for me. I babysat tonight and that was nice. Dad came home and I really like that. Rachel is going to sew tomorrow. It is suppose to snow bad tomorrow night so I am glad she is spending the night. Robin is suppose to go to SLC tomorrow. I hope the weather isn't too bad. Her car still isn't done. They said it was still making a noise. Maybe tomorrow. Well have a good thursday.
a choo
I hear ya on the allergy pill. I've been sneezing like a fool. I finally took zyrtec. I think its going to be a long spring but I'm excited for the summer fun :). Well I worked on the movie again today, some of the actors baled so it was kinda chaotic. anyway rachel dove mom around and I drove moms car. They have been lifesavers that is for sure. You guys are sweet. Dad came home tonight. I think it will be good to have everyone rest for a week or so. I am glad karen is doing well. :) anywho ttyl
Allergy pill
I need to start to remember to take an allergy pill. With all the rain we have had down here things are growing like crazy. Work was a little but busier today so that was nice. It was one of the people at work 20th anniversary so we got free cookies. I am sorry about your car Robin I hope that it was easy to fix. It was so nice outside today I went for a walk after work. It is suppose to be cloudy and rainy the rest of the week so I thought that I would enjoy the sun while I could. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
smoking is bad for your health
Well I went and did my zombie movie. It was fun to do makeup again, I fell like I have been dormant for a while. I only did a bullet hole today but thats ok. They wanted an ear so the zombie can eat it. So I made one quickly, its gross but fun. My car decided to break again. It was smoking something fierce. So rachel came to my rescue and picked me up. Then mom fixed my car enough to get it to the auto place. yikes hopefully its not to broken. :) well we will see how tomorrow goes hopefully it runs smoothly. :) anyway have a great night
Nice day
Work is going better. I am still working on getting caught up but it seems to be making progress. It is quieter. Not so much going on everywhere. Rachel made grandma this cutest blanket and she loves it. She is afraid it is going to get dirty. We took it downstairs so she would be warm and she brought it back up so everyone could see how beautiful it is. She is deciding whether to leave it out in the living room or put it on her bed. She was so cute with it. Robin's car overheated coming back from SLC tonight. She did make it as far as borders which was really nice. Rachel went and got her and then we let the car cool down and Casey said to put coolant in it and oil so we went to Walmart and got all that. The car didn't have any coolant in it. It took the whole jug. It started and we drove it over the mechanic who fixed the water pump to look at it tomorrow. She is going to take my car tomorrow to SLC and hopefully he will fix it right this time. I think we have decided to make the computer room dad's office. We just need to move things around and get him a nice recliner to sit in. It will be nice for him. I might have to get rid of some of the plants but we will decide that later. Well have a great hump day. Karen I hope you have a really busy day.
Dont forget your shoes
Well my day started off a little rough but it ended good. This morning I woke up and I got dressed and I put on my slipper, I like to wear them around the house. Then I left for work without putting my shoes on!! I didn't realize it until I was in Dayton and it was too far to go back, so I went to work in my slippers. On my lunch I went and got some cute black shoes that was nice. Work was really busy again and it wasn't smooth going but I think that I got most everything done. After work I went and had dinner with Grandma and Mom, then we went to Wal-mart. I made it back to Clifton alright. Good luck tomorrow at the movie Robin and if you need a ride just let me know. Karen I hope that works gets busier. :)
Did you try turning it off and on
Well my day was good. It was a little boring at work today, but oh well what can you do. I hope that your zombie movie was fun Robin. How many zombies did you have to make for it? If you get the job at Lagoon I have have to come up and play at Lagoon one day. That would be fun I haven't been to Lagoon for ever. It sounds like you had a busy day yesterday mom. I am glad that you got everything done. It is always nice when you can get stuff checked off you list. Well have a good night everyone. BYE
Monday, March 1, 2010
Getting things done
I got up early this morning and got calls made to the life insurance place for grandma and called on her insurance. She gets to keep her health insurance and it won't cost her anything. She doesn't get grandpa's pension but it cost more for health insurance than he got from the pension so she actually comes out money ahead. We went to the bank and got all the paperwork done for grandpa to be removed from the accounts and then put her money from the trailer in her CD. She wanted to go to Olive Garden afterwards so that was fun. We went and looked at big houses afterwards. The sunset was amazing. I left work early so I could get the bank thing done. I am glad that is all done. There isn't too much left that needs to be taken care of. At least I don't think so. I got a hold of someone to come in and give her a bath. They called me but I missed their call. I'll call them in the morning. Well not much else going on here. Dad is working like crazy. Demo had troubles. They forgot to plug it in. (DOes that remind you of the IT group?)
I think that it will be fun to see Alice and Wonderland this weekend. It looks good. I am glad that your interview went good Robin, that is exciting. I am excited to go to Lagoon a lot this summer. I hope that your zoombie movie goes well, that will be fun. Work was really busy today and I was working on werid things that didn't go smoothly. It was a really pretty day and I took a walk on my lunch and that was nice. The goats are going good and are liking the sun. Well I hope that every has a good night.
off with there heads
I want to go see alice in wonderland super bad. So I think I am with karen I am not going this weekend but when the hype is lower I think I will see it. Well the interview with Lagoon went well, If I do get the job I will be in costume/wardrobe. It sounded like they want me so maybe maybe this year lagoon day is on me :) anyway tomorrow I am going to work on a zombie movie so that should be fun. anyway have a great day.
Well things are good here in St. George. The weather was just beautiful today. Too bad I had to work. Rachel I think that Alice in Wonderland comes out on Friday. I don't think that I will try to see it this weekend though. It will probably be super crowded. Robin I hope that your interview with Lagoon went well and anything else you had planned today. I am glad that Grandma is feeling better. Well have a great week everyone. Love ya BYE
Sunday, February 28, 2010
nice weekend
I am glad you made it home safe and sound Rachel. I hope you had a good time with Casey. Not much going on here. I took another nap and boy it felt nice. I really needed some rest. It was a pretty day. The sun even came out. I cooked a roast for dinner and that tasted nice. Well have a good week. Dad is leaving for SLC tomorrow and so is Robin. She is going to come back tomorrow but then tuesday she has to go down again. Grandma seems to be feeling better. Still not eating much but the cough is getting better.
Time for a change
I changed the background to the blog, I just thought we needed a changed. I made it back to Clifton this morning. I missed sacrament meeting but I made it back for nursery. Then I worked on my quilt, the soft one. I finshed the top and quilted it and now I just have to add the binding. It is taking a lot longer than I thought. Well I don't have much else going on. I want to see Alice in Wonderland, I think that it comes out soon. I hope that everyone had a good Sunday and has a good Monday. :)
Pretty day
Well it is really pretty here today. It is warm and sunny outside. It was ward conference today so there were alot of stake people at church today. I even got a nap. I hope that everyone else has had a good Sunday. Did dad get everything fixed again at work? Well have a good one. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...