I am glad that you guys had a fun day. That is fun about the peaches and nectarines. That will be fun to dry. We had a good day and we were busy. This morning Casey worked on the car and we played. After lunch we went and visited Grandpa Randy and gave him some pictures. It was good to visit with them and they took us out to eat. It was fun. Casey dropped Me and Oliver off and I put him down for a nap and Casey and Isaac ran some errands. After dinner we cleaned out the garage. It looks a lot better. Isaac enjoyed playing in the water. Casey took Isaac to car wars to look at cars when I put Oliver to sleep. We got a lot done and it was fun to work around the house.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
We were on a roll
We decided to take Grandma Bodily out to lunch and Robin and Walter and Karen all came it was so much fun. Grandma's trees were full of nectarines and peaches and no one else wanted them, I hated to see them go to waste so we picked them all. I was going to take them up to Logan to dry but there were boxes of them so we bought a dryer and are drying them. I was worried about it being too much for Rachel with her sore feet. I forgot to say Rachel how much I am enjoying the books you got me. I am on the Farmer Boy one now. They are good books. We made a Costco run and that felt nice. I found the cutest outfit for Oliver. There were cute ones for Isaac but they were sets and he is in two different sizes one for pants and one for shirts so I didn't get one and will find some separate things for him. We did get Karen's birthday presents all bought also. That was fun. I think she got nice things. Have a wonderful Sunday. I am looking forward to Monday. Dad has spreadsheets and information. He is ready to go. LOVE MOM
Today was fun me and Walter meet up with mom, dad, Karen and grandma for lunch. Then Walter and grandma left and we went shopping. It was fun I got a million pens at Costco. Then I came home and me and Walter hung out for a little while then he went gaming with his friends. So I am cleaning my house it's needs it bad. I am doing laundry now. I hate laundry. Well have a good one see everyone Monday
Friday, August 29, 2014
Love long weekends
Today went really fast for me as well. I seem to have so much to do but I did make progress so that is good. I am excited to come to Logan on Monday. I am so glad you had fun swimming. Oliver looks so cute and I love Isaac sleeping with his eyes open. I am glad you got shoes. I thought we were meeting for Lunch but we can meet for dinner if you want to Robin. I am going to take Karen birthday shopping and I needs some toilet paper at Costco bad. It is suppose to be a really nice weekend. Dad has been really sick with his stomach also. There was someone at work sick with the stomach flu also. They said they also were really achy. Dad worked today he seemed to be better. We have been eating really soft foods. Just to be safe. Have a great Saturday. LOVE MOM
We have made it to the weekend. My day at work went quickly also. I am excited to hang out tomorrow. I got Isaac's colored pictures in the mail today. Rachel will you tell Isaac thank you and that I love them. I put them on my fridge. Well I hope everyone enjoys sleeping in tomorrow. Bye
Make it
Today was good work go by so fast. It's nice. My place is a mess and I have to do laundry but I decided to do it later. :) Walter has a little stomach bug today I felt bad for him. I loved the pictures of the kids rachel. Sorry I forget to mention it but I loved them, well tomorrow I think I'm going with mom and and Karen for dinner and Monday me and Walter are going to Logan so it will be a fun weekend. Have a good one
Summer's Ending
Today was good. Casey didn't work and it was nice to have him home. This morning Oliver rolled off his blanket and all the way across the room to the fire place. He is a good roller. I can feel one of his teeth also so we are close to being done with teething. Casey watched the boys and I picked up the pictures which turned out cute and looked for shoes but I didn't find anything. Then we went swimming for the last time, the pool closes next week. It was a lot of fun. It was a hot day and the pool felt nice. It was nice to get out of the house. Then we got Isaac orange chip tacos for dinner. Casey said that big 5 had good shoes so we went their and got one. The inserts didn't fit in the shoes I owned for I had to get some running shoes so they would fit. Then we did more weeding when we got home. We are starting to catch up a bit. Well everyone have a good Saturday and I hope that you can sleep in.
Isaac was sleeping with his cars
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Almost to the holiday
Today at work was good. It was quiet and I got a lot done. Another person put in their resignation so now two people are leaving. Crazy. Dad is feeling a lot better. He was able to eat something tonight. He was so sick last night. His poor stomach. I am glad that Isaac liked his school. He is do great. I noticed in Olivers pictures his mouth was all swollen. He will be getting teeth soon. I just hate teething, they get so miserable. Freeze his teething rings. That will help. I am excited to come to Logan on Monday. I called the roof guy tonight and left a message. Hopefully we will be able to touch base soon. Have a great Friday. I am so excited for the 3 days off. I have had the worst time sleeping lately. I even gave up drinking cokes hoping that would help. I haven't had one since Monday. I know that isn't too long of a time but I hope it would help. It was so pretty outside today. I drove to work and I just love this weather. Congratulations on learning about tiling Karen. LOVE MOM
Good job Karen, I think that it will be a lot better. That is a lot of work. No problem Robin about the pillow cases. I am glad that you like them. Let's plan on Monday in Logan. That seems to work for everyone. Casey is still planning on Dad doing the trees with him. Tell Dad thanks. This morning when Casey was going to work he saw that Isaac's light was on. Isaac was just playing in his room. So I had him come lay with me and he eventually fell back to sleep. We went on a walk around the block. It felt nice but it was pretty hot outside. After lunch we went to the preschool open house. They showed him where he hung his backpack, where his cubby was and the bathrooms. They gave me the schedule and they are doing some fun things I think he will have a good time. Then he just played with the toys. He was kind of nervous around all the kids but I think he will get the hang of it. I went to the foot doctor again to pick up my inserts. I am going back in a week to see how they are doing. The swelling is getting better and it doesn't hurt so much so I think I am on the mend. Casey cook dinner which was good and then we weeded the garden. It looks a lot better. Oliver month is really sore, I feel bad for him. I hope his teeth pop out soon. Everyone have a good Friday.
Well my day was good. Work stayed pretty busy. I put the sealant on my grout so that should be the last step. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am excited for the three day weekend. I am good going to Logan on Monday as well. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Thanks for the pillow cases Rachel I love them, thanks for making them, I will be free Monday to if we want to go to Logan. Work was good. Returns was going crazy asking for us to jump through hoops so I was frustrating sometimes but time went by fast. I did dishes and watched criminal minds it is good. Well have a good one
Well my day was good. Work was pretty busy so it went by pretty fast. Then after work I went to Home Depot and got sealant for my grout. I still have to wait another day before applying it though. I am glad that Isaac liked the package. I thought it was cute to go with his backpack. I don't have any plans for the weekend, so I am good with anything. Well have a great one. Bye
Clipboard of fun
That is really nice Aunt Karen. He is going to love school. Good luck tomorrow at the open house. That will be fun. Work wasn't nearly as crazy today. Another person put in their resignation today. So much change. I was wondering what our clip board of fun is for the weekend. Dad said he was going to help Casey on Monday. Is that still OK? We could come up and play while they went and did time tests. I really can't think of anything fun but I am always up for playing. Dad came home from work today. His stomach was really upset. He isn't feeling very well. Not much else going on with us. The weather is suppose to start clearing out and be perfect. LOVE MOM
Thanks Aunt Karen
Thanks again Aunt Karen for the awesome present for Isaac. He loved it. It was cute Minon school supplies for his backpack. They were really cute, thank you. We had a good day. The package was the highlight. We just played this morning. I made tomato soup that turned out pretty good and used a bunch of tomatoes. This afternoon we walked to the library and read books. It felt good to get out of the house. Casey picked us up on his way home which was sweet of him. Isaac had some big mosquito bites and Casey was worried they were spider bits so he took apart his bed just to make sure their was nothing their and their wasn't which is good. Isaac didn't sleep good last night so he fell asleep at 6:30. I am going to use this free time to sew. I hope that everyone has a good night.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Wasn't me
Karen it wouldn't hurt to put some glue on top of the tiles to hold them in place. I am proud of you for figuring out how to grout. You will be our tile expert. Rachel, I love the bag. That is the one you showed me the other day. Was it easy with all the zippers. Maybe you should get tested for Lyme's. It comes from mosquitos. I will have to read about that one. We went to dinner with Walter and Robin and it was a lot of fun. Work was crazy busy today and I was glad it was over. One more day and then it should calm down. It really did storm here. Have a great hump day. LOVE MOM
Then Who?
Karen, thanks for the pictures of the tiles. I was wondering how it was going. Are you going to have to redo them if they aren't level when they dry? We had a good day. We went to story time and then grocery shopping. Jenn couldn't stay long so we didn't sew and just talked. She has had swollen ankles also and it turned out to be Lyme disease. She went on a trip back east a couple of weeks ago and picked it up their. They caught it early so they just give her antibiotics. I felt bad for her. This evening Isaac watched a movie, Oliver went to sleep early and Casey had scouts so I sewed a bag. It turned out cute. It used four zippers which wasn't too bad. I attached pictures. Everyone have a good night and stay safe.
Couldn't be.....
Today was good work went by fast which was nice. Then I picked up Walter and meet mom and dad for dinner. It was fun thanks mom and dad. It started to rain on my way home from dropping Walter off. The lighting was all over the valley. It was cool. Cool tiles Karen good job. I will go to bed early to think about the card that I might have broken :) kidding, have a good night
I think it was Aunt Ro
Well I put myself in time out for the broken car. I think I liked it though so I might not have learned my lesson. I put the grout on my tiles. The tiles in the shed weren't the same ones as in my kitchen so I put the broken ones back in. They didn't dry too even though. It was good until it dryer and then it was uneven. Here our the pictures of my progress.
Have a great Wednesday everyone.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Aunt Karen is in trouble
I had bacon and tomato sandwiches today for lunch and dinner. They tasted really good. Today we were playing cars and one of Isaac's was broken and he said that Aunt Karen did it. So you are in big trouble Karen. We had a good day. It rained all night with thunder and lighting so Casey drove the van to work. I felt good this morning so we weeded the front yard and it looks a lot better. Isaac had a sliver in his foot I noticed when I was giving him a bath so Casey helped me get most of it out. IT was very traumatic. Have fun at dinner tomorrow, that sounds nice to get together.
Moving right along
We went grocery shopping after work at Smiths on 4th south. I was going to make bacon and tomato sandwiches last night with Rachel's tomatoes and my bread was moldy. So we had them tonight with fresh bread. They were delicious. Work was crazy busy but my boss is going out of town on Thursday and Friday so it will be quiet then. It rained here today. Robin I am excited to go to dinner tomorrow night. I was going to go dinner with Kay and Julie but Julie is sick so we postponed until she felt better. I can't believe this is the last week of August. Time seems to go so fast for me lately. I sure have been having a fun summer. I love the pictures from Penny's they are just perfect. Karen I hope the grout went well. LOVE MOM
Thing are going good here in Kamas. I am glad that work is going good for you Robin. Work went good for me also. I am tired today. It was thundering load last night about midnight so I trouble sleeping. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.
Case of the Mondays
Today was good but it was a definite Monday. Work went by fast which was nice. Then I went to the gym. It felt good. To needed some cash to do laundry so I went to seven eleven and got some chocolate ice cream to get cash back, it was delicious. Now I'm just vegging watching a show called criminal minds. I will probably do laundry later this week. Well not to much else have a good night
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Today was good I slept a lot and now I am afraid that I won't sleep tonight. I went to Walters parents for dinner and then we came to my place and watched divergent it was a red box. It was good. Mom Walter said that tues would work for dinner if that works for you. Well have a good weekend
It's finished
I finished your table runner today Karen, hooray. It isn't perfect but I think it will look good on your table. Good job on your tiles, that sounds like a lot of work. Home improvement never ends. We had a really nice time yesterday with Grandma and Grandpa. I sent everyone a link to the pictures, let me know if you didn't get them. They were really cute. Oliver did sleep all night but got up at 6:30. He was ready for a nap at 8:30 and Isaac was still asleep so we skipped sacrament and napped. Casey was called to be the 11 year old scout leader. He does it on Tuesday so he couldn't think of a reason to say no. I think it will be fun for him. Me and Isaac went to church for Sunday school and Casey came after to get set apart. Then after lunch we took it easy and watched movies. After dinner we went to visit Randy but he wasn't home so we went to the park to play. The weather is so nice. It feels like fall. I think that my ankles and feet are on the mend. They are still really stiff but it seems like they are healing. I am sad that the weekend it over but it should be a good week, hopefully.
Nice Weekend
We had a nice weekend. It was so nice to go visit in Logan on Saturday. The pictures of the kids turned out so cute. I am excited for them to come. I sure hope your feet get feeling better Rachel. They looked so sore. I hope Oliver slept all night. Traffic was crazy coming home. I guess everyone was getting ready for school to start. Today we just slept and vegged. WE didn't even get up until noon. We are lazy. Karen that is neat your did those tiles. I am proud of you. That is an accomplishment. Have a great week. LOVE MOM
Well I hope that everyone had a nice weekend. I took up two tiles that were loose in my kitchen and reglued them down on Saturday. Now I am just waiting for them to dry and then I have to grout them. Hopefully I didn't do too bad of a job on them. There is a lot of thunder right now an my power just flickered so I am going to sign off. Have a good week everyone.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...