Saturday, March 29, 2014
Big busy day
We had a nice day. The baptism was nice and we had pizza afterwards. We made it to Logan before Issachar bedtime and got to play. I am glad the photo shoot went well and Karen I am glad you got your oiled changed that always feels good. Love mom
The photoshoot went well it was fun. Then I went with Walter to lunch. He had a party to go to so I went home and took a nap and did laundry it was nice to have a chill day. Have a good Sunday
Well my day has been good. I got my oiled changed this morning. Then I went to Costco to get some fruit cups. I also got my dishes done. I hope the drove up to the baptism was good and that you had a fun time, mom. I hope that your photo shoot went well, robin. Have a great one. Bye
Friday, March 28, 2014
Yeah for weekends
I am glad it is the weekend. We picked Robin up and went to Red Robin for dinner and then I used my 10 free cash at Carters and got Isaac some more shorts. We ended up in a comic store. Dad is really loving those. We wandered around and got a comic book for Dad and Robin. It was a nice evening. I am excited to come up to Logan. We will drive over after the baptism. It might be later in the evening. It starts are 5. I am hoping not too long. Have a great weekend. I am glad your eyes are good Karen. That made my day. Good luck Robin with your photo shoot tomorrow. LOVE MOM
Well my day was god. I went to the eye doctor and my eyes are good. When I got to the eye doctor though they were taking in the office that the Walmart had been closed because of a bomb threat. Apparently they had people from prison cleaning asepsis from a building and one of the prisoners got away and got caught in the bathroom at walmart with what they think was a pipe bomb. Exciting times in Heber. So I made the decision not to go shopping at walmart after my appointment. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE
I tried to catch some fog, I mist.
Congratulations Robin. That would be a good job for you. You are a hard worker. I hope that you had a good half day off Karen and that your eye appointment went well. I hope that you got some rest Mom and start to feel better. I have had a headache all week, I think that all this weather affects us. I had a good day, it was really relaxing for me. Casey helped me last night so I got some sleep which was nice. We went grocery shopping today which went well. This afternoon we watched a show and Casey held Oliver so I got to do some sewing. It felt really nice to do that, I feel more relaxed when I have time to sew. Casey made bread and turkey soup for dinner. It all tasted really good. Tomorrow they are having a Easter egg hunt at the zoo at 12:00. I am going to go to it. Casey has bike class tomorrow so he will be gone most of the day. I hope that you have a safe drive to Pocatello Mom and I hope that the baptism is nice. We will see you when you get here. Isaac is excited to see you.
Isaac bouncing Oliver
Oliver's turn in the gym
Isaac turn in the gym
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Today was good. I had my interview at David's bridal. I think I got the job they said they would call me Monday. It's just part time so I am going to do it after sugar house. Just to save up money and pay off some bills. So that will be nice. Work has gotten busy so time is moving faster. I have a photoshoot Saturday so that will be fun, have a fabulous Friday
Almost there
I know working long hours for 4 days is hard but having a three day weekend must be nice. I have dragged this week. I don't know what my problem is. I keep thinking I am going to get sick but I just feel tired. Maybe it is the weather. There was a huge thunder storm this afternoon and it just poured. It was so nice to hear the thunder. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM
Broken Pencils are Pointless
We had a pretty good day. The weather was bad again today so we just stayed inside. Casey doesn't work tomorrow so it will be nice to have him here. It is pretty exciting. We got Gravity from Netflixs and we are watching it tonight. It has been pretty good so far, we are about half way done. I don't have much else going on. I hope that everyone has a great Friday.
Well my day has been good. Work dragged a bit, but I made it thru. I called for an eye appointment today and they gave me one for tomorrow. So I am going to work a half day tomorrow. Exciting times I know. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Today was good nothing to exciting, we are starting to get some orders in so that is nice to have some work to do. I have been really good at my fitness tracker but I was so hungry at dinner time so I went to panda for dinner. The app put me at 100 calories over my goal. But it was so worth it. I did make it to the gym though so at the end of the day it all balanced out. Not to much else on my side of things tomorrow is my interview I hope it goes well, Rachel frozen songs get stuck in your head so easy. We'll stay safe In this crazy spring weather.
I did laundry tonight. I was running out of clothes. It feels good to have that done. I still need to iron but I did get a lot done. Rachel thanks for the pictures. Oliver looks like he is getting chubby cheeks. YEAH! Karen I am sorry you got snow. We got a lot of rain but no snow. Robin good luck on your interview tomorrow. I hope it goes well. Not much else going on with me. We did walk over to 7-11 and get donuts. Dad was craving them. LOVE MOM
How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it
I got 17.77, it is always fun to get free money. That will get a lot of books. My visiting teachers came today and their kids go to the preschool I was thinking about for Isaac so I got the information from them and put Isaac on the list. I think it will be fun for him. I am going to have go two days a week for two hours. I feel better about getting him on the list. I have been worrying about it. The last thing I need to do is get a date to bless Oliver. It was snowing and raining today so we just stayed inside. We watched Frozen again. Isaac has been singing the songs all day, it is pretty cute. I have the songs stuck in my head all day and all night.
Watching Frozen
Mom, I got 58 for my book credit. I had fun last night having dinner with mom and dad. It snowed here this afternoon. It is suppose to snow some more tonight. Things are going good here in Kamas. Although I am having allergies. You think with the snow nothing would be growing, but something is. Well I hope that everyone has a great day. bye
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Pokey Slow
It was slow for me as well but I really needed some slow days. I am sure it will get busy here real soon. I love the joke Rachel. That was funny. I think that is cute Isaac was eating Oliver for breakfast that is so cute. I am glad you are taking Isaac in. Get it checked out. We had fun in Park City. Dad got some new shoes at Columbia house and I bought Conner an outfit for the baptism. I might have gotten a couple matching shirts for Isaac and Oliver also. Robin that is interesting that you can just barcode in everything. That is going to make it a lot easier. Karen, I got 27 dollar on credit for books from that lawsuit. Rachel you should check and see if you got any credits from Amazon. I am going to buy me some books. Have a nice Hump day tomorrow. I love Wednesday. LOVE MOM
Work has been so slow it's killing me. Usually we speed up but it's been constant for a week or so. I hope the doctors is helpful for Isaac. If you want we can buy him some of those shoes that turn into skates. I heard skating keeps there heels down. I kept track of everything I ate today. The app has a barcode and you can scan the box it will enter in the calories and nutrition facts. It's fun. Well that's about it for me. Have a good one
When you get a bladder infection, urine trouble. :)
Good job loosing weight Robin, that is a good goal and I think that you can do it. Good luck. Karen, I am sure that you can keep your tree alive. I just worry about deer but I think that you will be fine. Mom, I have a confession, Isaac isn't kissing Oliver in the picture he is eating him for breakfast but it looks like they are kissing and they are at least touching each other. Last night when I was feeding Oliver I was reading about toe walking and I decided just to take Issac in and get him checked out. So I called and made an appointment. One thing I read is that if you are a toe walker you are more likely to be left handed which was interesting to me. The weather was really nice today and we spend a lot of time in the backyard and we went on a walk. I hope that Mom and Karen had a good time in Park City, that sounds like a nice evening.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Smooch, smooch
Rachel thanks for the pictures. I love them. That is neat that Isaac kissed him. I love that. I had a really quiet day at work. I didn't have piles on my desk and it felt so nice. I just moved slow and learned the new programs that go into effect on April 1st. I think allergies have hit. The trees are blossoming. Karen, I do love your tree. It is so cool looking. You do need to post a picture of it. Robin I hope your day went well. Have a great Tuesday. It is suppose to be really warm tomorrow and then be stormy on Wednesday and Thursday. LOVE MOM
Today was good. Work is still slow so time drags on. I went to the gym after work,cme and Walter are trying to lose 8 pounds by Easter. That about two pounds a week so I thought it was reasonable. I downloaded a fitness app Walters mom tried and liked it's like a food diary and exercise diary. So it will be fun. Then I came home and passed out I am tired. I am going to head for bed early. Have a good Tuesday
We had a good day. We went on a walk this afternoon and I worked on having Isaac walk on his heels. He can do it when I bring it up which is good. Also when he was jumping on the trampoline I had him jump on his heels and he did really good. It was good to see dirt on all his sock instead of just his tip toe. Oliver was kind of fussy today but not too bad. He pooped twice so I hope that helps. Isaac has been singing the songs from frozen, it is pretty cute. I hope that everyone has a good night.
Cute Pants
Well things are good here. Work went by pretty fast for a Monday. Then I came home and paid bills. I also went to the post office and mailed them. I even mailed my taxes off. Wow I know. Rachel the top layer of apples are sweet sixteen, the middle layer is zester, and the bottom layer is honeycrisp. Mom and dad came by yesterday and took a look at my new tree. They thought it looked nice. I think that it is pretty awesome. I am just hoping that I can keep it alive now. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Home again, Home again
Well we are home again after one fun weekend. I love your tree Karen and thanks Robin and Walter for your help. We had a great time in Logan. Oliver now fits in his newborn clothes and Isaac is just so cute. Rachel and Casey are doing good and are looking a lot better. Thanks for lettings us come up. It is going to be hard to get back to the real world after this weekend. Robin good luck with the job interview. I hope it goes well. We watched Turbo tonight on Netflix's and it is a really cute movie. Have a great week. LOVE MOM
Clear field
Things are good I went to clear field my friends sister is getting married and I went up and did a test makeup then I went to Walter family for dinner, David's bridal called me today for an interview I only applied for part time but I will see what they offer . my inter view is on Thursday. Have a good Monday. Love you
The weekend
We had a really nice weekend with Mom and Dad, thank you so much for coming up. We did all the fun things that Isaac wanted to do for the most part. I don't have much else to report. I will be a better blogger this week. I have a plan to make everything run smoothly. Karen, you need to put pictures of your tree on the blog. I am intrigued by it and would like to see it. What typed of apples grow on it also? Everyone have a good week and remember that the quilt show is in 7 weeks.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...