Thursday, May 9, 2013

dont mess with me

So the other day at work a guy taped all of my stuff to the table so today I covered his sewing machine in post it notes. So we will see how this war ends. Today was goof nothing much else to report. I might miss the hiking sorry. If you want to meet up for lunch that would be fun. But I will probably go home early just to rest. Sorry. Well have a great one. What time do you want me to come over Saturday 8:30??

I did it

Well, I did it. I bought Josh Grobin tickets on line.  I know pretty cool.  I was worried I couldn't do it but I did it.  I had a wild day at work and it went by quickly.  We went to Walmart tonight to get some treats for this weekend and I am ready to play.  I have to go to work early tomorrow so I will get off early.  I thought that would be good.  Everyone drive careful. I was wondering Robin if you wanted to go on a hike Sunday.  I wasn't sure if that would be too much for you.  Think about it and let me know.  It wouldn't be way early in the morning.  I hope you get some rest.  I will see you soon.



Today was pretty good.  Me and Isaac were both in better moods so we had a better day.  We went to a girls house from playgroup this morning and just played in her yard.  She has a really neat year and it was fun.  Isaac took a good nap and I got a lot of sewing done which was are really nice.  This evening we went and got a some plants for our garden and a pear tree.  We didn't get it all planted because Isaac was having a hard time but I am going to finish it up tomorrow during nap time.  We are heading down tomorrow I will text Mom when we leave.  I think it we should be there between 7 or 8.  I am excited to see everyone, it has been a while. :)



Well it is almost the weekend, yea! I went to Heber after work today to pick up my prescriptions. Fun times, I know. Work was good. I did stay busy so that was nice. I did have a meeting, but I made it thru. It only dragged a little bit. I am sorry that Isaac was grumpy. I hope that he was in a better mood today. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


today was good. nothing to crazy I am tired though its always wens, thursday that are the worst. well I am going to keep it short have a great night robin


We had an alright day.  Isaac was kind of grumpy and i wasn't the most patient person.  I had to make cupcakes for enrichment this evening and they turned out good.  Enrichment was really good also.  I didn't really want to go but I am glad I went.  It was a nice evening.  Isaac and Casey had a fun time together also.  Tomorrow we are going to a new playgroup so that should be fun.  Everyone have a good night.


Quiet Night

We have had a really quiet night.  It seems a little strange.  Work was good and it really rained here also.  Robin I am glad you are liking the theater.  You are really talented.  Not much else going on with me.  I am excited for the weekend.  It is going to be here before you know it.  LOVE MOM

rain, rain, and more rain

Well it has been really rainy this afternoon. So hopefully that will make my flowers grow. It will be fun to play this weekend. Work was good. I am still staying busy so that is nice. I do have to go to a meeting tomorrow, but I will be tough and not whine too much. Well have a great one bye.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

rain will make the flowers grow

Thanks guys I think that will work great. I was thinking about maybe going for an hour but we will have to see how time goes. Are we doing something sunday or just resting? And for Josh groban it sounds like fun but its in october. Its hard to commit to zombie month. Well today was good nothing to stressful which was nice. but I have decided I love doing theater. Its not really a job its just play. its nice to have a fun job. the day job is good just stressful. But that is my only new thought :) hope you have a great day. stay safe in this crazy weather. robin

Grandma is happy

I think the Pancake house sounds wonderful.  Lets do that.  I like that idea.  That will be fun.  They make pancakes faces don't they. I think Isaac would like that.  I had a really nice day.  I went to see the mummies today and then I ate at Canalla's.  I didn't have their famous desserts Robin but their lunches were really good.  We will have to go there for sure.  The mummies in Toronto were better but this was very interesting.  Did you know they use to grind up mummies into powder and use it for medicine?  It really rained here this evening.  We even got some really good thunder out of it also.  I bet it rained for over 2 hours here.  It didn't get really bad until I got off the bus so I didn't have to walk very far in the rain. I am so excited for this weekend.  It will be fun to hang out.  I love to play.  LOVE MOM

A little black rain cloud

Robin, that sounds good to go to breakfast on Saturday.  Casey votes for the pancake house.  We were planning on going to the quilt show at 10 so maybe you could come for an hour if you wanted.  Whatever would make your day go better.  We had a good day.  It was rainy this morning which was nice.  We went to story time, I sewed with Jenn and I had Bears.  They learned knots today and it was fun.  The boys have a lot of energy. I am reading the second Odd Thomas book and I really like it.  It is not too late to decided to go to Josh Grobans concert.  I think that both Robin and Karen would really enjoy it.  That is all I will say.  I am excited for this weekend.  I hope that everyone has a good night and gets some rest.


Karen sad

Robin I am sad that you can't come with us on Saturday. I would love to meet for breakfast though. That would be fun. My day was good. Work has been staying busy so it has been going by quick. It looks like it might storm again tonight. I love rain. I love it even more because it is not snowing. Well I hope that everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. BYE

Monday, May 6, 2013

bad news bears

So it turns out the girl covering my shifts had something come up saturday :( sorry its a pain. i have the worst schedule. but I don't have to be there until 12 so maybe we can do breakfast?? I don't know sorry about plans being ruined. but happy anniversary rachel, that really sucks about your car I would have a royal fit. Heads would roll!. Have fun at the mummy place mum, I hope it goes well. I'm glad things are good for you karen. well have a great night, stay safe robin


Congratulations Rachel and Casey that is neat.  I am glad you had a good anniversary.  That makes me mad also about the car.  That is just mean.  I hope they find them and lock them up.  It never rained here but it was really windy here.  I love the rain.  I had a nice time with Kay and Julie and Angela.  It was nice to get out.  I even bought me a new shirt.  We should go to Macy's and look around when we get done with the quilt show on Saturday.  They had some really nice stuff for really cheap.  Tomorrow I get to go to the Mummy's I am way excited.  Have a great day.  I am also way excited for this weekend.  LOVE MOM

Happy Anniversary

Today is Casey's and mine anniversary.  He got me some pretty roses and I bought him a cutting board.  Last night the ford was egged and it dented the car and chipped some paint so Casey cleaned it up today and filed a police report since it damaged the car.  It makes me made.  We barbecued hamburgers and brats for dinner and it tasted good.  Isaac even ate it which was a miracle.  Casey started tilling the front of the garden tonight but it started to rain so he had to stop.  It is nice to get some rain, the lawn is so dry.  We really need some water.  Ivy canceled playgroup this week since her Mom is visiting so I think that we will just go to the park instead.  I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.



Well my day was good. It actually went pretty fast for a Monday. It was raining a bit when I got off work. It was nice, I love the smell of rain. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, May 5, 2013

ducks swim

well today was super nice. I woke up early but fell asleep again. so I claim that as a nap. then I was hungry and didn't want to cook so I got 5 dollar pizza. then I decided I should get some grab and go food. so I got some granola bars and cookies. Then I did laundry. It was nice to have a whole day to just move slow. Rachel you should get one of those kid floaty tubes that they sit in so isaac can swim on his own. I have even seen car ones at target. They took the tarp off the pool at my place but its filled with gross water. and the ducks keep swimming in it. There were 5 baby ducks having a good time. I saw someone trying to catch them so hopefully they will clean it up soon. I'm glad you got alot of yard work done mom and karen. you will have farmer tans in no time ;) well have a great monday robin

I am glad you are back

Rachel, it looks like you had a great time.  I am so glad.  That is fun.  We had a good day also.  WE went out to Grandma Bodily's and took her to lunch and then Dad took us for a ride.  It was fun to just drive around for a little while.  We came back and had naps and then dad had to go to work.  Dan wanted to work late tonight, I guess.  I am going to go meet Kay and Julie for dinner tomorrow night at the Valley Fair Mall, I am going to take trax down there.  That should be an adventure.  On Tuesday I get to go see the Mummy's at the DaVinci Center for work.  They are taking us during the day and paying for it.  I am way excited to go.  Not much else going on.  Trying to get the ironing done.  I did set up the sewing machine tonight in the second bedroom.  It looks really nice.  The post that feel looks like where we stopped fixing it last time. I am sorry you have to do that again.  Have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM 

We are back

I am glad that you guys had a fun time in Kamas.  That is a lot of work, good job.  I am glad that you are resting Robin, that will be nice.  We had a fun time and it was really relaxing.  We went Friday morning to Lava Hot Springs and swam around.  Isaac took a minute to warm up to it once he did he had a great time.  I forgot to take any pcitures there.  We ate lunch there and then went to Pocatello.  Isaac fell asleep in the car so we got a hotel room and tried to transfer him inside but he woke up and didn't go back to sleep.  We just laid around for a while anyway.  Since Casey won so much at Vegas we decided to drive to fort hall and try our lunch.  There was a gas stations with a restaurant next door so me and Isaac went there and had a snack while Casey gambled.  He lost, then I went and won, then he went back and lost.  It was fun to do.  Then we went back to hotel and went swimming.  It was fun for a while but Isaac wanted to swim himself but it was too deep so he wasn't too happy.  Today we went to the zoo and rented a wagon which Isaac loved.  Then we headed to Clifton and visited with Casey's Mom in the afternoon.  She had just bought bees so Casey helped her set them up.  She had 6 hives and he didn't get stung until the last one.  I attached a picture of his outfit.  She had a ton of kittens and one liked Isaac's cars and I attached a picture of that.  She has done a lot of work on her store which used to be the garage.  I attached two pictures of that.  She has done a lot of work up there.  When we got home we looked outside the the fence blew partially over by the Barnett's.  It was funny since we just did all that fence work.  Casey said that only one post was bad so that is all we need to replace.  We had a nice time, it was nice to get away.


Isaac eating snacks at the hotel

The wagon at the zoo

The Kitty Cat

The store

Inside the store

Casey the bee keeper

The blown over fence


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...