Sunday, May 5, 2013

We are back

I am glad that you guys had a fun time in Kamas.  That is a lot of work, good job.  I am glad that you are resting Robin, that will be nice.  We had a fun time and it was really relaxing.  We went Friday morning to Lava Hot Springs and swam around.  Isaac took a minute to warm up to it once he did he had a great time.  I forgot to take any pcitures there.  We ate lunch there and then went to Pocatello.  Isaac fell asleep in the car so we got a hotel room and tried to transfer him inside but he woke up and didn't go back to sleep.  We just laid around for a while anyway.  Since Casey won so much at Vegas we decided to drive to fort hall and try our lunch.  There was a gas stations with a restaurant next door so me and Isaac went there and had a snack while Casey gambled.  He lost, then I went and won, then he went back and lost.  It was fun to do.  Then we went back to hotel and went swimming.  It was fun for a while but Isaac wanted to swim himself but it was too deep so he wasn't too happy.  Today we went to the zoo and rented a wagon which Isaac loved.  Then we headed to Clifton and visited with Casey's Mom in the afternoon.  She had just bought bees so Casey helped her set them up.  She had 6 hives and he didn't get stung until the last one.  I attached a picture of his outfit.  She had a ton of kittens and one liked Isaac's cars and I attached a picture of that.  She has done a lot of work on her store which used to be the garage.  I attached two pictures of that.  She has done a lot of work up there.  When we got home we looked outside the the fence blew partially over by the Barnett's.  It was funny since we just did all that fence work.  Casey said that only one post was bad so that is all we need to replace.  We had a nice time, it was nice to get away.


Isaac eating snacks at the hotel

The wagon at the zoo

The Kitty Cat

The store

Inside the store

Casey the bee keeper

The blown over fence

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...