Saturday, August 19, 2017


Here are the before and after pictures

We did it

We got the kitchen all painted, the vent from the use to be swamp cooler down and ceiling repaired and Robin painted an amazing sunflower on the wall.  It is just beautiful.  The kitchen is so bright and it looks so big.  It really makes a huge difference.  Karen is going to just love it.  Something at Red Rock made dad deathly ill so he mostly just slept today.  Robin was so sweet and drove all the way to draper and back.  It was a good day.  I think we will all be stiff tomorrow for sure.  It was such a pretty day outside today.  LOVE MOM

Friday, August 18, 2017


We started painting Karen's kitchen today. We met up at red rock and got.some paint. I took before pictures. Joe called me to do makeup tomorrow so I am going to leave for a bit tomorrow to do makeup.




We had a good and busy day.  The kids slept but I got up and did some sewing which was really nice.   We went to the jump zone and it was a fun time.  Oliver wanted this ball but he kept leaving it and other kids would get it so he eventually ended up sitting on the couch with it to protect it.  The kids like the cookies there but it is cheaper at Lees so we went there afterwards and got some cookies and hot dogs.  The library was having an eclipse party where they were giving out glasses.  I knew their were going to be a lot of people so we got their 20 minutes early, so we went in the story time room and no one was their but they had a science movie on so we watched it for a minute but I figured we were in the wrong place so we went out and their was a long line for the glasses.  We waited and got two of them, we did good.  The rest of the "party" was dumb, but we did two crafts and the kids liked it.  Isaac has been bugging me to make stone soup so we finally made it today and no one ate it.  After dinner we went canoeing and it was a lot of fun.  We brought a map and were really careful and didn't get lost which was a lot funner.  Good luck painting tomorrow, I hope it goes really really fast.


Isaac isn't mad he is just staring at me.

Casey was telling Isaac about islands in the marsh and we finally found one

Thursday, August 17, 2017


That is fun that you had a game night Karen, we should get that game.  Today was good, we were all tired from yesterday so we went slow this morning.  We went grocery shopping and I was sad that Isaac isn't going to be their to help me anymore.  Isaac went to his friend Henry's house for dinner and we stopped at Joann's for a minute after dropping him off.  He came home around 7 and then we went on a walk and Casey mowed the lawn.  The boys are getting so strong and fast.  I have to run to keep up with them, it is so nice and I love it.  This last week of summer vacation is going by so fast, I need more time.



Well my car was making a squilling noise today. I think I have a bad belt. It shouldn't be too bad to fix hopefully.  Work was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I went over to my visiting teachers at about 830 for a game night (we had to wait until the kids were asleep). We played pandemic. It was pretty fun. It us a different game because everyone works together intead of being in competition with each other. Well i hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Thought it was Friday

I woke up today thinking it was Friday.  That just made the day long.  Work is coming along and I am getting stuff done.  That feels really nice.  We went to Sam's club after work to get some spray for dads nose.  I am hoping that will help with his allergies.  We are watching the Hallowed Crown and only have one more episode.  They are 2 hours long.  It has been enjoyable to watch.  Rachel,  I am glad your adventure turned out good.  We are going up to Karen's tomorrow night.  Her car is making a noise so we are going to meet in Kamas and just make sure it is OK.  I don't think it will take very long on Saturday to paint.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Today was good, I woke the kids up this morning to get ready for the school schedule so they were grumpy this morning.  We did go on a walk and that was fun and really hot.  We were going to the jump zone but the kids were playing good so we just stayed home.  Isaac went to martial arts and I took the little kids to the cheese factory for a snack.  After dinner we went canoeing at the same spot we went on Sunday and I remembered my phone so I took pictures.  The new seats worked really well and I think they kids liked them.  It was so pretty and we had a fun time canoeing around.  We went a lot further than last time.  The kids started to get tired so we started to head back but we kept running into dead ends so it was taking a while to get back.  We went under a bridge so we were looking for that but we the one we found a mile away from the one we wanted, we had gotten lost.  It was getting dark so we got out and I walked back and got the van.  It was a bad place to put the canoe on but a car stopped and helped us.  So it was an adventure and everything worked out.  I am glad that you are painting, that sounds fun.  Good job guys.  Love you.




Well Robin, mom, and dad if you wouldn't mind coming up Saturday we can paint my kitchen. You can also spend the night if you would like. My day was pretty good. The end of the day dragged a bit but I made it thru. I am glad we are on the downhill side of the week. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye


I was tired today. My neck keeps spasming. But by the afternoon it calms down a bit. Work was really busy but I'm making it through. I'm glad we closer to the weekend. Have a good night


Quiet week

This is turning into a quiet week for me.  I am loving it.  Dad went home a little early today so he could rest in the filtered environment.  I rode trax home and stopped at Smiths.  I like coming home that way.  We have been watched the Hollowed Crown series we bought and it is good. We are enjoying it.  We are for sure going to paint Karen's kitchen on Saturday.  I am loving this weather.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


We went to the bounce and slide today and it was a lot of fun.  I went down the big slide with Ruth and she loved it.  The boys loved me going with them, we had fun.  We got sonic slushes afterwards also.  Casey had scouts tonight and we were meeting early for young women's since ironically we were going canoeing.  So I took the kids with me to the opening exercises and the girls left and I met up with them when Casey was done.  We wanted to go canoeing tomorrow so before I meet up with the girls we went to Al's and got Isaac a life vest and some stadium chairs for the kids to sit in, they should be really nice.  Then I drove out and went canoeing with them, it was so pretty and we had fun.  It makes for a late night.  I am glad that you are going to paint Karen, will yellow match your floors?



Karen I can come up this weekend. I don't work Saturday now the new girl took my shift. Today was good nothing to exciting. My neck was spasming this morning so that sucked. It calmed down a bit later in the after noon. Have a good one


I can paint

Karen,  we are good to come up and paint anytime.  What ever works for you and Robin.  It was a nice day at work.  I feel like I got some work done and that was good.  I am hoping tomorrow will be the same.  It was a pretty day today.  Not much going on with us.  Just hanging out.  Everyone have a nice hump day.  I can't believe it is the middle of August already.  LOVE YA MOM


My day has been good. Work is doing good. It was a lot cooler here today. It was nice. I am glad that you are having fun with the canoe, Rachel. I am going to paint my kitchen yellow sometime soon. Robin are you free sometime to come help? And mom and dad? I hope everyone had a great day.

Monday, August 14, 2017


Today was good.  I babysat this morning and that always is crazy but we have a good time and the kids are good.  We went to Sam's for lunch and to get a couple of things.  They were out of icee's and rootbeer and the kids were very upset about it and Isaac may never eat their again.  We gave Ruthie a nap and played video games, Isaac is getting a ton better I think all the mario kart is really helping him.  Isaac had martial arts and we stayed and watched, he did really well.  Tonight their was a neighborhood party but we really wanted to canoe so we were going to skip it and then Randy called and it is Kelly's birthday so we went and had dinner with cake and ice cream.  We took the canoe with us and afterwards went up to first dam and Randy came with us.  Oliver didn't want to get in the canoe so Randy stayed out with him.  Yesterday we used the cooler as a seat so today we tried camping chairs.  They worked but I think they are up too high so I am going to get some stadium seats for the kids to use.  It was fun but we all liked the marshes better.   Thanks everyone and have a good day tomorrow.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...