Saturday, July 10, 2010

goes twice as fast

Well today was insane. I did makeup for a photo shoot, which was paid so that was a bonus. Then I ran to lagoon. I feel like I had one day off and everything kerplowed into one day. I'm glad that despicable me was cute I want to see it so bad. I am hope the shower went well. Sorry I couldn't make it. I'm glad that rachel and mom were able to make it though. well I am going to head for bed. The photographer posted a picture on face book, from today so I thought I would post the picture here so you could see it

love you

It's so Fluffy

Well I went and saw Despicable me today. It was a cute show. I also got more information on my cruise. I forwarded it all on to mom so she can fill everyone else in. It was hot here today 106 was the high. You just about melt into a puddle when you walk outside. I hope that mom mad it thru Saturday. You had a lot of stuff going on. How does your new carpet look? Well I hope that everyone had a fun Saturday. BYE

Friday, July 9, 2010


Well today I didn't have to work. It was nice to have a day off. I made some lemon bars, and got my oil changed. Tomorrow is going to be busy. I am doing a photo shoot in the morning then I work at lagoon. so it will be a long day. well I hope the wedding shower goes well, tell everyone hi. have a great weekend.


Crazy days and Crazy nights

Well the carpet man isn't coming until the morning. At least it is getting close. I am excited to see the difference but I am tired of having my house all tore up. It will be nice to see floors again. It seems like every project I have the computer room turns into a mess. I am hoping for the last time. I am leaving here around 9:00 to come down for the shower. The carpet man is coming at 7:00 should be a busy morning that is for sure. Not too much else to report dad made it home safe and sound. Ihope the movie is good Karen. You will have to give us your report.



Well I am glad that I didn't have to drive thru the concert traffic either. My day was pretty good, work was slow though. But it is Friday so no work tomorrow. I hope that your carpet goes good mom. And that the wedding shower goes well also. I did get my grocery shopping done tonight so that was nice. It is suppose to be hot tomorrow so I am going to Despicable Me. Well have a great Saturday everyone.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

my oh my oh my oh

That is crazy about the concert, I'm glad I didn't drive that way. Well today I started working on a student film. A guy I know asked me if I would help out. I don't know why I'm there there are two guys and they just need powder to de-shine. Yawn. oh well everyone is nice and it only goes till the end of july. Then I came home and did laundry and just relaxed it was nice to have a few moments to breath. I don't work tomorrow and I have no film stuff. I'm pretty excited. anyway I hope everyone has a great friday


A milllion cool people

I had a good day, work went pretty smoothly and that was nice. Casey came home for dinner and then had to go back to work, so I went on a walk to the Gateway. There was a concert for Modest Mouse at pioneer park and there were so many people everywhere, they all looked pretty cool too. I looked online and they are having a concert every Thursday night. I can't hear anything in my apartment which is really nice. There were so many people that rode their bikes too, their were a ton of bikes parked everywhere. I am glad that I decided to walk or I wouldn't of know anything was going on.

Almost Friday

Karen I am sorry it is so hot. Airconditioning is all I can say. I had a good day today. Got rid of the extra computer in the computer room and it really made a lot of room. WE started cleaning out grandma's room for the carpet man and that is good. Work was kind of slow today and I have to admit I was slow also. Should have worked harder when it is quiet but I just couldn't do it. Tomorrow I am working 1/2 a day because all the therapists are off and I can't see me sitting all alone in a building when I could get ready for the carpets to come. The downstairs is all ready to go just need the upstairs now. Have a great friday.



Well I made it thru Thursday. It is hot today. I think that they said 104 0n the weather. And guess what we had a earthquake down here at 1030 this morning. It was a 3.3 magnitude and hit about 3 miles southwest from St. George. I didn't notice it but a couple of people said they did. Well other than that my day was okay. Work was a bit slow bu I made it tru. I hope everyone has a great night. BYE

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One tired mom

I think I am past go. Jay wanted her key back and I couldn't find it and had a melt down. I think I need to slow down a little bit. I got a few boxes done in the storage room and you can see the floor. That felt good. Me and grandma went to dinner with library Linda and that was fun. Grandma scraped her leg getting into the van. I hope it is OK. I put some neosporin on it. Not much else to report. LOVE MOM

raise the roof

Well today was pretty good. I worked in the morning then me and dad went out for dinner. Then I worked more on getting schedules all figured out. Tomorrow I am going to start a new short film. we start shooting tomorrow and should be done by the end of the month. hopefully it goes well. we will see. :)

love you


Fast week

I kept thinking it was Tuesday all day, this week is going fast. I am excited for this weekend it will be fun. I went shopping for the shower today and got a good present. It will be fun. I meet Casey for dinner and then I came home and played a video game. I am reading the Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake and I am about half way done with it and I like it. It is a good book. I am being better about reading but I haven't sewn much lately so I need to be better about that. Well have a good night.


half way

Well the week is half over. Yeah! i am glad that you are getting your carpet this weekend mom. I bet that it is hotter here though. Work was good today. I am glad that everyone had a good night yesterday. Well I don't have much to report so I am going to sign off. BYE

late times

Well today I had the day off lagoon. I worked mostly on getting calls returned and emails. and getting stuff made for the photoshoot. then a girl from work wanted to have makeup done so I practiced some makeup for the cirque photo shoot on her. Then we watched a movie and talked so it was pretty late when I got home anyway nothing else to extravagant. have a great night


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

back to the grind

It was hard to get back to work today. It was really nice to get so much done this weekend. Thanks for everyone coming to visit me. I really miss you guys. It was good to see you. The carpet man is coming on Friday and Saturday to do the carpet. Rachel can Casey come up on Saturday and help dad move things? If not I will get someone to come and help him. I know that it is a real busy time for Seer and that comes first. Well work was quiet. July is always a slow month and it is proving true this year. I am going to take 1/2 day off on Friday because all the therapists are taking off and I am not working without kids around. It will help me get ready for the carpet man. Good timing. Well not must else to report. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. LOVE MOM

It's getting hot

I had a good day, it was really busy at work. My boss is gone for a week and a half so I think that it will be busy till he gets back. Casey worked tonight, I went up and brought him dinner and hung out for a while. I came home and played Mario Galaxy, it is a fun game. Well get some rest Karen, and I hope that you feel better tomorrow.



Well I am tired today. It is always hard to get back to work after a holiday. Things are going good here though. Work was still a little slow today but it will pick up as the week goes on and more people start coming back from vacation.I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. Love ya BYE

Monday, July 5, 2010

le sleep

It was a nice sunday it was fun to see everyone. Well today was pretty crazy for me I worked at lagoon and then we shoot for the film. I'm pretty beat. nothing else to exciting. I'm glad everyone had a good 4th of july. Have a good day back at work



I am glad that you made it back safe Karen, it was really good to see you this weekend. I had a good weekend with everyone, thank you. It was fun having everyone together. Casey wore his new clothes today and they looked really cute, thank you. I haven;t tried mine on yet but I will tomorrow. We had a laid back day, we slept in and napped. We tried to get Vickie a bridal shower present but we had a hard time finding things that were on their list. I am going to try online. Well everyone have a good short week, it is nice having Monday off. Thanks for everything.

Made it

Well I made it back to St. George. I had a fun weekend it was nice seeing everyone. It is going to be hard to get up and go to work tomorrow I can tell already. I really don't have anything to report but I thought I would just say that I made it back. Have a good week everyone.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I just wanted to thank everyone for coming up today. It was so much fun to have everyone here. I had a good time. It was so pretty outside today. Thanks for everything. I am glad you made it home safe and sound. Karen will leave after lunch tomorrow. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


I just wanted to thank everyone for coming up today. It was so much fun to have everyone here. I had a good time. It was so pretty outside today. Thanks for everything. I am glad you made it home safe and sound. Karen will leave after lunch tomorrow. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...