Saturday, November 19, 2011


We had a good time at bingo. Isaac wasn't to happy but he did well after everyone went in the kitchen and he could play in the living room. We won a bunch of stuff and it was good to see everyone. I am glad you got your laundry done so you could come up. They kids were thinking maybe black pants and grey shirts for pictures. How do you feel about that one?



Well my day was good. I got a lot done. I went to the bank and washed the windows in my car. Then I went thru the car wash to do the outside. I also went to Olda Navy and got a new pair of pants. I got some wrapping paper and wrapped Isaac's birthday and Christmas presidents also. Right now I am waiting fo my last batch of laundry to dry. So I should be all set to come up Wednesday. I hope that you guys had fun at bingo. Have a great Sunday tomorrow.

Friday, November 18, 2011


today was good. I got a call from cirque and they want to do a phone interview on monday. then they said if that goes well to go down and have an interview so they can meet me. The one I went to a few weeks ago was just a basic job fair it wasn't for a specific job. so that was exciting. hopefully it goes well. then I went up to centerville, my friend had a magic show that he was doing so I went and saw that it was cute. it started to snow tis the season. :)



Today was very nice. It snowed all day and that was fun to watch. We went to the book table to get a book for Randy but they didn't have it. Isaac was in heaven, he kept wanting to sit down and look at all the book. I bought him two really cute one, the Piggy book and the little blue truck. I love both of them, you can really tell who put time into there books and who doesn't. Then Terry called me and said that she needed help getting Randy out of the house to setup to surprise party. So I had him come over and watch Isaac and I went and helped set up the party. It went well and I think they had a good time. Then I came back and picked Isaac up and went back to there house. He was surprised and had a fun time. Isaac was really good at the party, Kimi held him most of the time. It was 9 when we got home though, he was a trooper. I am excited for tomorrow. It will be fun. We will be down in the afternoon. I will text you when we leave.


Let it snow

It looks like the snow has come. I went grocery shopping on my way home from work and then did laundry. It was a quiet night. We just watched ghost whisper and vegged. It was nice. I am excited for you and Isaac and Casey to come down tomorrow. I have been trying to baby proof the house. I will need to work on that some more tomorrow. I got all the stuff to make stroke potatoes and got a really nice ham. I think I am ready for bingo.



Robin congrats on your second interview. I am excited for you. Just make sure that you are in a area with good cell phone reception when they call. My day was good. Work was busy so it went by pretty fast actually. I am so glad that it is the weekend. I do have to teach primary on sunday, but I am going to have them make thanksgiving turkeys. We are going to write things we are thankful for on the feathers. It should be fun. Well have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

red rock

well today was good. i meet up with a photographer friend of mine to have lunch it was fun to chat. we went to red rock. they have on by fashion place now, i had no idea. then i came home and dad had to get his watch cleaned so we all went to the mall and then I had a hot dog on a stick. then just came home and relaxed no to much else have a great friday !!!



Today was good, it was a little slow for me in the afternoon but this evening went fast. I taught Isaac were his mouth is and he is getting it pretty good. I am going to practice that for a while before a start a new body part. Casey came home tonight. Thanks for the diapers mom, they are so nice. I ran out and I have missed them. Well we are enjoying the fire place, we are spending a lot of time down stairs. Well I am excited for this weekend, it will be good to see everyone.


So close to the weekend

Well my day has been good. It was kind of quiet at work, but I had a project to work on so it wasn't too boring. Rachel the 22nd works for me. I have a doctor's appointment at 9 but it should be done around 10ish. I am so ready for Thanksgiving. Just 6 days until I get to come up. Well the weather up where you are looks nasty tomorrow and friday. I hope that you don't get a ton of snow. Have a great Friday everyone.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

okey dokey

well today was good nothing to crazy happened. the 22nd will work for me I have to work at night around 5-6 ish but If we do a lunch thing that will be great for me. well nothing much else have a great one


sounds fun

Rachel I think that sounds like a good plan. Julie and Alyssa came over to get help with her math. It didn't go so well. Oh well I don't think we will be helping with math anymore. It was a nice day. I am glad that the week is almost over with because I am so excited for next week. Kohls sent me something saying they are opening at midnight also. We might be done before the morning. We can come back and sleep in. That is if the boys will take Isaac. Have a great day tomorrow.


This and that

I think that we are going to have Isaac's birthday party on the 22nd if everything goes as planned. It should be fun, let me know what time would be good for everyone. Also this weekend we decided to spend the night Saturday night, if that is alright, and come home Sunday. I think that will be nice. Well not much happened today. I hope that everyone has a good night and stay safe.



Well my day was good, but it really seemed to drag. They did come and fix the printer at work so now it is not faded in places any more. Just one more week until I get to come up. I am excited. I liked your picture Rachel. I am sorry that you got locked out. It sucks when stuff like that happens. Well have a great rest of the week. BYE

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

oh dear

I'm sorry your day was traumatizing rachel But I does make a cute story. I like the picture 2 :) I like that t-shirt karen. I'm cool with whatever for christmas there is no big sweat. also if you want to I would like fabric for a cape or another corset to make. I think if joanns has 50 percent off stuff that would be the cheapest and best route. but thats just another idea. well my day kinda mirrored moms and I have been into criminal movies all week so i pretty much thing everyone around me is a murder on the run. I should get out more ;) well have a great night


Love the blog

OK the pictures are the best. Karen I love the shirt and Rachel I love the picture of Isaac. Those made my whole night. I have laughed and laughed. Get use to the bumps. He is on the move and hasn't learned what hurts yet. I am so glad that Randy helped you into the house. Screens are easy to fix. Don't stress about that one. I am just glad you are good. Me and Robin went to the hospital to see Kyle. He was doing better. He might be able to go home by Thursday. We took Julie to dinner at the cafeteria. It was nice. We went to the mall afterwards and got a couple bingo prizes. Robin is going to want them bad. Should make for a fun bingo game. WEll have a nice night. Thanks for the pictures.



Today after I put Isaac down for a nap I saw a police car and an ambulance outside of Jays house. They took her out on a stretcher so I hope that she is doing alright. Casey's Dad and Grandma came over to visit, she had a doctors appointment and they dropped by after. I walked them out after and locked myself out. So Randy got the screen off of the kitchen window and got in. It was nice of him, I felt stupid. We are in the process of fixing the screen. Isaac also hit his head three times today he was just being wild. Thanks for all of the Christmas wish list, that helps alot. I am excited, I looked online for black friday ads. It is pretty exciting. Here is a picture of Isaac to leave you with.


I was looking at and I thought this shirt was funny.

This is my moto. Well I have had a good day. I stayed busy. Thanks for the list Robin I will check out the stuff. Is there anything you prefer over the others? Well I hope that everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.

Monday, November 14, 2011

z list

well for my christmas list I am boggled. I want stuff but I don't know what stuff I want more :)

I like crazy cooking pans, or on they have fun icecube trays and zombie cookie jar. or fun pizza cutters or on amazon nordic ware has some cool cooking pans. like castles and rose buds and such.

a rhinestoned belt ( )......., this is just one I found on line but I am not picky if you find a better one or a deal that works to.

makeup stuff (they have these tattoo lipstick thingers that look cool. they have glittery ones and fun patterns, I wanted to try those for fun, , ......

or its called third degree...... ( ).... I like the clear color best . the 2 oz is a better price if you would rather by a smaller size.

I was going to look around at the day after sale and see if there are any crazy deals of things that would be fun. also I will keep an eye out for deals on amazon that would be fun. anywho there is a start if that helps a bit. :) other then that my day was good keeping it simple :) have a great one


Made it

Rachel I am so glad you are feeling better. I agree is usually does help to get sleep. You haven't had any in 11 months. I bet it does feel good. I had a good day. Work was busy but I got a lot done and then me and Robin went to Target and you will never ever guess what we bought. ARe you ready? A new garbarge can for the kitchen. I knew you would all be way excited. It is tall and has a lid. I know it is amazing. We got a few bingo prizes and I got some pull up diapers for Isaac. I looked for glasses Karen but they didn't have anything nice. Have a great Tuesday. I am getting so excited for thanksgiving and black friday and pictures. Yeah!


I keep forgetting to say thanks for the cinnamon rolls Robin, they were very good. We have eaten them all. I will send the dish down with Casey on Thursday. After talking about that jello snack I made some Friday and today. They are so good. I have enjoyed them. Today Isaac got to a sitting position from his stomach, he has been on the verge forever and he finally did it today. Once he figured it out he did it all day. I think he was enjoying the freedom. It was nice to have a day at home. I had so much energy today, Casey said that what sleep does to you. We went to bed so early all weekend, I think that I got caught up. Casey also got up in the morning with the baby Saturday and I got to sleep in a bit. I found this website it tells you everything you ever wanted to know about Harry Potter. It was nice to read and see what really happened to everyone.


Well my day has been good. It was a little slow at work this morning but it picked up in the afternoon. I did think of something else I would like for Christmas. I could use some new drink glasses. But I would like plastic ones not glass. I have glass ones now which is why I am needing some new ones. I would like to point out that Robin has still not blogged her list of Christmas wishes. Well I hope that everyone has a great week.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

sleep/and eat

so I slept and ate food all day. Didn't do much else. i know don't over work myself. so I don't have much else to describe my day. I'm glad everyone is doing well



I got up and went and helped someone at work apply for jobs. Her job is being eliminated in January. I got home and dad made me pancakes and then he fell asleep. I didn't want to wake him up so we missed church and then he called Grandma Bodily and no one answered so we just watched TV most of the day. Dad made steaks for dinner and they tasted really good. I am glad that you had a good time at Clifton. Karen I am glad you had a quiet day. Not too much else to report. I am so excited that Thanksgiving is almost here.

Today went good. We made it up to Clifton around 9:30. I brought a bunch of Isaac's books and that was a good idea. I could read to him in the car and while we were at the house. Isaac was really good with everyone and they were glad to see him. Casey did a lot of work on the house with Allen and he had a good time. They fixed the water heater. I brought Isaac's play and pack for his nap and that that worked really well also. We came home around 5 and we just relaxed the rest of the evening. I watched Harry Potter last night and it was really good I liked it. I cried through most of it. I am glad that they made neville a good guy and survived everything. I thought the end was hokey when they had them all grown up sending there kids off. What did Harry Potter do as a job? I thought he would run the school. It was weird.


Well my day was good I really haven't done too much. My home teachers come over at 130. Then I took a nap and then cooked dinner. Exciting I know. I am watching Malcom in the Middle on Netflixs. It is a funny show. It was cloudy here this morning, but it cleared out as the day went on. I thought it might rain but it never did. I hope that everyone had a good Sunday.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...