Saturday, December 27, 2014

Home again

Well I am back home again.  I sure had the best holiday.  We met dad in Park City and then I came home and Karen went back to Kamas.  I had a nap, I hope you got one as well Karen.  It was hard to come back to the real world.  I took down my Christmas today.  I hope that Oliver is feeling better.  They had those cute kits on clearance at Walmart and they had soap paint.  I got some for Oliver and Isaac.  Robin, I hope you are getting some rest.  You have been going a hundred miles per hour.  Everyone have a great Sunday.  LOVE MOM


I am doing good. I had a great Christmas. Thanks everyone for the fun time. I also had a fun time with mom also. It is suppose to snow tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be much snow. I hope everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow. Bye

Friday, December 26, 2014


Thanks for the fun day! I didn't do Boxing Day my place is a mess still. I hope the mornings are better Karen I am worried. I'm glad the kids had fun with their toys. I worked today it went home early though around 12. They said I could stay but they said leaving early is totally fine. So I had no excuse to work and a million reasons to leave early. So me and Walter meet up for lunch at IHOP. Then I went to scheels for work. I decided to go grocery shopping. I bought some bread mix so now I just need to get Christmas organized and then I can make bread, I work again tomorrow but I have all Sunday off. It will be awesome. Today felt like Monday I am going to be so off this week. Have a good one



We did Boxing Day in kamas also.  It was nice to get things put away.  We drove to park city and got a craft. I got those rubber bands that make brackets and Karen got a scarf. We went to carters and got Oliver some more of those jeans. They were having a great sale. We have had a nice day. Played games and watched bones and made bracelets.  Karen is going to not take so much insulin before bed. I thing that will solve her morning lows.  Robin I am glad that Walters family loved your gingerbread houses and gifts. I am going home tomorrow. It is suppose to snow on Sunday.  Love mom

Boxing Day

We had a wonderful Christmas also, thank you everyone.  It was just a nice day.  Today I cleaned up all the Christmas stuff and it feels nice to have more room.  We played with all the toys this morning and got the roller coaster built.  It runs a lot better than your Karen, I don't have to mess with it as much.  It was the same brand just a different design.  We painted snow outside, made wooden cars, played with the sand, and everything else.  Calleen and Allen came and visited after lunch and stayed the afternoon.  They wanted to see what the boys got and play with them, it was fun.  We tried the lanterns, this one was a little slow to get going but it made it.   I am glad that you guys are staying in Kamas, that is fun.  I hope that work went fast for you Robin, that is a long day.  I love your hair, it makes me want to do mine.  Thanks again such a nice time.


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

thank you everyone for the nice CHristmas.  I sure had a nice time. I am glad everyone made it home safe.  We are staying the night at Karen's. Thanks again for every thing I love you.

Monday, December 22, 2014


Thanks for the birthday wishes. I got my hair cut today it is so nice to have less hair. I'm excited to see everyone tomorrow. I used Karens vacuum it's awesome, I still have a messy house but it's vaccumed. I am making ginger bread houses so hopefully they look ok have a good night and everyone travel safe


Birthday Eve

Happy Birthday tomorrow Robin.  I hope that you have amazing day.  We will see you tomorrow.  I will text you when we leave Mom.  I am hoping to get down their around 3.  Today was pretty good.  We visited Randy this afternoon and it was good to talk.  Isaac was wild, I think he was just a tired boy today.  Casey was reading to him tonight and he fell asleep as soon as he laid down.  I hung up his calendar and we went through it and he loved it.  I think it will be really good for him to have it up to see what day it is.  Well everyone have a good night and I will see you tomorrow.


Almost 30

Less than 24 hours and someone I love is going to be the big 30.  YEAH! The rest of your birthday present came today.  I am all ready to go.  I worked late today so I can leave early tomorrow.  Just give me a call Rachel and I will leave after you leave.  I am so excited.  I went to Sam's tonight and got a few more things for the party.  WE are going to eat well.  Karen thanks for having us come up.  I had a stupid headache all day.  I am ready for bed.  Have a great day and I will see you soon.  Everyone drive safe.  LOVE MOM

I am Groot

Well I did laundry tonight and I watched Guardians of the Galaxy while doing it. It is a good show. I took my tissues into work today. Everyone seemed to like them Rachel. I only have to work a half day tomorrow so I am super excited about that. It snowed a lot here today. I am excited to see everyone tomorrow. Happy almost birthday Robin. Have a great one bye

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Fun times

I had such a fun time for Isaac's birthday party.  Thanks Rachel for having us all up.  Isaac is was so cute.  He was so cute today at church.  They sang happy birthday to him.  I am excited for Robins birthday on Tuesday.  The fun times get to keep happening.  Have a great Monday.  We made it home around 3:30.  It was pouring rain in Sardine but no snow.  It seems so weird to have rain.  It wasn't raining at all at our place.  I am glad you got some snow Karen.  I love the bike Rachel.  He is going to love that.  I fell sound asleep when we got home.  LOVE MOM

Thank you

Thank you for giving Isaac such a nice Birthday.  He is one loved boy, thank you.  I am glad that we get to celebrate Robin's birthday on Tuesday, that will be fun.  We had a fun afternoon playing with all his new toys.  The day went really fast.  Here are some pictures.  I didn't get one of Mom but I got everyone else.  I need to work on getting better pictures.



Well my day has been good. I did have to shovel this morning. It sucked because it was super wet. At least it was only about an inch. It has snowed off and on most of the day. But it did stick to the sidewalk after I shoveled. I also got the rest of my house cleaned up. So I am all set for everyone to come to my place. Mom we forgot to get chicken for the Hawaiian haystacks. Thanks for the fun day yesterday. I am excited for the fun times to continue later this week. Have a great week everyone. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...