Saturday, August 15, 2009


Robin I am glad you got to go to the temple and get new scriptures. That is a good thing to be able to see. Did you ride the train or take a car? Is it a long way away? Not much going on here. We met Grandma and Grandpa Bodily for lunch and that was nice. We went over to Grandma and Grandpa Gumm and helped them out. It was a good day. It really rained today and it was nice and cool the rest of the day. Robin I hope it starts cooling down for you. I am glad you have a fan. Not too much else going on. LOVE MOM


Hey I'm glad that you guys got tickets I'm excited it will be fun. So rachel what are radio cities it sounds like a food from your blog but I've never heard of it? So I went and saw the Toronto temple. It was pretty it kinda reminds me of a cake. its square. We went into the distribution center and I bought me some new scriptures. Its a quad, so it has everything the bible, book of mormon and the d&c. im so excited. The pair that I have now I've had since I was 8, They are falling apart a bit. So its nice to have all the pages attached and the gold tint on the side. Anyway that was my big purchase. Its so unbelievably hot up here, and humid. My place doesn't have air conditioning so I have 4 fans and loads of water to cool down. I think i  may melt away. Well last night I had an idea for my class . I think I'm going to make a person a werwolf. I don't know if I;ll do it yet but I think it might be fun to do. Well I better go. have a great one. love ya


Things are going good with us. Congratulations on booking your flight, you will have a great time. Casey worked in SLC on Thursday but was able to come home on Thursday night. It was Kelly's birthday yesterday so Casey went to Logan and saw his family. I worked and it was busy, I didn't have a great day but it went fast. Casey made me Radio Cities when I got home. They are really good, he makes them better than better than the restaurant. We are just going to stay in Idaho this weekend. Not much else is going on I hope that everyone has a good weekend.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Flying the friendly skies

I am glad you graduated Robin. Just think that is 3 down. Even with blotchy foundation. You have been doing good. Well me and Karen booked our flights to Toronto. I only hyperventilated a little bit. We are leaving out of Las Vegas because it is a lot cheaper. Go figure. We get to go for the price of one. Karen's doctor appointment went well. He said to keep up the good work. We meet Kay at the mall. She is doing good. Well I wrote one post and it errored out. Hopefully this one works. Hope Rachel and Casey have a good weekend in Clifton. I hope that you have a good time at the temple Robin. I woud like to see that.


I'm officially done

I am done with theater. yeah I passed, I'm starting prosethics now. I'm a bit nervous. before the classes were just interesting to take but this is the meat of what I want to do so hopefully the class goes well. I think I may go see the toronto temple tomorrow. I guess its around a 2 hour train ride. But I think someone might drive which cuts an hour out. We will see. I think it will be fun. it will be nice to get out of the city. well I'm glad karen made it safe. I hope its a fun week. ttyl

I made it

I was suppose to blog this last night, but I forgot. Opps! I made it safe and sound to SLC. Now all I have to do is just get thru the doctor and then I can play the rest of the weekend. Good luck Studying Robin. That is the fastest way to get to sleep usually. WEll I hope that everyone has a great Friday today. Love ya

Thursday, August 13, 2009


So i am finished. My photo shoots were crazy, the foundation was not good, it was spotty and blotchy. And my model was the daughter of the owner of the school. So it sucks that the worst makeup known to man was done on the most important person. Oh well. from far away the photo looked cool. I think that if I don't like the photo up close I may just download photoshop and do my own touch ups. Well see, I think I just over reacted like most things. I will download it on the blog so you can see it when I get my photo's back. Any way tomorrow we have our practical and written test. Then I am finished with theater. I start Prosethics on monday I'm excited it will be awesome. Other then that I'm exhausted i'm going to study and relax. Photo shoot weeks are a killer. Have a great weekend in slc. have loads and loads of fun. :) 

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not packed yet

Well Karen is ahead of me because I am not packed yet. I need to focus. Joseph came over tonight to help with the yard. It looks a lot better. He is a hard worker. I am going to pack in the morning. I am excited to play this weekend. If you get bored Rachel you can always join us. Especially if Casey ends up working for Seer this weekend. Karen bring your computer just in case. Good luck with your photo shoot tomorrow. I am excited for you. Go where no man has gone before. Way to go Robin. Love the picture of your quilt Rachel. I forwarded it to my work so everyone can see it.


light it up

Well tonight turned out crazyish. some girls form class were going to get together to practice makeup for our photoshoots but we were hungry and were going out to eat. so we walked forever to find a place, but it  was fun because we kept talking and talking, we didn't realize it was 11:00 before we were done eating and back at my friends house. So needless to say we didn't practice much but it was fun to walk around and relax. I'm pretty beat though. Tommorow I'm shooting my photoshoot for my black light makeup. I hope it goes well I'm nervous. :) I hope karen travels well and I hope the doctors go well. Well better go i'm beat and have a long day tommorow. love ya



Me and Mom meet for lunch and she got me a back for my quilt. We had a hard time getting enough fabric. I liked a blue fabric and we took it up to get cut and their wasn't enough fabric on the bolt. So we also liked a pink fabric and that had enough fabric on it but it had been cut in the middle. So what we ended up doing is she just cut us 4.25 yards two times and then I will sew them together and I should be good to go. I received a $25 gift certificate to for using my credit card so I bought a fat quarter book, so I will have a great pattern to go with the great fabric Karen bought me. I forgot to mention yesterday that I got my first massage. I got a gift certificate for my birthday and I did it yesterday and it was amazing. It was really nice and felt good. I was worried that it would hurt but it was great. I mowed the lawn tonight, it went pretty fast so that was good. I also tried the new interfacing and it worked a lot better. I am excited to work on it some more. Casey is still is Clifton which is really nice, it great to have him home. Well I hope that you have a safe trip to SLC and I hope that you doctor appointment goes well. I like your mustache Robin, you look very manly.


My bags are pack

Well I think that I am all set to go up North tomorrow. I always feel like I am forgetting something, but I am sure that it is nothing important. Rachel I think that your quilt looks awesome. You did a really good job. I am glad that you had a good time swimming mom. Exercise is suppose to be a great stress reliever. Well just one more day of work and then I get a three day weekend. I am excited. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I swim

I didn't go to the dentist today. I just didn't feel like a confrontation. What could he do about it anyway. It's wrong and there isn't any way to fix it but just tell me that it is all my fault. I joined sports academy for 5 months. Someone was selling their membership. I went swimming tonight. I feel a lot calmer. I know that is strange. Maybe I need to do that more often. I have been really stressed out. Robin I love your mustache. You are doing good. Dad had a good birthday. Work got him a cake and then gave him a $100 dollar visa card. Lucky. Tomorrow I am going to meet Rachel and we are going fabric shopping for lunch and eating at the Italian Place. That sounds good. I am excited for Karen to come home and then I can see Harry Potter. Robin I think I am up for an adventure on the train to Niagra falls. That sounds fun. We can do what we want then. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Happy Birthday Dad 2

Happy Birthday Dad, I hope that you had a good day. My day was good. Nate is spending the night again we had a barbecue, Casey made some really good steaks. I started a new quilt on Saturday, it is a valentine quilt and the interfacing I had didn't work so I bought some new stuff today. Here is a picture of my double wedding ring, it isn't a great picture but it is so big I had a hard time finding a place to take a good picture.

Have a good Wednesday. :)

Happy Birthday Dad

Well I hope that dad has had a great birthday. Work was alright today, nothing too exciting. Robin I think you look like the villain in cartoons. Except the moustache is not quite the right color. Good luck with your black like photos, I am sure that they will be great. I am sorry the people at your work are annoying. Thanks for the package mom. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. BYE


Rachel I'm sorry that the statistic people are being retarted, you should pull a prank on them just for fun. Good luck on your tooth apt. mom I hope it goes well. If your brave I will buy you a frozen hot chocolate when you come up. :) bribery works every time. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY to dad, I hope its a great year. :) Hi karen.... i felt like I was leaving you out. :) My photoshoots turned out well the girl that came in to be my model was super cute and was really fun to work with. We went to the dollar store yesterday and got a teddy bear and some girls in my class went out and mutilated it and burned it. And i made her a chucky doll, she was clunching the doll and looked creepy. I'll post the picture when I get it. My black Light one is thursday, the photographer was apprehensive because the lighting is so low, but I'm going to be stubborn and do it anyway. I also forgot I attached my stash. I attached photos so you could see my sweet man looks. Have a great day on dads birthday. :)

Monday, August 10, 2009


Work was crazy today. It was payroll and we had 7 new patients today. I was running most of the day. I did laundry all night but I got it all done. That feels good. Dad is leaving in the morning for SLC. I have an appointment to go visit with the dentist that put the implants in at 9:00 tomorrow. I may chicken out and not go. I will see. I just don't know what I will accomplish by going. Maybe it would be good to talk. I hope I don't cry. That is a big worry. It has been really nice weather here. Allergies are getting bad but that is that time of year. I am excited to see Karen on Thursday. That will be fun. LOVE MOM


I had a alright day at work, I think that the email group hates me because I keep having to bug them about their statistics. The rest of my day went by pretty well. Casey friend Nate came up and is spending tonight and tomorrow with us. Casey is working in the Wellsvilles till Wednesday so he gets to come home every night this week. He needed his truck tomorrow and we had it full of wood so we cleaned out the workshop and are burning all that wood so we could put the new wood in thier. The goats are doing really good and like to spend time with us. I am glad that everyone is doing good. I hope that Dad has a good birthday tomorrow.


Robin I wish you good luck with your sutures go good. My day was good. I made cookies last night after I got off skype so everyone at work was in a happy sugar high. I went at lunch at bought my text book for my class. I had almost forgotten how expense books can be. Oh well, it will be wroth it. Well that's it for me. BYE


It was fun to talk on skype to everyone. I had fun. Well tonight I am sewing sutures for my doll picture. I was going to paint them but my eyes keep crossing so I'm going to glue them on the wounds. Its an intense knotting process, I might end up just painting them. well see how the night goes. Tomorrow is the photo shoot for it. Well its raining again up here. It just started earlier it was hot and humid. The air is soooo thick. Well I guess I better stop stalling the inevitable and start knotting. Have a great night. :)


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...