Friday, April 19, 2019

Date night

Today was nice. I slept in then me and Jenkins took our time getting ready lol. I got my car registered then went and got the fabric for the back of the quilt we made at mystery quilt class. Then I went to panda. I came home and shared with Jenkins. Then we went on a long walk at Taylorsville park. I tried to sew but ended up taking a nap. Jeramy came over after work and took me to Fuji and boondocks. It was alot of fun. See you all tomorrow


No wind

i had a nice day. We played this morning and then came down to salt lake. We stopped at all a dollar to get kites to fly. There was no wind hopefully kamas will be windy. The kids had so much fun. They did start missing mom and dad. I thought that was so cute. We went to liberty park and I love it there. We go so much they have a routine. Everyone Devi safe. Love mom


Thanks Mom and Dad for giving the kids such a fun time.  They sounded like they were having a blast.  I had a fun time the quilt retreat.  We went to Bear Lake and it is so pretty up there.  Their were four of us and it was really nice.  I almost finished my quilt so when I got home I sewed the last two rows on.  It was a easy and fun one to do.  We will see you guys tomorrow.  Thanks.



When I was doing dishes I noticed a bird has built a nest on the light by the door on the add on. Hopefully it isn't one of those birds that swoop at you. My day was good. Work went by pretty quick. I am still jealous that everyone else had the day off. I will see you tomorrow around 1030. Bye

Thursday, April 18, 2019


I made it to Logan safe and sound. We had a really nice day. The kds have been really fun. Ruth has soccer practice and that was fun to watch. We went to hi hot for dinner afterwards. It was so busy. Have a nice Friday.  I called Jeff and he said to meet at the rock show around 1130.  So maybe around 11 we can meet. i

7 dollars

Today was good. We had an Easter egg hunt at work. I found 7 dollars. So that was fun. It was so pretty outside. Me.and jeramy went and got pizza today and watched Netflix. It was nice to have a chill night. The moon was so pretty tonight. Have fun at your quilt retreat rachel.



Well I am jealous that everyone but me is off tomorrow. My day was good. Work is still busy but I have been catching up. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I did forget to ask what time I should be down on Saturday. I hope everyone has a great day off tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

My Friday

I hate to brag but today was my Friday.  I was pretty excited.  Karen that will teach you to take a day off.  Emails never go away.  We had a fun time planning Robin's wedding.  It is going to be beautiful.  I am going to Logan tomorrow to watch the kids and then coming back on Friday with them.  I am excited to play.  Not much else is going on.  Rachel 20,000 steps is a lot of steps.  I get like 3000 in a day.  You are buff.  I think that is interesting that Oliver sleep walks.  You do have strange sleeping patterns at your house.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  I walked/ran this morning and then worked out.  Not to be annoying but I had 20,000 steps today.  Isaac and Oliver didn't sleep well last night.  Oliver was sleep walking and Isaac is an insomniac so we were all tired today.  After Oliver came home we all laid in our beds for a while and that helped.  We walked to pick up Isaac.  It was weird because we were playing outside just before and it was sunny but it was cold and cloudy on the walk.  They canceled the soccer game and scouts tonight.  The fields were too wet for soccer.  I missed the email so we went and just played on the playground and played our own soccer.  The kids had a blast.  We had some Kohl's cash that was about to expire so we went and got Casey two pairs of pants and me a shirt.  It was awesome.  I am leaving tomorrow for a quilt retreat.  I will be back Friday night so I wont blog tomorrow.



Today was so sunny and nice. Me and jeramy meet up with mom and dad to meet up with the wedding planner. It went well. I think it will be nice. Then I talked with a wedding photographer. She was really nice. Tomorrow is my Friday. Everyone kinda fizzled out with wendover. So I think I'm going to sew. I'm excited. Love you



Things are going good here in Kamas. I had 30 emails waiting for me when I got into work. It took me all day to go thru them all, but I did it. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


I had a fun day also, I slept in. Then I drove down and met mom and dad for lunch. Then me and mom went axe throwing. It was fun. Then we went shopping and then had dinner. It was a nice day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


It was raining hard this morning so I wasn't able to go on a walk.  Isaac didn't sleep well so he slept in our room so we were all tired today.  I took Ruthie to story time and that was fun.  I renewed the book I left at Mom and Dad's house so it isn't going to be late.  Oliver dyed an egg at school and he was excited about it.  I had a dentist appointment to clean my teeth so Casey came home and watched the kids and picked up Isaac.  I went up to Idaho afterwards and got a lottery ticket.  We framed the bathroom the rest of the day.  Mostly Casey did it and I watched but it is looking good.  Love you guys.


Nice Day

We went to work early and that was good.  Traffic isn't bad at all then.  Dad took me to the dentist and they cleaned my teeth and then took x-rays.  The doctor wanted to look at things and think about it so next week I go back for his treatment plan.  Oh joy!  Karen came down afterwards and it was a lot of fun.  We went to lunch and we did axe throwing.  I had a really good time.  I even got a couple of bulleyes.  Afterwards we went Easter shopping and got the kids some Easter candy and prizes.  It was really a nice day.  I am excited for this weekend.  Mine starts tomorrow night with wedding planning and goes until Sunday.  Everyone have a really nice hump day.  It is suppose to stop raining tomorrow so that will be nice.  I could really use some sunshine.  LOVE MOM


I woke up so tired today. I had a hard time focusing. It was raining all day. I hope your axe throwing  was fun today. Tomorrow I am meeting up with jeramy and mom and dad for the wedding planner. Sorry we can't make it on Sunday but we will be there Saturday.
Love you guys


Axe throwing

Monday, April 15, 2019


Today was good.  I went walking/running this morning and then went to exercise class.  I had 18,000 steps today, that is like 8.5 miles.  I am listening to The Power from Karen's book list.  It is kind of interesting.  I started the black tulip also but I am having a harder time getting into that.  I needed a bunch of stuff at Sam's so after I picked up Oliver we went their and had lunch.  It was nice in the afternoon so we walked to get Isaac and they found some 4 and 5 leaf clovers which is exciting.  The girls came over and played after school.  We are planing on staying at Karen house until Sunday this weekend.  Thanks for having us Karen, the kids are super excited.


Ruth was using her recuse rope to save Oliver, it was cute.


Work was quiet and I got a lot done.  It was nice.  We came home and just vegged.  I do have a plan for this weekend.  I am going to Logan on Thursday morning and bring the kids down with me on Friday.  Saturday Rachel and Casey are coming down and we are going to the rock show with Jeff and then at 4 going to Kay's house for the Easter Egg hunt.  Afterward everyone is going to Kamas except Robin and Jeramy because they need to go with his family on Sunday.  We are going to dye Easter Eggs on Sunday.  Does that sound OK?  I am going to work a little bit in the morning and then try out the new dentist and see what he thinks and then going to lunch and axe throwing with Karen.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  It is suppose to be really rainy again.  I am so ready for sunshine.  Robin that will be fun to go to Wendover with your friends.  Win mega bucks.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. I was tired. I have friday off though for good friday so that will be nice. I think I'm going to wendover with the girls I work with. I hope you axe throwing is fun. It's been really rainy so Jenkins has been going on short walks. I think once its finally sunny i will take him on a long park walk


High priority

It seemed like everything was a high priority today. I did get it all done so that was good. It was rainy off and on today. It was also chilly. I am going to take tomorrow off and take mom and maybe dad axe throwing. It will be fun. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Good day

We had a quiet day also.  We did go set up Jeff's new DVD player and he now can watch sharknato.  He was super excited about that one and it was nice to visit with him.  I called Robin and asked if she wanted to go lunch so they did and we met up at a Mexican place right by Walmart by Jeff's.  It was good and nice to visit for awhile.  It was the first time I saw her ring and it is really pretty.  Dad went to work for a little while and I got taxes ready to send off.  I am always glad when that is over with.  It is going to be a really short week for me.  I am looking forward to that.  Rachel, I am not coming up until Thursday morning for sure.  Robin was able to get a wedding planner arranged and we are going to meet with her at 5:30.  Everyone enjoy the week.  It is suppose to be rainy all week.  I am getting tired of the rain.  I need sunshine.  LOVE MOM


We had a late night last night and we all were tired today.  Casey went to work and we went to church.  Oliver fell on the way in so he went to class with me for a while and then went back to his.  It rained all day and is cold so we were lazy and just laid around all day.  It was nice.  Isaac even got bored which is good because he had some down time.  Love you guys and good luck next week.



My day was good. I cooked and did dishes. Other than that it was just a lazy day. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...