Saturday, September 3, 2016

Nice day

It was a really nice day.  Karen came down with a lot of homemade cookies and she got new tires on her car.  We went to Walmart while they were doing that to get ingredients for the soup for tomorrow night's dinner and Rhoade roll.  We hooked up with Robin for lunch and walked the mall and Costco.  It was fun, Macey's is closing on October 1st.  Afterwards we came home and played games.  It was nice to visit.  Robin wants to make baskets so I thought maybe tomorrow night we could try and make some with the instructions you found Rachel.  Drive safe.  We are going to meet up with Grandma Bodily for lunch.  Keep us posted on when you leave.  LOVE MOM

Friday, September 2, 2016


That is a lot of hornets Karen. And Rachel your r2d2 is impressive. Today was good. I left work at 1 because they let everyone leave early so that was fun. I took a nap, I was tired. Then I have been lazy. I was going to be productive but it sounded better to be lazy. Everyone drive safe this week. Have a good one


Looking forward to the weekend

Karen that is one huge hornets nest.  I am glad you found it.  Rachel, I think it is fun to do those beads.  You are really good at them.  Robin, those wings are amazing.  Tomorrow Karen is coming down to have her tires looked at and then we are meeting Robin for lunch and going to Costco.  I am excited for Sunday when everyone is here.  I am making a big pot of soup and stuff to go with it for Sunday dinner.  It is suppose to be perfect weather on Monday.  I am hoping the lions are moving around.  I forgot to tell you about dad's demo.  It went really well.  It lasted 4 hours and his program worked good.  The guy went back to Kuwait last night.  I hope it was enough to convince them it is working.  It poured rain here for about 3 minutes.  It felt really nice.  I had them come clean my living room and hallway carpets today.  They look a lot better.  We haven't put the furniture back yet because it was still damp.  I thought that would be nice for Ruth when she was on the floor.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM


That is a big nest Karen, I cam glad that you caught it.  Yuck.  We had a good day.  It felt better today and was less stressful I think.  I need to go grocery shopping so we drove to school today and then went to lees.  Oliver was a cute shopper.  Then I took the little ones to story time and Oliver as super cute their as well, he sang all the song and did all the actions.  He sat quietly and listened to all the books too.  We had to pick Isaac up early so we just played at the library for a while and then went across the street and got him.  He had a fun day and got to play outside.   We have been doing the pearl beads and were out of glow in the dark blue so when Casey got home, he stayed with napping Oliver, we went to the hobby lobby and got some and some bigger boards.  Isaac made a car and I made R2D2, I attached a picture because I am a dork.  We also made some rice krispy treat.  Casey has been trying to fix his car and worked on that for most of the night.  Everyone enjoy your Saturday and we will be down Sunday.



Well my day was good. Went dragged a little bit, but I made it thru. I am so glad that it is the weekend. My visiting teacher come by to drop off the container i put the blackberries in. Then she said they were looking at the nest i had. I said what nest and she pointed it out to me. It was a huge hornets nest. I put a picture below. So i used the rest of my hornet killer spray on it. It says it wait 24 hours until you knock it dow. So i will have to do that sometime this weekend. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Just me

Today was good. Nothing exciting to report. I didn't sleep well last night so I am tired. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I might work a 1/2 day because I can. We will see. Not much else I just worked on my wings and netflix ed


Almost rain

It was really cloudy here this evening and windy.  I didn't see any rain.  I kept hoping.  Work was good and I got a lot done.  That was nice.  I got a call that they are coming to clean my carpets tomorrow.  I asked the other day if they could do that.  The living room is getting really dirty.  I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  Have a wonderful day.  I can't believe it is September already.  LOVE MOM


Isaac woke up at 6:30 today, I think he is worried about missing school.  I had just fed Ruthie so it was an early morning.  Isaac rode his bike to school today and we walked with him.  It wore me out, he goes so fast on his bike.  We walked slow on the way home and Oliver had fun.  We walked back to get him but Ruthie had fallen asleep so I put her in the stroller that folds back so Oliver had to walk but I ended up carrying him the whole way which was also tiring.  Isaac was tired after school so I should of just drove and put the bike in the back.  We made it though and it ended up being fun.  For dinner we went to costa vida and got tortillas and then went to shopko to get Isaac a bike lock.  It got so windy when we got home, it is a crazy storm.  No rain just wind.  A part of the fence blew over but it was already broken and we knew it.  Well everyone enjoy your night.



Well just one more day until the weekend is here. I am glad that Isaac is liking school so far. My day was good. Work stayed busy so time went by pretty quick. It did look like rain today, but so far no rain. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Thanks for texting everyone Robin, it was good to talk with everyone.  Isaac had a good first day at school.  It is hard to get details from him but he did lots of fun stuff and he had some friends in his class which was really nice.  They were playing with playdough when we left and Oliver really wanted to stay.  The whole drive home he kept saying go to school.  We had fun at home though we read books and did puzzles.  Oliver took a long nap in the afternoon and we just played and did beads.  Back to school night was tonight and Randy watched the kids.  It was good to go and hear what they are doing.  I really like his teacher.  Calleen is having a farmer market on Wednesday's in Smithfield and we got done in time to run out their.  It was small but nice.  Winder farms was their and we signed up for it.  We are going to get eggs, milk and orange juice delivered once a week.  We are going to try it out.  Love you guys and have a good day tomorrow.


What a ride

Man today was a big busy day.  First day of kindergarten, enlarged spleen, people arriving from Kuwait to look at the detector.  I might be on tums before I go to sleep.  I am glad that Isaac loved his first day of Kindergarten.  That is great.  I hope that back to school night went well.  Karen I am glad you got groceries.  That is always a good day to have food in the house.  Robin all I can say is I am worried.  I am so glad you went in and got checked.  I worked late today but I was an hour short on my time from the retreat so I made that up.  The sales man from Kuwait came in yesterday and dad is going to demo his new program he is working on.  Neil still doesn't have anything ready to show.  Pray for him that all goes well.  Rachel thank Casey for keeping the jeep and double checking it was working.  We owe him for doing that.  I am excited for the holiday weekend.  It is suppose to be cooler.  That will make the zoo a lot nicer.  You guys find the funniest things.  I love reading them.Be safe LOVE MOM

Run around sue

Well as you have heard I guess my spleen in enlarged. So now I have a colonoscopy on the 9th. Work was ok it went by really slow. This week is dragging. I had to work at scheels tonight so it was a boring night. Hope they find out what's wrong with the jeep. Have a good thursday



Well I am glad that the week is half over. My day was good. Work is moving along. Then I went to Walmart after work and went grocery shopping. Well Robin I hope your health stuff gets all figured out. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

No news

Well I called the doctor today and I guess he had clinicals or something so I guess they will call me tomorrow. I have a huge bruise on my arm where she gave me my i.v. I had to work at scheels tonight so nothing to exiting on my end. Have a good one


Last day of Summer Vacation

Today was good.  Isaac got up and were spent the morning being lazy.  Ruthie slept in and we just watched shows for the last time.  It was fun.  Isaac needed some things for school tomorrow so we ran to the store and then got nuggs for lunch.  Jenn was able to sew today and brought her niece that she is watching.  It was fun and good to catch up, Ruthie was wild though.  We hung up the skeleton decoration.  With all the Halloween stuff we hang up Isaac thinks of ways we can scare Robin with them.  We also blew up the glow in the dark balloons Karen and they were a big hit.  Thank you so much again.   Casey had scouts this evening.  We were playing outside and the boys were eating apples and Ruthie was so upset because she wanted one also.  It was funny.  Casey wants a new computer so we met him and best buy to look at them but he didn't get one.  We went out for ice cream afterwards.  I think Isaac will have fun at school.  I hope that it goes well for him.


Man it is still hot

I thought today felt really hot outside.  I have been liking the feel of fall but there was none today.  Tomorrow is suppose to be 98.  I have been watching the weather and zoo Monday is looking really nice and a lot cooler.  Robin I am sorry the doctor didn't call you.  He better call you soon.  Rachel good luck with your first day of school.  Karen that is fun your shared your blackberries with your visiting teacher.  Not much else to report from my end.  This week seems to be going fast because of the retreat.  I have been trying to go to bed a little earlier because it takes me so long to fall asleep.  LOVE MOM


Well my a was good. It was busy at work and I had two meetings so it went by quick. Robin I hope that you got your results and that they were as you excepted. I really don't have anything to report so I will sign off. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Monday, August 29, 2016


Rachel I will take some leather. I love that stuff. The blackberries you gave me were delicious also. I didn't think I would be able to eat them all before they went bad so I took some over to my visting teacher. She loved them also. Other than that it was just the usual Monday here. I can't believe that there are only 2 days left in August either. Good luck on your CT results Robin. Have a great Tuesday everyone.

Is it Halloween yet?

Robin, I hate the waiting game, I hope that they let you know soon.  Text me when you find out.  Today was good.  We hung up the Halloween decorations on the window and the boys loved it.  They have looked at it all day.  I thought Henry was coming to our house but we were supposed to go their.  They ended up coming over and his little brother stayed also so Oliver had someone to play with.  They were good boys and we had fun.  Henry is going to be in Isaac's class with some other kids from his preschool.  That made me really really happy.  When Ruthie got up from her nap we ran to Sam's club and got some things.  We just played at home the rest of the day.  I did figure out the leather and have two gallon bags full so it anyone wants some let me know.



We had a retreat today and it was really nice.  I enjoyed it.  We went to the museum and it was nice.  We had a couple people come talk to us and that was good.  Robin, I am glad you survived your CT scan.  If you don't hear from the doctor tomorrow, call them and get the information.  I am sorry they fired that lady.  I think that is what is going to happen at my work also and I am not looking forward to that.  It is tough.  I do so love your wings.  Karen, I had your soup for lunch and it was really good.  Rachel everyone loved the berries.  Not much else to report.  I did go grocery shopping and that was good.  I was out of stuff for dad's lunches.  I can't believe that August only has two more days.  Crazy!  Rachel Ruth is so dang cute in that dress.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Today I had my CT scan the juice you have to drink kinda upset my stomach but nothing to bad. I haven't gotten a call from my doctor yet though. So maybe tomorrow they will call. Then I went to work. They fired the older lady that was just hired. She wasn't catching on, it was sad. I came home and just relaxed and worked on my wings. Have a good one


Sunday, August 28, 2016


I love the wings Robin, good job.  I am glad that everyone had a good day.  We went to church and it was nice, we used some of the stuff Karen sent and that was fun.  Oliver and Casey left early and the rest of us stayed.  Ruthie fell asleep and slept for a long time with me holding her.  In the afternoon Oliver took a really long nap which was good for him.  Me and Isaac made tie dye cupcakes and they turned out good.  Casey worked on his car for a while and we did more apricots.  The leather hasn't worked our great but today we tried parchment paper and it worked really well, yea.  We hung all the Halloween decorations in the tree in the hallway, it turned out cute.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow.



Today was good. Joe asked if I could do makeup today so that was fun. The I worked more on my wings. I went over to Walters parents for dinner. His dad cooked so we went to dicky's it tasted good. I have my CT scan tomorrow. We will see if I'm crazy or not lol.

The zoo sounds like fun on labor day.


Nice day

Karen came down and we all went to the fashion place mall.  She got her some really cute clothes at Christopher Banks and she could get a pair of jeans for $10.00 so she got me a new pair.  Thanks Karen.  We came home afterwards and just vegged.  It was nice to have a quiet day.  Everyone have a really nice Monday.  I can't believe it is the end of August.  I think since we are going to the Zoo on Monday we should celebrate Karen's birthday that day.  I talked with her and she said that would be a lot of fun.  I will get some cupcakes and we can sing to her.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


I met mom, dad, and grandma for lunch today. It was fun. I took my latest batch of beef jerky down so mom and dad could give me their opinion. I found a marinade recipe online to try. I think it turned out good. I hope everyone had a great Sunday and a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...