Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Last day of Summer Vacation

Today was good.  Isaac got up and were spent the morning being lazy.  Ruthie slept in and we just watched shows for the last time.  It was fun.  Isaac needed some things for school tomorrow so we ran to the store and then got nuggs for lunch.  Jenn was able to sew today and brought her niece that she is watching.  It was fun and good to catch up, Ruthie was wild though.  We hung up the skeleton decoration.  With all the Halloween stuff we hang up Isaac thinks of ways we can scare Robin with them.  We also blew up the glow in the dark balloons Karen and they were a big hit.  Thank you so much again.   Casey had scouts this evening.  We were playing outside and the boys were eating apples and Ruthie was so upset because she wanted one also.  It was funny.  Casey wants a new computer so we met him and best buy to look at them but he didn't get one.  We went out for ice cream afterwards.  I think Isaac will have fun at school.  I hope that it goes well for him.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...