Saturday, October 29, 2022


Wen went down to Provo to see Jeramys mom. We installed a camera so his sister's can check in on her. Hopefully it helps. Then Luna was so tired so we drove home and she woke up. We tried to get her down for a while and nothing was working and she was having a tantrum over everything. So we put her back in the car and drove around. She finally fell asleep around 4 so it was a late nap. We were worn out so we took a nap too. Then when we woke up we just took it easy.



 I was tired this morning so I didn't go to exercise class.  We worked on the dryer and the thermoster was reading the wrong resistance so we went to three stores but found the part.  Casey replaced it and fixed a sensor on the front and the dryer seems to be working again which is great.  We went to the store and got ingredients for Isaac to make potato soup.  It tasted really good.  He didn't feel well after dinner so he laid down.  Me and the little kids walked and got some pumpkins to carve tomorrow.  Their wasn't many left.  I finished my quilt top and I love it.  The kids were sweet to hold it for me.  I cleaned up my sewing room and it feel really nice in there.  We have stake conference tomorrow so we aren't going and can have a day at home.

Love Rachel


 We had a nice day. Karen came down and we played. The mall was so crowded. I thought they were doing trick or treating but it was just really crowded. Karen helped me get the treat ready for Halloween. We are set for Logan. We just vegged the rest of the day. Love mom


 My day was good. I had to have a fasting blood test so I went to the lab this morning. It was slow but I got it done. Then I went down and met up with mom and dad. We went to Costco and then we went to El matador for lunch. Then I helped mom but the treat bags together for Halloween parties. Then we walked the mall. After that I came home and just relaxed the rest of the night. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Friday, October 28, 2022


Today was alright. They had a a little kid parade at daycare. Luna was a little stunned she finally found me through all the parents and gave me a hug. But she was good to go back to the parade. Then we had spaghetti and bought candy for trick or treating. I'm not sure when people are coming if they are planning Saturday or Monday?? Then I tried to make a candy cane holder that was elf legs. The painting was tragic but I might try again and see if I can figure something out.


 I showed Oliver the wooden CTR and he loved it.  Thanks Robin.  Casey made it back and it is so good to have him home.  He had a good time but nothing really worked out for them.  He got two flat tires and it was really windy.  A lady luckily drove by and helped them fix the tires.  Work went good today.  Ruth had a Halloween party at a friend's house.  She had a good time and was so happy.  Isaac had ambassadors and he said it was good.  After I dropped him off I went to check on my sewing machine.  I decided to just take it home.  No one knew what was wrong and it was taken apart in a box.  The sewing mechanic came back and said they would put it together for me and then I could take it.  The mechanic was able to fix it and it works now.  Which was amazing and they didn't charge me.  Their was a trunk or treat today.  Casey and Oliver picked up some candy and decorated the cvr.  After I picked everyone up we met them there.  It was fun and the kids had a really fun time.  Our dryer isn't working very well and I think we are going to work it tomorrow.

Love Rachel


 I got a lot done today. It felt nice. I came home and we just vegged. We are not very exciting. I am glad casey made it home. I am sorry things didn't go perfect. Robin I hope you are feeling better. I can't believe it is the end of October. That went fast. Love mom


 I am glad that the weekend is here. It was super cold this morning. It was only 20 degrees this morning when I went to work. Work went good. My email finally got fixed so I could communicate again. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye 

Thursday, October 27, 2022


Today felt like a Wednesday. But I made it out alive if I walked around too much I was getting nauseous. It was mostly at home chasing after Luna. Luna seems to be doing better. She is getting chatty and just wants more Skittles. I finally had to hide them. We bought a Costco size a year ago and when we moved they were pushed to the back of the pantry. We found them a few weeks ago and Luna now thinks they are all hers. I cut out the ctr thing I've been thinking about for baptism gifts. I need to figure out how to glue better lol but it's getting there


 Work was weird. There was this big crash noise and we looked out and a semi had hit this huge lamp post. It ripped his tired off. He must have been going really fast. Then this afternoon they did a.well check on a nurse that didn't show up. She had killed herself. That is so sad. So they are having a crisis team in the morning to help the staff. I need to go in a little early to help.set that up. Karen came down and went to dinner. It was fun. She took us to target and we got dad a.knee brace and me.some.more treat bags. Rachel you are crazy busy. You are sleep.good tonight. You are worn out. I am glad casey is coming home. Robin I hope work went OK. I feel.better. love mom


 Good job Karen going to the doctor.  I am glad you went to dinner with the gumm gang.  Today was another busy day.  Oliver called me and lunch time and he had forgotten his backpack with his lunch.  I said I could run it over to him but then the office called me back and wanted to know what our plan was.  Then we were talking about time and how Oliver wouldn't get to go to recess so he decided to just eat the school lunch.  So I didn't have to go.  It was parent day at orchestra.  So I met the little kids in front and we were walking in when Isaac called me and had forgotten his violin.  So I had to run home to get it which was crazy.  I took Ruth and Oliver home but then they were fighting and they called me a hundred times when I was listening to them play.  Isaac was waiting for me in a werid spot so it took a minute to hook up so we were late.  Isaac is playing really well and it was good to see him play.  We went and got the kids some warm coats.  It has been really cold and I was worried about them.  We had a nice time and it was nice.  I am almost done with my quilt.  I have two more rows which is exciting.  Casey come back tomorrow which is good because it is another crazy busy day.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 My day was good. I worked half day and then went to my diabetes doctor. My appointment went well. My A1C is 6.4 so that was good. Then I met mom and dad and the Gumm gang for dinner. It was fun seeing everyone. I hope everyone had a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


Robin, I am sorry you are sick.  Me and dad felt off all day as well.  Weird.  I hope Luna doesn't get sick.  Her cheeks were really red last night also.  It is so hard when mom doesn't feel well.  Rachel you had one busy day.  I bet you are worn out.  Get some rest.  I love their hair.  Ruth's is so cute.  Karen drive safe tomorrow.  I hope your email gets fixed soon.  That is a long time not to have an email.  Work was good just same old same old.  I didn't feel great all day and just kept taking iburpofen and tylenol.  I did make toostie pop ghosts tonight.  I counted and I don't have enough bags for treat bags to tomorrow when we go to dinner I need to pick up some more.  We are meeting the Gumm Gang for dinner tomorrow and Karen is going with us.  I hope Casey didn't get snowed in.  It really snowed here for awhile.  Robin if you need me, give me a call.  LOVE MOM  


 I hope you feel better soon Robin.  That sounds horrible.  Today was a crazy day.  It was wild weather also.  It would snow and then be sunny and then snow.  Work was fine.  I sewed a lot today.  Oliver had a dentist appointment to paint his cavities so they don't get bigger.  Isaac and Ruth were going to walk home together and then go to Emily's house but it was snowing when school got out so we waited for them and drove them home.  Oliver remembered and was super fast getting out.  He was cute and talked the whole way there.  The activity day leader called and asked what Casey had planned and I said he was out of town.  I thought they had talked but they hadn't I guess so I said I could be a second leader.  So we hurried and picked up Isaac and Ruth and went to the church.  No one came so we just said we would communicate better and went home.  We hurried and ate and then took Isaac to young men's, they were ax throwing and had a fun time.  We went to the store to get some treats and took Oliver to his Halloween party.  His primary teacher threw it and he was so excited.  He had a fun time.  Me and Ruth caught up on her reading while the boys were gone.  It was crazy hair day at school.  Randy and Teri came over this morning and got the kids ready. They all looked cute.  It was werid seeing Isaac with dark hair.

Love Rachel


 I am sorry that you didn't feel well Robin. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for you.  Things are going good here. The email at work is broke again at least for some people. I am one of those people so I haven't had email since Monday. It was cold and snowy here today. Tomorrow I have my diabetes checkup so I am only working half day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


I think I got food poisoning last night. I felt crappy right before bed time. Then all night I was up sick. I called in sick today and just slept. I took Luna to daycare because I was running to the bathroom alot and thought we all would have a better time if she went in. Jeramy picked her up and her cheeks were red so I'm not sure if she is getting sick too. We will see what tomorrow holds. I was holding down water after 3 so I think tomorrow if all goes well I will go to work 


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Big busy day

 I started to work from home and then we went and got physicals. That took all morning so we were starving and went to capriottis for lunch. It tasted so good. We went to Sam's to get protein drinks and candy. We came home and I worked for a bit then we went to Lehi and got my dentures bases replaced. They feel better we had so much fun playing with Luna at cabella.  We fed the fish. I am glad Casey went hiking. I hope they don't freeze. Karen I will help you with getting your toe fixed. I am back to the real world tomorrow. Love mom


 Today was good.  Casey left to go backpacking.  He was excited.  He took Tony and it is werid to have him gone.  Work was good.  We edited instructions all morning and then I am making a garden flag.  We are figuring out how to make the design fit.  Ruth said she didn't feel like going to tumbling so she skipped.  Isaac had orchestra.  The primary is suppose to deliver flyers this week so I meet someone at the church to pick them up and then drop them off at someone else's house.  I forgot a sandwich for lunch but I had things in my bag to eat but I was hungry so we got Jimmy John's for dinner.  It tasted so good.  I didn't want to the leave the kids for exercise class so I watched call.thr midwife and sewed.  I really want to start my Halloween quilt but I have to finish this one first.  It was pajama day at school and the kids were so excited.  Tomorrow is crazy hair day so I hope it goes ok with Randy getting them ready.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


Today was good work went by fast which was nice. We met up with Mom and Dad at Cabela's. Then we went to jcw for dinner. When we got home Luna was exhausted. She went to sleep really fast. I made a guy a work a cup holder base for his truck. His wife likes ducks so I made a duck one and he's into dirt bikes. Jenkins was so clingy when I got home he's been glued to my side lol. I guess I have something keeping me warm tonight lol


 My day was good. I only worked a half a day because I had a foot doctor appointment. I talked to her about my bunion and I got scheduled for surgery on December 2. So wish me luck on that. I am going to see if they will give me a laptop at work so I can work from home. Other than that it has been cold and snowy here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, October 24, 2022


 Work was good and I got caught up. That felt nice. We went to Gardner village for dinner for my group at work. It tasted so good. I came home and just vegged. I am working from home tomorrow for doctor appts and then dentist in Lehi at 3. Karen let us know if you want to come down to.lehi for dinner. Good luck with the foot doctor. Rachel is randy coming over to take the kids to school? I hope Casey doesn't freeze. It is cold. I was wondering if we should do the waters this weekend or do you think we will.have time on Monday? I am excited to not drive to work. Just work in jeans. Robin on the radio they said i15 both ways was a parking lot. I am glad you were fine. Karen those apples look really good love mom


 Today was another busy day.  It is really cold now and I miss the warm weather.  It was a rush this morning to get everything ready and cleaned up before work.  I missed half of the stand up meeting because I didn't hear the clap and I felt dumb.  Other than that work was good and I got a bunch of little this done.  Isaac had violin lessons.  Me and the little kids ran to the store really fast to get a birthday present.  Then we picked up Isaac and went to a birthday party for a girl down the street.  The kids had fun playing and it was nice to go.  We got home about the same time as Casey.  Then I ran to exercise class.  I bought new exercise pants but they were so hot tonight I almost died.  Casey is going backpacking the rest of the week with Nat.  They will have a fun time.  It is crazy hair day Wednesday so we practiced a hair style for Ruth.

Love Rachel


I was in a Monday mood. I just didn't want to do a lot. Luna had a bit of a runny nose and start of a cough. Hopefully it's just the new teeth that are coming in. I gave her some Tylenol and she went right to sleep tonight. The last few nights it's taken 45 minutes to get her down. Jeramy decided to work from home today in his PJs and was on cloud nine. Lol he had a good day just taking it slower. Traffic on 1-15 north was at a stand still. I was so thankful I don't work in salt lake anymore. My drive was smooth



 It was cold this morning. That always makes it harder to get out of bed in the morning, but I did it. Work was good, just the usual there. I made carmel so I could make a carmel apple. It was my first try. I am still waiting for it to cool soi will have to left you know if it turned out. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...