Saturday, February 8, 2020


I am glad that everyone is doing good.  We had a nice day and it was nice to have a day off.  We slept in.  After lunch we went to hardware ranch to see the elk.  It was super cold so we went to the museum and the kids had a fun time.  We got got dinner on the way home.  We also stopped and cleaned the can.  Drive safe tomorrow.



Blue man was amazing. Wow. I walked over 22000 steps today. We saw a lot of the strip. It was nice to have sunshine. I am glad the kids git fun things with their gift cards. Robin I am glad you got a day off. Jumanji is a good movie. I am excited everything is going smoothly with the house. We are leaving in the morning. Love mom


Sorry I've been terrible at blogging. Me and Jeramy took Friday off. We met a year ago and thought it would be fun to not work. He took me to tucano's and we went and saw jumanji. Then today we woke up and took Alyssa her wedding dress. Then I packed my sewing room. The mortgage lady says everything is going smooth. We should have our appraisal done Monday. Then I'm not really sure what we are waiting for after that. But hopefully things go well. We have the apt till March 24th. So we are good if anything happens. I hope blue Man was fun. 


Friday, February 7, 2020


I am glad that you guys made it to Vegas.  I hope you have a blast.  The kids didn't have school today and it was really nice to have them home.  We went to exercise class and it was a two hour one for valentines day.  We went to Micheal's and the kids spent their gift cards.  It took a while for them to decided.  Ruthie ended up with a lot of crafts, she loves them.  Oliver got two stuffed animals, a swing and a dinosaur.  Isaac used his to buy minecraft on the switch.  He loves it and played it a lot today.  Thanks again Karen, you are sweet.  Robin, how is the house coming along?  Everyone have a great weekend and have fun.


Thursday, February 6, 2020

Safe and sound

We made it safe and sound to kamas. It sure is windy here. We stopped for gas along the way and both stations were closed. We are going to leave after breakfast tomorrow. Rachel that stem fair was cool. That is neat Casey did that. Love you guys


We had a busy day but it was good.  Ruth was the super star today so we went grocery shopping to get some treats for her.  Oliver didn't have school today because of parent teacher conference.  I usually help in Isaac's class on Thursday so me and Oliver went but she didn't need any help.  We had a half an hour until school got out because it was early release today so we went to the library and read books.  It was a lot of fun.  I planned parent teacher conference wrong.  It was scheduled for the same time Ruthie got out of preschool so Casey picked her up and then met up with us for the conferences.  The boys are doing really good in school.  Isaac is doing good and getting better at managing his time.  He tests really well and is ranked high on all of them.  Oliver is doing good.  he is struggling with writing so they have a before school program he is going to do.  He just come 20 minutes early and help him read and write.  It will be good for him.  Casey volunteered do to a stem fair at the school tonight.  I had book group but I just wasn't able to go.  The stem fair was really neat and they had a ton of fun things.  It took us an hour and a half to go through all the booths.  Casey's booth was fun.  The had virtual reality and had a place they could take apart and reassemble units.  The kids had a fun time.  Oliver was dancing/fighting at the end and it was cute.  The kids don't have school tomorrow.  I think that we are going to to spend Karen's gift cards.  Thanks again Karen, you are sweet.  Drive safe tomorrow and have a fun time.


Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Work went well and I am getting a little caught up.  That felt nice.  It wasn't snowing that much so we hooked up with Robin and Jeramy.  It was nice to visit.  We are going to Kamas tomorrow after work and leaving from there on Friday.  We figured we would miss the Salt Lake Traffic.  I am pretty excited to get out of the cold and snow.  We will come back on Sunday.  LOVE MOM


It is so cold and snowy.  You guys will have fun in the warmth of Vegas.  Nothing too exciting today.  We went to exercise class and Oliver wore his Thor outfit.  He is cute.  I didn't have to help in Oliver's class this afternoon so me and Ruth hung out and went to some stores.  I put a boarder on my last quilt that needed it today.  So that feels nice.  Casey worked late tonight and we just watched a movie.  Isaac tried his braces and they are good.  He has a hard time sitting so I think that will be the hardest part for him.  Love you guys.



Today was good work was work.then we went out with mom and dad for dinner. It was fun and good to catch up. I hope your guys trip is safe!



Sorry, I forgot to blog last night. I was going to but then I remembered a couple things I needed to do and by the time I finished I forgot to blog. My day has been good. Work went by pretty fast. Then after work I made cookies for the trip. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Robin, I feel the same way about emails.  I don't ever keep up.  I had 50 new ones from a snow day. Go figure.  We can still meet up for dinner tomorrow.  I was being an old lady about the weather.  We can see how it goes.  I really think the mountains are going to get it worst than us this time.  Dad wanted to put some antifreeze leak stuff in his radiator and you have to drive it for 30 minutes.  We tried to do that on Saturday and Sunday when we went to Logan but there was too much fluid in the radiator so today it was better and we drove to Park City and met up with Karen and got treats for the weekend.  It was neat to still have it light on the way home.  I love sunshine.  Rachel, I love the quilts.  WOW.  They are amazing.  They are fun.  Robin if you want me to buy a back for yours let me know.  I also think Oliver is so cute in his Thor outfit.  I bet he wears that one out from wearing it all the time.  I am glad that Isaac's feet checked out.  Try the braces and see how he does.LOVE YOU ALL MOM


Today was good.  I was tired also.  We went to story time this morning and that was fun.  Oliver wore his Thor outfit all day and was so excited to wear it to school.  While the kids were at school I was able to put the border on mine and Mom's quilts.  They turned out really good.  Isaac had a foot doctor appointment and a physical therapy appointment.   The foot doctor said that he looked good.  It was really fast and pointless which is fine.  We had time so we stopped at at dinner at McDonalds and the kids could play for a bit.  The physical therapist had his braces ready.  They are just for him to wear in the evenings for an hour to help stretch his legs.  I think that it will help.  I asked about the occupational therapist and he said to give it a couple of months.  If the braces help then he is fine and not to worry about it.  Thanks for everything and have a great night.




There we so many emails today. The more I sent out the more were coming in. When I take over aimees job they are taking off the main email box I'm over. So that will be really nice.  I was so tired today. Mom if you guys still want to meet up for dinner tomorrow we are good to go :)


Monday, February 3, 2020


They had a two hour delay for school today so Isaac didn't have to go in until 11.  I though it said no kindergarten but Oliver was marked absent so I think it was no AM kindergarten but it is fine.  We went to the exercise class this morning.  We had to leave early because Oliver stepped on Ruthie's head.  Oliver was so upset we had to leave.  He kept screaming that he was sorry.  He did it on purpose so it wasn't an accident.  While Isaac and Ruth were at school I took Oliver to get a super hero costume.  He is celebrating the 100th day of school so they need to dress up.  He picked out Thor and he wore it the rest of of the day.  We had a fun time and it was good to have one on one with him.  For dinner we went to the black pearl since the kids had been promised sushi.  They love it.  Good luck with the snow.  Yesterday the groundhog saw his shadow so we were ready for spring.  This threw a wrench in our plans.



snow day

So I took a snow day. I was going to go in a noon but I just couldn't find the energy to do that.  It sounds like I was wish not to go.  Robin that is crazy that is was up to your knees.  Karen, I can't believe you only got an inch.  That is the weirdest storm.  It was the snowest day since 2013.  Crazy.  I just slept in and vegged all day.  Dad did go ride the bikes for awhile.  I make baked apples for lunch and the pork chili verde for dinner.  They tasted good.  Everyone drive safe tomorrow.  I am with Robin, it will be way icy.  LOVE MOM

to little

There was so much snow today. They didn't call a snow day so I went into work. But I only worked for a few hours because they closed early. The wind blew snow around and some areas were up past my knees. I had to carry Jenkins to the more shallow areas to pee. The roads were not plowed well so tomorrow ice will be aweful. I'm ready for summer. I didn't take any pictures. My boss said she had 16 inches at her place.



Well that snow storm was rather unimpressive  on this this of the mountains. I had about an inch on my walks this morning. After I shoveled nothing else stuck. So that was nice. Work was a little quiet but I was productive. Pizza sounded good so I went to summit inn pizza and got some for dinner. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Home safe and sound

We left around 4 go make it home before the storm.  If it snows as must as they saw we might get a snow day.  We had a fun time in Logan and got a lot done.  We are having Oliver's birthday party on the 15th.  His theme is going to be Pokémon.  Karen I hope you don't get snowed in.  It looks like Salt Lake and Toole could get it the most due to lake effect.  Right now there is no snow.  Not much else to report from our end.  Robin, I have left things in the car before.  I am sorry you got smelly.  That is hard.  I hope all is going well with your house.  I hope Jeramy's neck is feeling better.  LOVE MOM


It was nice to have Mom and Dad here today.  We played games this morning which was fun.  We went to church and Mom substituted for me which was amazing.  They called all my people so I am fully staffed now which is wonderful.  We went and visited a lady down the street and gave her flowers because she had hand surgery.  After Mom and Dad left we went to Randy's house and had a super bowl party.  It was fun.  Isaac really liked watching the game.  Good luck tomorrow.  Isaac has been dreading Monday all day. 



Things are good here in Kamas. I was enjoying the calm before the storm comes tomorrow. I did go to the gas station and got gas for my snow blower so I am all set. I hope everyone had a great weekend and I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...