Saturday, October 7, 2017

Make it

Today was good. I did a little more of my elephant. It's a slow process but it's fun. Then I worked at lagoon, a girl I do makeup for had her parents go to a Halloween party. So I ran down to slc after lagoon and did their makeup. It was fun. Then lagoon was packed there were a bazillion people so they wanted me to come back to baby sit the zombie puppet. It was so busy the cannibal line was out to the bumper cars. My heart started to beat funny on my drive to salt lake. So I did the report button. I might call them this week and see if I can return the heart monitor early since I was beating funny today. I'm so glad Isaac got his bike that is so fun.


Good day

We had a good day. Karen is doing well. We rested most of the day but did venture down to park city. We found wherevthe mice were coming in and fixed that. We are washing the pillows and blankets. I am so glad isasc got a bike. That is so much fun.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Mouse 2.0

Well apparently I had 2 mice. I got the second one tonight. Mom and dad got here safe and sound. My teeth went good. I got a tooth pulled and a new stud put in. It will be sore for a bit but i will make it thru. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


I hope that you are feeling ok Karen.  Good job on the unicorn spit, I am glad that you have a fun project.  Isaac didn't have school today and it was really nice to go slower, it was a nice day.  We went grocery shopping in the morning and then we went to the park, we went to one we haven't been to in a while and the kids had a really fun time.  After lunch Isaac's teacher gave us a password to a program that he does at school.  He really likes it and was excited to do it so we got him set up and he played that for a while and Oliver played a game on the kindle.  Then the worked on making a robot in the garage forever, they are really cute doing it.  We had waffles for dinner and then Casey helped with the robot for a bit and I got Ivy a present for her party tomorrow.  I hope that everyone has a good Saturday, love you guys.



I was so glad today was Friday. I went to lagoon for makeup on the way home I thought I would see if there were any good coupons at Joanns. They had 4 50% off and 1 60% off so I bought some unicorn spit paint. I started to burn my elephant board tonight. I didn't get very far but I'm excited to work on it. Have a fun Saturday


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Ding dong the mouse is dead

Well I finally got the mouse tonight. Yesterday when I got up he had just gotten all the food off the traps withou setting them off. So at lunch I went and got better traps at the hardware store. So I put them out after work and now he is dead. My day was good. Work went by pretty quick. Tomorrow I am going to go get another dental stud and a tooth pulled. So that is exciting. Thanks mom and dad for coming up. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye


I am such an airhead.  I left my phone at work tonight.  I hope no one tried to call me.  Sorry about that one.  Karen, I hope you got all your traps set and ready to go.  WE will meet you in Park City tomorrow.  I hope all your dental work goes good.  Robin, I am so glad you are feeling better.  I was pretty worried about you.  Rachel, Isaac is doing amazing.  Some of his focusing could be boredom.  He is so dang smart.  I am glad you had a nice day.  Tomorrow is Vickie's last day at work and me and dad stopped by the vinyl store and got her a gift card.  She is a crafter.  We stopped at Zurchers also got decorations and then I am making meat for a taco bar for her farewell luncheon.  No one signed up for rice either so I got a Mexican rice package and it has pasta in it.  OH well they will just have to eat it is all I am going to say about it.  We will be up in Kamas all weekend helping Karen.  Really just hanging out and playing bomber man. If you need anything I will try and remember my phone.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


I hope that you caught your mouse Karen, a cat is a good idea.  They are so cute.  I am glad that you are feeling better Robin, take it easy at work.  Yesterday was fun to meet up for dinner and then the sewing class was fun.  Today Isaac had half day at school.  There was a half an hour between picking up Isaac and dropping off Oliver so we went to Shaffer house bakery and got some cookies.  It was fun.  Oliver had fun at school and Ruthie took a good nap.  Me and Isaac just had a quiet afternoon.  When Oliver got back they spent an hour in the garage building a robot so I did some hand sewing and it was really fun.  Me and Isaac rode our bikes to parent teacher conference.  He is doing really well and has gotten a 100% on all his test.  She said all he needs to work on is focusing on his papers and not get distracted.  He is a good boy.  After dinner the boys climbed the tree in the backyard.  I was cold so me and Ruthie went inside, it was fun to spend time with her.  Everyone have a good Friday.


We went to the fun park story time yesterday

Isaac's Dibel scores, the black straight line is where the 1st graders should be above and Isaac is the black dot.  It shows his kindergarten and first grade scores.  He is well above where he should be. 


Sorry you have a mouse Karen. You should get a cat or dog to catch him. Ha ha today was good. I stayed at work till 7 to help the girl with Harry potter stuff. She is buying all the products so that is nice. The next couple of days will be busy for me though. My neck was a ton better today it was nice to be able to move. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday.


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Nice evening

I had a nice evening.  We met Robin and Rachel for dinner.  It was nice to visit.  Robin sure has a sore neck.  I hope it gets feeling better soon.  Karen has a mouse and I think she doesn't like mice very much because she bought 12 mouse trap.  I hope she gets him soon.  Not much else going on with me.  I hope you had a nice class Rachel.  LOVE MOM


Well I think I have a mouse. Strange thing is it is eating my cough drops. Strange I know. So I called mom and after she finished laughing i went to food town and got traps. I baited one with a cough drop to see if that would catch him. I will keep you updated as new information because available.


Well my day started out a bit slow, but it got busy quickly. I also had a couple of meetings pop up so I was in a meeting from about 3 until 4. I hope that you guy had fun at dinner and that Rachel had a good sewing class. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Dad was saying that his sickness he got from work has a three day gestation, guess you got it from dad.  Sorry about that one Robin.  I hope you get feeling better soon.  I can come over and help if you need me to.  I am excited to hook up tomorrow as well.  It will be fun.  Drive safe.  Karen, I do love your hair.  You are going to love it that length.  Not much going on with us.  We did go to the store after work and got groceries.  That was nice.  Everyone have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


I love your hair Karen. Very cute. My day was blah. I woke up at 2 and my neck was spasming. When I had to wake up for work it was worse and i felt like I had a small flu bug. I got ready for work and It wiped me out so I called out. I felt like a baby but then it was nice to relax. I felt crappy all day so I'm glad I eneded up not going in and pushing it to far. I should be good tomorrow hopefully.... I am holding down popsicles so I should be good ha ha



I love your hair Karen, you are so beautiful.  Good job.  That will be a good cut for your curly hair also.  Today was good.  We drove to school this morning.  I have a flat tire and I wanted to give Isaac a rest.  He had a good day and is feeling a bit better.  This morning we walked around the hobby lobby and that was fun.  Oliver had preschool and had a fun time, he likes to go.  Calleen dropped off a pumpkin kind of squash and said that it made good soup so I made soup.  It was a lot of work to get everything organized but it tasted really good, it is nice when it turns out.  The kids were excited to try it since we made pumpkin pie yesterday and they liked that.  Casey had scouts and the young women were meeting early so I was going to go late but they were done by the time I was able to go so I didn't have to leave tonight.  It worked out good.  I am excited for dinner tomorrow, thanks for meeting up with me. 


Random me

Well I decided at the end of work today that my long hair was bothering me and I was going to cut it. So I did. I have attached a photo below. I like it, I think it looks cute. Other than that it has been just the usual here. It was meeting day so that took up a good chunk of my day. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Monday, October 2, 2017


It snowed here this morning.  It was so pretty to watch the storm come in.  I love my window.  Robin thanks again for Lagoon.  I sure had a nice time.  I had given up that we were going to make it this year.  I am glad that Megan gave her notice.  Your life is going to be so much better.  Did they love the Book?  I thought it was really neat.  Karen we are going to meet Wednesday at the Fashion Place mall at Red Rock for dinner around 5.  Rachel has sewing class at 6.  If you want to drive down you can.  Not much else to report.  Dad is eating solids again and is doing a ton better.  I got my flu shot today.  I can now work another year.  LOVE MOM


Well it was cold here today. It also snowed off and all day. Work was good. I stayed busy so it didn't drag too bad. I had fun at Lagoon also. Thanks for the tickets, Robin. Have a great Tuesday tomorrow everyone. Bye


Yes I can meet up on Wednesday night. :) work was good. Megan finally told our bosses she was quitting so it made today so nice. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Ha ha I got my heart monitor today. I have it for 30 days. I also bought a board at Lowe's to burn the elephant. It was 11 bucks and I am excited to work on it. I have traced the head part of looks cool. It's so crazy about Vegas they have said over 50 people were shot. Everyone have a good tues. Stay safe


Thanks again Robin for the Lagoon tickets, it was a really fun day.  The kids didn't sleep very well last night and Isaac was up with a runny nose.  He wasn't feeling good and was tired this morning so I kept him home from school.  I canceled babysitting and we just had a day at home.  We got Captian Underpants on Vudu and watched that.  After lunch we made the pumpkin pie and we ate it for desert.  When Casey got home the kids wanted to go on a walk so he took them around the block and I cooked dinner.  Wednesday I have that quilting class and Casey took half the day off to watch the kids so I can come for dinner.  Do you want to meet up with us Robin?  It will be fun.  Everyone have a good night, love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...