Friday, May 15, 2020
We made it to kamas safe and sound. Karen got her ar15 gun back. I guess the guy blew up the bullet in the Barrell and cut his hand. She has a new Barrell now. She picked us up and we played at her house. We are leaving for Logan in the morning to help with the roof. I rented a hotel room so we could swim. Have a nice weekend. Love mom
Today was good and I was glad it was Friday. School was good. Oliver's class are making videos to show what they can do. Oliver showed how to find bugs. We filmed it today. He was cute in the video. Randy came over this afternoon to work on the roof. I finished up school with the kids and then went up and helped. We got a lot done and Randy was able to finish around the chimney. He left around dinner. I didn't have time to make anything so we got some take out. Drive safe tomorrow. Thanks for coming up.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
I went to work today and that felt nice. No one is there but I got the things done that I needed to so that was good. I came home and worked a little more and then we went to Lehi to take back Jenkin's water bowl. We went to Black Bear Diner and it was so nice to go out for dinner. It felt more normal. We visited for awhile and then came home. It was so nice. Thank you Robin. Black Bear made dad sick. Go figure that one out. We are going to Kamas after work tomorrow and I am going to mow the lawn. That sounds good. Good luck Karen getting your gun back. I thought it was a lost cause. We are going to Logan on Saturday and I got a hotel so we could go swimming. I hope it turns out OK. Rachel that is so neat you got the kids swimming lessons. That made my day. They will love doing that. Well enjoy Friday. I can't believe it is the middle of May already. LOVE MOM
one more day
I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I worked so late yesterday I needed to burn time so I went to Lowe's and bout a few more flowers for the front of my house. And I mowed my lawn. I have so many apples growing on my tree. Mom and dad came down and we went to black bear dinner. It was fun to actually go to a restaurant and eat out. I miss eating out at restaurants. Thanks again mom it was fun. Hope everyone has a good Friday
The sports academy is doing swimming lessons this summer and we got the kids signed up. I am so so excited. I was talking to Randy this evening and he said that they were doing them. We had a good day. I walked and exercised. School was good. I mowed the lawn at our lunch break. We ate two loafs of bread in two days so me and Ruth went to the store and got more bread. We picked up sandwiches for lunch while we were out. I cleaned the fish tanks and they look a lot better. Oliver was out of chocolate milk so we went to the cheese factory and got some more. Randy came over this evening and we got a lot done on the roof. Love you guys and have a good night.
Things are going good here in Kamas. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am taking half day off tomorrow so I can pick up my ar15. I hope everyone had a great Thursday. Bye
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
I could not sleep last night work was long for me. We went to visit Kay tonight and drop off a couple of masks for her. We went to Winco afterwards and that was nice to walk around. We came home and just vegged afterwards. Karen I am glad you made it to Park City. Rachel, I like your living room that way. It looks so open. I think you will really like that. I am sorry your water heater is broken. Dad said he can come up and help if needed. I am going into work for a while tomorrow. It has been a while since I was there. It will be nice to get some things organized. Not much else to report on my end. Robin, I hope they got your computer fixed. LOVE MOM
I went to turn my computer on this morning and it wouldn't work. I had an error message. So I emailed it about the error and the hard drive broke. So I ended up going into work. They were able to replace the hard drive and get my laptop working again. I worked till like 5:30 . So it was a ling day
I am glad you got a hair cut, that must feel nice. It was raining here but not hard or a lot of rain. I still watered the lawn today. I walked this morning but just took an umbrella, I only used it twice I think. School was good. The boys both had called and that is busy. I got out buttons for Ruth to glue and paper and she liked that. The little kids got in their swimsuits and played in the sprinklers even though it was pretty cold. Isaac had a callnwith Collin and they built legos together, it was cute. I moved all the toys upstairs to downstairs. I think it looks nicer. Randy came over tonight and we worked on the roof. The water heater is broken and Casey worked on fixing that. Love you guys. I hope everything is going ok. Thia week is going fast.
Although it looked like it might rain all day it never did. Work was good, nothing to wild and crazy. After work I went to Paek City and deposited my stimulus check. Exciting times I know. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Well my big news is after work I got my hair cut. It feels so good. I couldn't believe how long it was. We went to the Valley Fair mall after work and ate in the food court. It was just me and dad. I wanted to get some foam soap and bath and body works but they were closed and it looked like everything had fallen. I bet no one had been in there since the earth quake. It was a mess. Weird. Karen, I am glad you got your check. Robin there is hope for us. We went to Hobby Lobby and got some bead stretchy sting. I am going to try that for the masks. I thought that might work. Tomorrow is hump day. Rachel, you are on fire with the roof. We might just come up this weekend and go WOW. I think that is interesting you made cookies out of dandelions. Way to have an adventure. LOVE MOM
Today was good and pretty normal. I walked and did an exercise video. School went well and the kids are doing good. I was growing the boys hair out but today it was bothering me so I cut it. The look good. After dinner Randy came over and we worked on the roof. We have the back side done and will start on the front tomorrow. I am glad tha you stimulus check Karen. I hope that everyone else come soon. I forgot. The kids have been obsessed with eating dandelions. Oliver was cutting some up for the milk. I found a recipe for dandelion cookies made with the yellow parts. So we made those. They weren't good and tasted really healthy. Oliver wouldn't try them which was funny to me.
Today was long. I went into work and I was grumpy. It was just one thing after the next. But I made it out and me and Jeramy went day dream shopping for smokers. We found one we liked at lowes. So hopefully our stimulas check comes soon :) I saw that Hamilton is going to be in Disney plus in July. I'm excited to see it.
Things are going good here. I got my shot this morning so my nose is itchy and my arm is sore. It was really windy today. Work was good. I also got my stimulus check today in the mail so yeah I'm rich. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, May 11, 2020
I am glad you get a break from school Karen, congratulations on finishing another semester. Thanks for the fun weekend. I was nice to have a sewing day and play board games. Today was good. Ruthie loved the new crafts and had a good day. School was busy. Oliver had a call for reading that I help him with and Isaac needed help with his math at the same time. We took a long lunch break and then finished up. Isaac really wanted to video call Mom so they were able to do that this evening. Thanks Mom. Randy and Terry came over and worked on the roof. We think tomorrow we could finish up the back side. Love you guys.
I am with Robin
I was tired today also. I was taking a test on my computer this afternoon and all of the sudden I jerked. I had fallen asleep. We had a really quiet day. I did get Adobe to work on my computer today so tomorrow I am going to use it to combine documents to pay bills with at work. It has taken me 7 weeks to get that to work. We didn't even leave the house. I did take the garbage out. I guess that does count.. I am glad you were able to fix the leak Robin, I hate water leaks. They are the worst. Karen, I am glad your stew turned out. I keep hoping we get to buy meat. Rachel that was so cute that Isaac taught me how to use Google Meet. That was fun. The medicines help my urinary track infection and I as back to normal. That is good. Well have a nice Tuesday. Drive safe to work Robin.
Today was slow. It was definitely a Monday. I am going into work tomorrow so hopefully everything runs smoothly. I am tired today. Jeramy was ablemto fix a leak in our sink without going to Lowe's so we watched venom and relaxed.
Things are going good here in Kamas. It even rained a little bit this morning. Work is going good just the usual. I made beef stew and corn bread for dinner. It tasted really good. I go for my weekly shot tomorrow morning. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Thank you
thank you all for the nice weekend. I sure had a nice weekend. We all made it home safe and sound. I went to Walgreens and got me meds so I was feeling better. I am ready for another week. Love you all so much. I feel so blessed to be your mom. Love you mom
I hope everyone had a great Mother's day. After everyone left I set my work computer back up on the table so I am all set for work tomorrow. Then I took a nap. Thanks for the fun weekend everyone. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...