Saturday, June 21, 2014


Isaac says actually now and it is so cute.  We had a good time in Logan.  Oliver is getting big and loves to stand and sit.  He smiled and smiled.  Karen, I am glad you had a good day also.  It was my favorite day.  The longest day of the year.  Robin, I hope your date went well today.  I will give you a call tomorrow.  Have a great Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was pretty good. I work up and got my lawn mowed before it got hot. Then I went to Heber and got my grocery shopping done. As I was carrying my bags in though I dropped one and of course it was the bag with my eggs in it. So half my eggs got broke. But at least half survived. I decided to take a nap after that. Well I hope that everyone had a great first day of summer.

Friday, June 20, 2014


Can you pass the written driving test? I got a 93%.

New shirt

I wore my new shirt I bought last night.  It was fun to wear something new.  Work was crazy busy today.  I ran the whole day.  Dad got his eyes checked this morning and everything looked good.  They said that the dose of the medicine the RA doctor gave him was good and wouldn't cause any problems with his eyes.  I feel a lot better.  You read the instructions about the drug and it made me nervous.  He is going to start taking them this Sunday.  Every doctor we have talked to said they would help.  They are malaria drugs.  Not much else going on with us.  Have a fun time mowing your lawn.  Robin have a great 1st anniversary.  We are going to Logan.  Have a great weekend.  I looked on line and you can take the front runner to Clearfield and then a bus will take you to Hill Air Force Base.  Just an FYI.  That is so good that Isaac is eating peas.  That made my whole day.  LOVE MOM

Take out a kite to kill the wind

We had a good day.  It was nice to have Casey home.  This morning we went to the store and got two binders for my quilt magazines and print outs.  I put a picture of my pile that I am working with.  It is turning out so nice I wish I would of done this a long time ago.  I am about half way done and I will need another binder or two.  After that Isaac wanted to go to the splash park.  It was kind of cold but we went anyway.  It turned out to be perfect weather and we had really fun time.  We came home and Casey mowed the lawn which looks really nice.  After dinner we went to the park to fly Dad's kites but the wind died and it was kind of hard for Isaac to do.  I brought Oliver home and put him to bed and they are still at the park.  We are excited for Mom and Dad to come up.  Drive safe and everyone have a good weekend.


Eating peas


Yea its the weekend. My day was good. Work did drag a little at the end of the day but I made it thru. I am going to mow my lawn tomorrow. Exciting I know. I also should probably do laundry sometime also. Well I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Robin, I love your makeup, good job.  Karen gardening is dangerous work.  I need to get you some awesome gloves to wear.  Mom, I am sorry that work was so busy.  You have had a busy weekend.  I am glad that you had fun tonight.  Thank you for the Christmas in June presents for the boys.  They loved them.  It was fun to open and have them under the tree.  Casey didn't feel well so he stayed home from work.  I think that he will be better for this weekend.  It was nice to have him home.  He made bread today and I talked him into making some white bread for me too.  It turned out really good.  I read on a blog this lady to organize all her quilt magazines just cuts out the ones she likes and gets a three ring binder and puts them in plastic sheet in that.  It sounded like a great idea and I have a million magazines so I am going to do that.  I got them all out and went through only two but I will keep working on it.  Our peas are almost ready to pick, a week and they should be good to go.  Me and Isaac ate a couple this morning and Isaac actually ate one, yea.  Everyone have a good Friday.



Work was crazy busy today.  I get to leave an hour early tomorrow.  That will be nice.  I met Kay and Julie for dinner.  I got me a new shirt.  I was excited.  They have an Olaf at JC Penney's that is 8 ft tall and $300.00.  He is cool.  They have a ton of Disney stuff there. Isaac would love it there.   We went to the Valley Fair Mall. I like that mall.  Not much else going on with me.  I am planning on going to Logan on Saturday.  I hope you have a good anniversary day Robin and Karen I hope you get a lot of yard work done.  It is suppose to get really hot.  Robin your makeup is cool.  I love it.  They look so cute.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. I had a makeup gig. I left work an hour early for it. I was suppose to do 2 girls but when I got there the lady in charge said she had 4. So I went with it. But one girl didn't show up so I did three. I put pictures below. I am so worn out. I am going to bed early. Hope you all have a good friday

one day more

I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am so ready for it to be the weekend. My day has been good. Work went by pretty fast. I do need to mow my lawn, but I think that I will wait until Saturday to do it. I did plug a few morning glories from my front planters. I got myself on a rose thorn so I stopped and got a Bandaid. Well I hope that everyone had a good day. Bye

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Jersey boys

Today was ok. I heard they just came out with the movie jersey Boys. It sounds like a good movie. I didn't do much today. I did go get a Mc flurry because it sounded delicious. Tomorrow I have my makeup gig I hope it goes well. Have a good night


Clean Carpets

Dad was so nice this morning and moved everything out of the rooms.  They came around 5:30 to do the carpets.  We went to dinner and Walmart and when we came back it was all dry.  It was neat.  It looks nice.  I got me a new puzzle at Walmarts.  It is a whole bunch of different cars.  I thought that would be fun and it would remind me of Isaac when I was putting it together.  Not much else to report.  I am going to meet Kay and Julie for dinner tomorrow night.  Work is crazy busy but that isn't anything new.  I am an hour over my time so I will get to leave early on Friday.  Rachel I can't get over how big Oliver is getting.  He is grabbing really good.  Isaac still looks like he isn't 100 percent.  I hope Casey is OK.  Good luck with your tomato Karen.  It might be close on the cold weather for it.  LOVE MOM

Out in the cold

It really is Christmas in June.  It is so cold, crazy.  We were in sweaters for most of the day.  We had a pretty good day.  It wasn't prefect but it is getting better.  We went visiting teaching this morning and it went well.  Isaac didn't want to leave because she had fun toys to play with.  Then we came home and painted while Oliver took a nap.  It was really fun.  Then Isaac wanted to go to story time but we missed it yesterday so we just went to the library.  I wanted a book but they don't have it so I may have to breakdown and get it on the kindle.  We had a good time we just sat and read for a long time, it was fun.  Oliver wasn't content to just lay there though, he wanted to be grabbing for things and being entertained.  He is getting big.  He is really good at grabbing things now, I attached a picture.  This evening Casey didn't feel good, he has the cold now.  So he stayed home with Oliver and me and Isaac went to the mall and got a pretzel.  It was fun and nice to get out.  Robin I tried 2048 and it is really addicting.  I played it on facebook but it had a ton of ads so I downloaded it on the kindle and play it when I feed Oliver, it is fun.  Thanks.  Everyone have a good night.


Oliver Grabbing

Isaac waiting for Casey to get home


Rachel I did see that the hippies had arrived. The church moved a couple of the girls camps because of that as well. My day has been good. I am a little tired but I made it thru. My tomato plant survived the cold temperatures last night. It looks like it might rain tonight. I hope that it does, but no more snow. I figured out tonight that I don't pay off my car this year. It is next year. I guess I rounded up. Well I hope that everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Karen, Casey said that their is a big hippie convention in Heber City so watch out.  Isaac was feeling a lot better today.  He got out of bed and ate pretty well.  He is still on medicine and we did take it easy all day.  I cancelled sewing because he was really grumpy this morning and I didn't know how it would go.  All in all it was a pretty good day.  It was cold and rainy so we couldn't of gone outside anyway.  I saw pictures that it was snowing in Park City.  You may need to cover your garden tonight Karen.  Casey checked the peas yesterday and we have a million.  They are close to being ready to eat.  I will have to try that game Robin, thanks.  Everyone have a good night.



I am with Robin it must be Isaac's wish for Christmas that brought this weather.  I am glad he is feeling a little better.  I am on for the air show.  That will be fun.  Not much going on with us.  We just vegged tonight.  Good luck with your makeup on Thursday Robin.  I really love your mask you made.  It is amazing.  I am excited to see how the photos turn out.  LOVE MOM


I blame Issac for the weather he wanted Christmas and although it's not snow it's cold :) I have started to play 2048 it's so addicting. I sent joe the picture of the skull mask today on the 29th we are going to do a shoot. I think it will be fun. I couldn't sleep last night so now I feel run down. So I am just relaxing. Thursday I have a makeup job it will be fun. Have a good night.

the heat is on

Well I had to turn on my heat this morning. It was cold. It is really coming down outside. I really hope it doesn't turn into snow tonight. Work was good. I did have engineering meeting this morning and it was two hours long. But I made it thru. I think the cookies and doughnuts they had at work helped. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, June 16, 2014


Oliver does look really grown up in the pictures.  He is so cute.  Isaac looks like he has a fever.  Poor little guy.  Robin I am sorry your wrist hurts.  Bracing can help that.  If you want to go out one night I will help you get one.  Not much else going on with me.  I would love to go to the air show but I couldn't find out any information on it.  Did you say something in the blog and I missed it?  Let me know what date and we can make a plan.  It is suppose to rain tomorrow.  I hope it pours.  Have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

Just keep swimming

Today was good work was busy. I'm sorry Isaac is sick. He's been sick a lot hopefully he gets better soon! Oliver is getting so big. He's very tall. I'm glad thing are going well with everyone. I forgot to say happy father's day yesterday. Hopefully dad had fun and had a relaxing day. Nothing to much with me. My wrist hurts it's really stiff feeling. But that is all with me have a good one


Poor Isaac

Isaac was sick last night and he slept most of today which was good.  He didn't eat much but he was drinking so that is also good.  Poor little guy.  He spent all day in bed and slept or watched shows.  The air show looks really fun.  I know you have that Friday off Mom so maybe we could come down Friday and spend the night.  I also don't have to teach Sunday so we are free that whole weekend.  We can do whatever anyone thinks.  Everyone have a good night.



Well it was hard getting up this morning, but that is usual for a Monday. Work was good. It has been a little rainy here tonight. Which is nice cause I didn't have to water. Rachel the air show would be fun to go to. I hope that Isaac is feeling better mom said he was sick all last night. Well I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. bye

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Robin I like your mask, good job.  I love the couch Karen, that will be nice.  I am glad that you had a good day Mom.  That sounds fun to make that cake.  We had a good day, it was busy though.  We made Casey a cute picture for Father's Day, I attached a picture.  We went to church and Casey had to give the closing prayer and he did a really good job.  He took Oliver home after Sacrament and met up with his Mom.  Me and Isaac stayed the whole time and he had a good time.  Kristy gave the lesson in relief society and she does a really good job.  We spent the day with Calleen and it was nice.  She seems to be doing really good.  We had a roast in the crock pot and had that for lunch and it tasted really good.  Randy invited us up for hamburgers so we went up there this evening.  Oliver had a blow out and I ran home to get him an outfit but they found an old outfit of Randy's when he was a baby.  It was cute on him.  It was a busy day and I am tired.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.



Robin your mask is really cool looking. My day was quiet. I did cook a dinner though. It turned out good. I put steak, onions, potatoes in a pan and put it in the oven. I am glad that dad's fruit cake turned out good. I hope everyone has a great week.

I did it

I did It laundry and cleaning. My front room is now a mess again because I thought I would start on my mask for joe the photographer. Yesterday I took a break from cleaning and got a new phone. So that is marked off the list. But it was nice to get some things really organized and clean floors. Well not to much else with me hope you have a good week! 


I had a nice day.  We took Grandma Bodily out of breakfast and then took her to Walmart.  Then we came home and dad made his fruit cake.  It is very good.  It is suppose to age 2 weeks but we tried a bite tonight.  We went over and helped out home teachers with their computer.  It took most of the afternoon.  Not much else to report.  Have a great week.  It is suppose to get chilly on Wednesday.  Crazy weather.  Love you guys.  MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...