Saturday, January 7, 2023


 We got up this morning and went to Costco in Lehi. I had a fun time. Luna is a chatter box. Not a lot of words but she has found her voice. We went to lunch and went to Kamas. Dad got kind of sick and just took it easy. We put the smoker together and dad helped us lift it. Karen is smoking enough meat right now to feed nations. It is easy to do. We are spending the night and going home after the meat is done. I love the kids being able to call. That is so much fun. It was a pretty day today. Love mom

Friday, January 6, 2023


 It was raining and snowy today.  I finished my table topper and it turned out good.  I think it is good enough for the photoshoot I hope.  The kids get out of school before I get off of work so the walked home.  They called me three times wanting their hour but they had to wait.  I called yesterday to get an appointment for Oliver with the pediatrician and they want his teacher and us to fill out a form.  I got it back and took it over to the doctor and he has appointment on Monday.  The kids did a craft and the house was a mess so we took a minute and cleaned everything up.  Have fun tomorrow.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 I was glad today was Friday. Work was work. It is the first payroll weekend in a long time I didn't bring my computer home. I took off 100 people this week. Next week I am meeting with 4 more managers. I will be under a 100.people then. Wow. Tomorrow we are going to Costco for meat. I talked Karen in going to the one Lehi. So we can take Robin and Luna. We are going to Kamas afterwards and put together the smoker and try it out. Good luck Karen with your interview. I hope the weather stays nice. Rachel I am glad your first week back went well. I was worried. Love you all mom


Today was good. I'm glad it was Friday. Work was slow so it made the time go by slow. Luna was in a good mood and is getting chatty. It's nothing that is understandable but it's cute


 Thanks for the sauces Rachel. I will have to make you something awesome with them. I am glad that the weekend is here. It snowed off and on most of the day. I shoveled this morning, but it didn't stick the rest of the day so I didn't have to shovel tonight. Work went good. It was just the usual. I have a over the internet in person interview for ti Monday morning. Wish me luck. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Thursday, January 5, 2023


 Congratulations on you smoker Karen.  We got you some sauces and sent them home with Mom and Dad.  I was looking at my calendar and I don't get the 16th off from work.  So I think your plan of taking the kids would work Mom.  Whatever you think.  Oliver wasn't paying attention on school today and didn't do well on a standardized test.  I thought Ruth started tumbling today so I had her get dressed and then doubled check the date and it doesn't start for two weeks.  I had signed the little kids up for basketball but I am not sending them.  Work was good.  We are working on these table toppers.  We finished all the embroidery and not are sewing them together.  It is so stressful for me because they have to be perfect for the photoshoot.  I ended up going to the store three times tonight because we kept forgetting things.  I didn't go to exercise class and just sewed.  Casey took Tony on a walk.  He said it was really cold.  I am sorry Dad is sick.  I hope you guys feel better soon 

Love Rachel 


Today was good nothing wild. Work was slow. Luna was wild tonight and went to sleep really quick. Hope your smoker is cool Karen


 It has been a weird week. each day has been the same. I am not sure what bug me and dad got but it is alive and well.i am glad tomorrow is Friday also. My throat is a lot better so that is a good sign. One of the ladies I work.with slipped on black ice on her knee. She is quite heavy and I am worried it really hurt her. We had zuppas for lunch and it tasted so good. It didn't even make me sick. Karen congratulations on your smoker. We will come help put it together. Rachel I am excited you and Casey are doing well your first week back. Robin what did you sell. Love mom


 I got my smoker today. I had the delivery scheduled for between 3 and 6 so if course it showed up at 1130. It worked out good though I just took an early lunch. I still need to assembly it. It was cold, windy, and snowy so I didn't do it tonight. Other than that it was just the usual for a Thursday. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, January 4, 2023


 Today was good.  Work was good today.  I had meetings this morning and they had a potluck for lunch.  I just did easy embroidery in the afternoon and it was relaxing.  Casey made it all day today and said he wasn't as tired.  He is still having a hard time thinking.  Isaac didn't feel well this morning so he stayed home.  I think he is just tired.  He said he slept most of the day and he was fine when I got home.  He went to young men's and is going to be the decon president.  I went to exercise class tonight and it was high.  I think it is so fun and I love going.  Casey took Tony on a walk and did good.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 It was another quiet day and I need those. It is nice. Dad isn't feeling great poor guy. Work was quiet and I am keeping up. We came home and just vegged

 Robin I am sorry Luna hates the doctor that is hard. Poor little thing. I hate shot day. Karen good kick with your smoker. I hope it comes assembled. Rachel I hope day 2 went well. I have been praying all goes well. Love mom


 Well my day was good. I kept thinking it should be Friday but it was only Wednesday. My smoker is coming tomorrow so that is exciting. I shoveled my back porch again after work so hopefully it won't snow again until after it gets delivered. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Luna had a doctor's appointment today so I left work a bit early. She lost her mind the whole time. She remembers the doctor and did not want to be there. She screamed bloody murder the whole time. She had to get one shot at the end but it was an experience. So we went to one man band for dinner. I just needed an easy night lol then when we got home we just rested. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023


I hope Ruth had a fun birthday. Work was slow today but I made it out alive. I made a sell on Etsy today so that was exciting.after we had dinner I made the ctr order. Luna was good to sit with Jeramy so that was nice. I am having the daycare switch to a sippy cup instead of a bottle and hoping to be done with day care bottles by next week. I hope you get the ti job Karen that would be fun. Love you



 I made to work also. It wasn't so hard since I worked all last week. It was a lot busier today. We did go pick up drugs and then came home. I feel asleep on the couch. I am sorry I missed the kids calls. I knew Ruth would love that camera. I am glad everyone made it to work. Love mom

Happy birthday Ruth

 I can't believe Ruth is 7 today.  She had a good day.  Her class celebrated her birthday.  We took her to sweeto burrito and then cold stone for her birthday.  Karen sent her present and she loves it.  Isaac was excited for the money.  Thank you for sending it.  Oliver had a hard time and was jealous.  I made it back to work also and it went well.  It is so hard to go back when you have been gone but it is never as bad as you think.  We switched desks today but I am still on the same team.  Casey made it to work today also and he did really well.  He is worn out but had a good day.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel


 Well, I made it through work. That always feels like a major accomplishment after a holiday. It snowed here most of the day. It didn't stick enough to shovel, though, so that was nice. A few days ago, I saw TI had another job posting for an industrial engineer, so I applied, and they sent me an email today saying they were interested. They sent me a link, so I thought it was one of those record your interview, so I dressed up and clicked the link. It was three typed questions when did you graduate, what degree level did you get, and what was your degree in. So I dressed up for nothing. Oh well, they said they would get in touch, so that was exciting. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, January 2, 2023


It snowed about 4 inches here last night. Luna woke up and peed through her diaper. I thought it was 3 in the morning so I cleaned up everything and put her in pajamas. She was being a monkey so I figured she needed a bottle to calm down when I got to the kitchen it was actually 8. I was so turned around. So we had a pj morning and watched movies. When Jeramy woke up we shoveled and played with playdough. She was tired so we put on muana and she fell asleep cuddled by me. She was cute. The power went out tonight but after about 1 hour they had it back on. while it was out we played in the front room. She attached to the cow stuffed animal and was reading it books to go to sleep 😴 I have to go to work tomorrow so that will be lame. 


 We had a nice time in Logan. It is always hard to leave. The roads were good coming home. We got a lot.of snow also. I was surprised. We just were lazy when we got home. It is weird going back i like to play. I am excited to try your.smoker Karen everyone be careful going  back to work. Love mom


 The kids made it back to school today.  It is so hard to go back to a normal schedule.  It was nice to have Mom and Dad here this morning to make it easier for the kids.  We went to Sam's club after the kids were in school and that was fun.  Then we went to lunch at el toro.  Mom and Dad went home and me and Casey went shopping some more.  We walked also, Kohl's and then the sportsman to say hi to Randy.  We came home and Casey took a nap and I sewed.  Isaac had violin lessons after school.  Isaac was invited to a friends party so I ran and got a present when they did homework.  Me and Ruth went with him but it definitely was a friend party so me and Ruth left.  Isaac had a fun time.  I went to exercise class.  They changed the schedule so now it is weights on Monday.  It felt good but my arms are going to be sore.  We are going back to work tomorrow.  It is hard to go back but it will be fine.  Good luck everyone making it back to work.

Love Rachel


 Well I got a lot more snow last night. It is getting really deep in my yard. So i cleared all my walks and then shoveled my back patio for when my smoker shows up on Thursday. I also made chex mix and it tasted really good. I hope everyone had a great well. Bye 

Sunday, January 1, 2023


 We woke up to about a foot of snow also. We checked out of the hotel and moved to Rachel's house. We had a really nice day. The roads weren't bad so we were able to play a little bit. Isaac got this gravatic game and it is puzzles and I like that. We are going to go home around lunch time tomorrow. Kids have school.tomorrow. that is weird. I was more.worried about the water would flood your basement Robin. It is so.nice to have Monday off. Enjoy. Love mom


Last night we had a ton of fireworks and after that Jenkins paced the hallway till about 3. I tried to get home to calm down but he wouldny settle. So it was a long night. Jenkins barked while Luna was napping and it woke her up. So she was on edge all night. She was hard to get down to sleep. We had so much rain our lawn is flooded. On our back porch we had 3 inches of water. We transitioned to snow and have about 4-5 inches now. The weather app said we could get 12 inches. Luckily I have tomorrow off so I'm going to stay home and shovel lol. I'm glad the kids had a fun party. Jeramy added a roof to our box house.


Birthday weekend

 We had a fun weekend and the birthday party was really fun.  The pool was really fun and the kids really liked their presents.  Me, Casey and Isaac stayed up late and watched raising Arizona.  Today we went shopping to spend Ruth's birthday money.  She got a salon and desk set for her doll.  We cleaned up her room so she has a space for them.  We had a fancy crab dinner tonight and it was a lot of fun.  We played games after which was fun also.  Stay safe in the snow.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 Well i got a lot of snow at my place. I shoveled over a foot this morning and then about 2 I did about four more inches. Then i shoveled my back porch so it will be clear when my smoker gets here. Other than that it was a pretty quiet day. I hope everyone had a good first day of the new year. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...