Monday, January 2, 2023


It snowed about 4 inches here last night. Luna woke up and peed through her diaper. I thought it was 3 in the morning so I cleaned up everything and put her in pajamas. She was being a monkey so I figured she needed a bottle to calm down when I got to the kitchen it was actually 8. I was so turned around. So we had a pj morning and watched movies. When Jeramy woke up we shoveled and played with playdough. She was tired so we put on muana and she fell asleep cuddled by me. She was cute. The power went out tonight but after about 1 hour they had it back on. while it was out we played in the front room. She attached to the cow stuffed animal and was reading it books to go to sleep 😴 I have to go to work tomorrow so that will be lame. 

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