We had a nice day. We slept in and then met Karen for lunch. We looked for a curved monitor for Casey's birthday. That might be hard to find. All the monitors are really picked over put I will continue my search. We did do a little shopping and it was fun. We found the perfect drawing pads and pencils for our trip to Bryce. I was pretty excited. We came home and just rested and then I worked for a couple of hours on payroll. I was short on hours so I worked on Saturday instead of Sunday. It was perfect. Nothing else to report on my end. I am glad the bonfire turned out. That is a lot of fun. Robin, I hope you had a wonderful day working on benches. LOVE MOM
Saturday, October 3, 2020
I love you decorations Robin. You are amazing. We have been getting so many compliments on our decorations. I am glad you got a new pump. We had a fun bonfire last night. We roasted hot dogs and then watched the stars. The little kids fell asleep on the way home. The boys got their school pictures back and they look really cute. Today was good. We slept in and then cleaned the bathrooms. The kids weren't excited but it feels nice to have done. I got my hair cut and it looks a lot better. Isaac said I look like Robin so that was a good compliment. Casey cleaned the garage while I was gone and took a load to the dump. We stained the deck. We are almost done and will finish tomorrow. We watched a movie when it got dark. We love the new couch. I made a pin cushion Mom got me and it was fun. Thanks again. Love you guys.
My day was good. I met mom and dad for lunch. I stopped at the UPS store along the way and mailed my cracked pump back. We went to a couple stores. Then I came home and did school work. After school stuff it was dinner time. I crocheted a dish rag for fun after dinner. I made it Halloween colors. I think it turned out cute. I put a picture below. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, October 2, 2020
Nice decorations Robin, You are amazing. I just worked all day and then I cooked Mongolian beef and it was really good. I used a can sauch and beef with red peppers, onions and zucchini. It was yummy. Dad put a couple of movies on Vudu. Beautiful Creatures was good. I hope you had a nice bon fire Rachel. Karen I am so glad you were able to get a new pump. Have a nice weekend. LOVE MOM
My day was good. My new pump showed up around 11. I got all my settings transferred over and my sensor reconnected. I stayed home so I could sign for it. So I did school work. I had to write a set of instructions with a troubleshooting section. It took a while to do but I got it all done. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Here is a picture of the crack on my old pump
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Robin, all I could think of was at least I am not a translator for the deaf. That was funny. Rachel that is neat that everyone loves your house. That is makes it fun. Have fun with the bon fire. Robin, I am glad that Jeramy helped that really does make it go faster. Karen I am so glad you are getting a new pump and that it was easy to get one. Good reason to stay home and sleep in. I went to work and dad called and said he was ready to pick me up so I left early also. It was nice. We got our tax return so that was fun. I forgot all about it. Well have a nice Friday. I am ready for the weekend. LOVE MOM
I keep forgetting to tell you that I have gotten a ton of compliments on our Halloween decorations. I even had a lady stop and asked how we did it. I had to call Mom to find what we used. Today I wore warmer clothes on our walk and it went a lot better. I don't think Tony is as cold with his fur. I helped in Isaac's class during math and then worked at preschool. It is a fun job and I don't mind it at all. I took the kids for yo get a cookie because Ruth was so good to do a long day. We got our rebate for our water heaters. I was talking to Casey and he said to pick him up early and we went and got him a backpack for his birthday. It is an ultra light and really nice. We went to dinner to the pizza pie cafe because of Isaac's reading award. Isaac has been stressed at school so I have been trying to think of fun things for him. He has been wanting a you tube channel and I said he could do it for the things he programed. He made a neat tnt block last night so we tried to figure out how to record it. I think we are set to do a video now. Tomorrow we are going to Clifton to have a bonfire so I will probably be late blogging.
this is Thursday
My day was good. I did notice that my insulin pump had a crack over the battery. So I called and they are sending me a new pump tomorrow. So I am going to take tomorrow off so I can sign for it. Other than that nothing too exciting here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Nice day
It was a quiet day and not much going on here. I did make an appointment to get my teeth pulled on November 5th. I kind of freaked out but I think it is the right thing to do. They are bugging me. We did go to Kay's after work and pick up some fabric. She wanted Rachel to have it. I gave her the puzzles from Karen. Rachel, I love that quilt it is just beautiful. Robin, I am on for Nov 14 to take your mother in law to Wendover. Kay is on board as well. I am going into work tomorrow so that should make the day go fast. LOVE MOM
My day was good. Work is still the same. I did get my flu shot today. So far my arm is just a little sore so it hasn't been too bad. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Today was good and pretty normal which was nice. I am being a baby about it being dark in the morning, I need to buck up. Exercise class was fun and I like going. Ruth had school and I did my math class, we are studying eignvalues and eignvectors. We met Casey for lunch and that was fun. We walked to pick up the boys. Ruth and Tony were running in all the sprinklers because they were hot. I sewed while they played the switch. I finished putting the blocks together and just have to add a border Casey has a training tomoyso he worked late. Love you guys and have a good night.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Nice time
Work was good. I went into work and it went by fast. I did leave a little early so dad could come home and have a nap before we hooked up with Robin and Jeramy. It was fun to walk through Ikea. We went out to dinner and it was good and Kohls was right there so I wanted to go get Oliver a couple pair of pants and Robin has some Kohls cash and let me have it. It got two pairs for the price of one. It was sweet. I am working from home tomorrow and just hanging out. Everyone have a nice hump day and last day of September. LOVE MOM
The bench looks really nice Robin, you are on fire. Good job. It was dark and cold on my walk this morning but it will be fine. Ruth had school and I did my math class and sewed a bit. Oliver had a friend over after school and they had a fun time. I started teaching Tony how to roll over and he is getting pretty good at it. We watched a show after homework. It is fun to have a new couch when it darks so early. Love you guys.
Isaac got an award for reading well.
Things are going good here. I got my dishes done today. Yeah for me. Work was good. It was meeting day so that took up most of the morning. Then after work I watched a lecture video for motion studies and then did my quality homework. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, September 28, 2020
It was a quiet day here. I slept in an hour today. I just felt like it. I worked all day and then just vegged. I didn't even go outside today. I did get laundry done so that was my excitement. Rachel, I think they are probably going to order the costumes for the recital next week. That is the only thing I can think of. Or maybe start learning the dance. December will be here before you know it. I am going to hook up with Robin tomorrow after work. I have to go into work tomorrow and train a new person but I thought I would leave a little early. We can firm up times tomorrow. Karen, I can't believe how cold that is. It is suppose to be 85 by the weekend. It is hard to believe no rain for conference weekend. Well everyone have a great Tuesday. LOVE MOM
Today was good. I was really cold and dark here this morning so I didn't go on a super long walk. I worked at Ruth's preschool as a substitute this morning so I didn't go to exercise class. It was fun to work though. Ruth had dance class this afternoon and had a fun time. She said her recital is next week. Is that right Mom? I didn't think they would have it that fast. We just played at home after school. The kids did their homework but weren't excited about it. Love you guys.
Well it is always hard getting up on Monday mornings, but I did it. It was cold this morning. It was 30 when I left for work. Work was good. It was a quiet day. Our new CEO got a positive covid test so he is at home. I hope everyone had a great day bye
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Nice Weekend
Thanks for the fun weekend. I sure had a fun time. It was nice to come to Logan. I love the decorations. We did help Karen get a shelf and it looks really nice Karen. You measured perfect. We just laid around all day after Karen left and I slept. I really need that. I can't believe it is the last week in September. Time is going by so fast. It was such a nice day outside today. Rachel, I am glad they pulled that old carpet up and found hardwood floor. That is so nice. I am glad they have a couch to sit on. You are so nice to take care of them. Robin, I hope you had a nice day pulling up carpet as well. Have a nice Monday. LOVE MOM
Thanks for coming up and decorating yesterday. It was good to see everyone. The house looks really good, thank you. We went to church this morning and they released the Bishop, he has been in for five years. I really like bishop Cox and I was sad. They cancelled my meeting today because of the changes which was nice. We as the primary put together conference packets for the kids so me and Casey went on a walk and delivered them. It was nice to walk around with him. After lunch we went to Clifton to visit Calleen. She torn up the blue carpet and their was a hardware floor underneath. It looks really nice with our old couches in there. We took Tony with us and he did really good and had a fun time. We went hiking and it was a lot of fun. The leaves are changing and it was pretty. There was a steep part driving up and it made Oliver nervous. So Oliver, Tony and Allen walked down the steep park. They ended up running down most the mountain. Oliver wanted to stop and see Grandma Leona's grave so we did that also. Calleen made us dinner which was really nice. Then we headed back home and we were all tired. Love you guys and I hope you have a good Monday.
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...