Saturday, May 7, 2011

Nice weekend

All I can say is I had a really great weekend. Thanks everyone for all the nice things for mothers day. I have had two amazing weekends really. WOW I am one loved mom. Thank you. I just had such a nice day. I think working outside is really good for me. I didn't get sunburned because I wore my hat 1/2 of the day while Isaac was asleep when he woke up I took it off. I didn't want to scare him. His is so dang cute. He is the best baby. We made it home safe and sound. Grandma's hearing aid is really broken and she is struggling without it. I am so worried about her. She really isn't eating or drinking. Kay is going to take her hearing aid tomorrow and take it to the guy to fix it. Well have a great mother's day.


walk the walk

Well today was a two show day. It was good. I am pretty beat though. next week is the last week. I'm excited, once may is over life will calm a bit, I think. I work tomorrow at zions till 5, so that will be kinda lame. Well not to much I am going to go to bed I am so tired.


Sun Burn

We had a busy day. Me and Casey went to the dump and plant shopping this morning while Mom watched Isaac. He was so good today, it must of been because he got to spend the day with his Grandma and Grandpa. When we got home we went to look at Dad's car. He didn't end up getting it but I enjoyed test driving it. It was fun to drive with the top down. After that we went and worked in the yard for the rest of the afternoon. I even got sunburned. Isaac just sat in his stroller and watched us work and had a great time. We got the garden in and planted two new trees, a plum and peach. So we will all have vegetables this year. It will be fun. We even planted the three friends that Dad told us about, it will be fun to see how it does. I hope that Mom and Dad made it home alright, we had a fun day but I am beat now.


Well for the most part I just stayed in today. With the Ironman going on I just didn't want to deal with the traffic. I did have to go to the bank, but that was close so it wasn't too bad. I did get my living room straightened up and I even vacuumed. It looks a lot nicer not to have clutter. I am sure it will get cluttered again but for now I will just enjoy it. I am sorry that dad wasn't able to get his car. He will just have to keep looking for the perfect one. Well have a great Sunday and Mother's day everyone. BYE

Friday, May 6, 2011

sunny days

It was so nice outside today I am loving the new weather trend. The quilt show was fun I raked I got alot of cool finishing things. Then I went off to work. It was fun I think after having a ton of cokes I was super buzzed. I also got paid from pioneer so that was awesome. I love paychecks. well I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing saturday


Best day ever

I had a really good day, one of the best days ever. The quilt show was amazing and we got some fun thing. Casey got me a computer for our aniversery and we went out to dinner which was fun. I am excited to do yard work tomorrow, it will be fun.


Well I went shopping tonight because the road the runs in front of Walmart is going to be closed for ironman. The traffic was crazy here today. It was warm enough here today that I had to turn on the ac in my car. I am glad that you guys had a fun time at the quilt show. Also Happy Anniversary Rachel and Casey. I can't believe it has been five years already. Well i hope that everyone has a great Saturday. BYE

Off to Logan

The quilt show went well. I even bought you a surprise Karen. It isn't a quilt either. I had a nice day. Isaac loved looking at the quilts. We came home and it was Rachel and Casey's anniversary so I babysat and now we are off to Logan. We will be home tomorrow night. Have a great saturday. LOVE MOM

Thursday, May 5, 2011


well today was my last day for two days at zions. I think there is a time warp there. It goes soooooo slow. I think time goes by slower and slower every day. I think I need to get some activities to keep me entertained. The show ran well today. Tomorrow is the last week Whew. then lagoon begins. dun dun dun. its going to be crazy. well I better head for bed so I am well rested for the quilt expose.


Work night

I stayed home all night and did laundry and ironed and even vacummned. I know I need to do that more often. My tub still is black but I will do that soon. I am excited for you to come down Rachel. Karen said she wanted us to buy her a surprise at the quilt show (Just kidding). I am excited. I have decided I am going to buy Isaac a big boy quilt to do. Spiderman or something in that area. Well have a great friday. LOVE MOM

He did it

Isaac did roll over from his back to his stomache, it was really good. Now he just needs to figure out it gets him somewhere. I think the plan for tomorrow is Casey wants to leave at 6 or 6:30 so he can get to work before the traffic gets bad. So we will be there at 7:30 or 8. Sorry it is so early. Then we are free to play. I am excited and will be in SLC tomorrow.


Robin I am jealous that you got your refund already, I wish I had gotten mine. Work was pretty good I stayed busy so that was nice. I hope that you all have a great time at the quilt show. It was nice here today. I just love spring. Rachel I love that picture of Isaac he is just so cute. Mom said that he rolled over. Wow he is getting so big. Well have a great Friday everyone.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

my friday ish tooo

Tomorrow is my friday as well at zions. I don't work friday or saturday there anymore so that is nice. I still have pioneer but thats managable. I got my state taxes woot! Its not the big check but its still something. I like money. I think I am going to get my hair done. well I hope everyone had a great day. may the 4th be with you


Cute Isaac

Well Isaac looks so happy on his walk. That made my day. I will have to find clothes with zippers on them. That is so cute. I had a busy day at work and that was nice. I ws tired but made it through. We tried a new place to get grandma's nails done and they were really good. We will continue to go to them. They were getting really long and when we missed her appointment in Logan I just thought it was too hard to try to get them done in Logan. I went to best buy with dad tonight and got me phantom of the opera TV version to listen to at work. I have been wanting that. He went to get a cable for his phone to computer. He wants to look around for that. I am excited that tomorrow is my Friday. YEAH


The outdoors

Isaac loves being outside. Here is a picture of him laughing on our walk.

He also likes zippers, I thought it was just his pajamas that made him laugh but he also laughed when I zipped up his jacket. I had a good day. I finished mowing the lawn, it should only take me an hour and half to do next time. It feels really hood to do. We also went to khols. My shoes got grass stains all over them so I got a new pair. I also ordrered some decals on amazon, I got one with a ton of jungle animals and then one with a big monkey in a tree. I think it will be cute.


Half way

Rachel I am glad that cookies taste just as good in Logan. You should try chocolate next just to make sure it tastes ok also. You just don't want to take chances with these things. Work was good today, I got a lot of things done. I hope that you had a good time getting grandma's nails done. Have a great rest of the week. BYE

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

So Worried

I have been worried sick that the cookies in Logan weren't as good as the ones in SLC. I feel a lot better now. My day has been good. I went to work early and then Dad and Casey came and went to lunch with me. I really enjoyed that. I went and got grandma an appointment to get her nails done tomorrow and I called Kay to walk the mall with us and they were having a birthday party for Jen so we went to dinner with them. There was a Ross next door to Chili's so we went there and found Grandma a really cute sweater set for the wedding. That was nice to get that done. I am tired so I am going to bed. LOVE MOM

Good News

There is some good news, the sugar cookies in Logan taste as good as they did in SLC. I know you were all worried so I am glad that I am able to put your minds to rest. I had a good day. We went grocery shopping this morning and it feels good to have some food in the house. I mowed half of the back yard. It started to rain and Isaac woke up at the same time so I had to stop. I finally decided to dive into the box of technology and I set up the WII and Xbox. Dad helped me setup the wireless network so I think that we are set, thank you Dad. Casey is staying SLC tonight at the apartment but he is working late. The weather cleared up this evening so we took a walk and then watched Glee. I hope that everyone has a good night and sleeps well.



Well my day was pretty good. I did have to dress up fancy for work. All the engineers had to wear ties. I did get an excuse to not wear a tie due to the fact that I don't own one or know how to tie one. It was really nice outside here today. i am enjoying the weather. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Monday, May 2, 2011

return to work

Well today was another day off work. I am pretty excited for when I get a day off. The weather is starting to get alot nicer. I can't believe that its may already. so crazy. anyway not much else exciting


I think I can, I think I can

Today was good, the weather was really nice. I mowed the front lawn today and it went well, I will start on the back tomorrow. This is going to make me get into shape. When Isaac woke up we walked around the block. Casey came home tonight and him and Collin went up to Clifton to get the truck. Casey wants to get some compost for the garden this week. I like how we did the front room, it felt really nice today. Thank you. The kitchen also felt really nice with the clean floors.


Well I made it thru Monday. Is was hard to get out of bed but I made it. I had to run to Walmart after work because my bread was moldy. It was really Nice here today. It was like 80 degrees outside. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fun weekend

Thanks for the fun weekend. I had a really good time. It was nice to have everyone home. Not much has happened since last we were together. Have a great monday


well Bin lauden I guess was finally killed. Its all over the news. other then that I had a fun weekend sorry I had to work for the majority of it but it was fun to see everyone. ;) Well hopefully it gets warmer up here this week and we can start on summer. hope everyone has a great monday


Made it

Well i made it back to St. George. I had to turn the AC on in my car because it got so warm down here. It was quiet a temperature shock. Thanks for the fun weekend everyone I had a great time. I hope that mom's phone will ring when I call from now on. that is just weird that it did that. Well have a great week. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...