Saturday, January 29, 2011
Crazy day
Karen, I have to do a load of laundry daily now so I don't feel too bad for you, that is a lot of laundry, I bet you didn't have anything to wear. Today we were going to go to Logan and visit casey family and pick up the pillls for Mom, but Casey ended up working till 5 so we couldn't get the pills. We decided to head to logan anyway. His grandma looked really good and was really excited to see the baby. She was really good with him and got him to stop crying. Isaac did a really good job in the car and was really good while we were visiting which was nice. Well we will see Mom and Robin tomorrow at the acouting event.
Well I got my laundry done. I haven't done it in like 3 weeks so it took awhile. I also washed my sheets and comforter so my I have clean sheet. I started laundry at 11 and finished at 6. I know I already told all of you about my calling. 10 to 11 years olds. It should be interesting. Apparently this is a big class and they are splitting it up into 2 classes. I will get the older ones you will go into young mens and young womens soon. I didn't think it was possible to get a calling with out having your records there yet, but apparently they can give you the job they just can't call and sustain you until they have your records. I would have bet money that I would have had to speak in church before I got a calling. Oh well I am sure that I will have to do that sometime also. Well I hope that everyone has a great Sunday. BYE
Sorry I keep forgetting to blog. i struggle. We went to logan today. It was a nice drive it was really foggy i am ready for the summer. The mall was fun with everyone it was fun to chat with the family. well tomorrow we are going to austins court of honor. I hope you are enjoying warm weather karen. I'm jealous. well better run have a great night
safe and sound back in Salt Lake
We are back safe and sound in SLC. Logan was cold and it was foggy. It was nice to get the pills. We went to Kohls and got Isaac a new outfit and then came back home. I need to go to the grocery store now to get food. I had a nice day. Robin drove the whole way. It was nice to just watch the scenery. Well have a great sunday. WE are going to go to Austin's court of honor tomorrow night.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Fun times
We had a nice time tonight. We shopped at Valley Fair Mall. That brought back many a shopping trip. They still have the popcorn store. It was fun. I was going to go to Logan tomorrow but Rachel and Casey might take Isaac up there to see Casey's grandma so if they go I am not. It is up to them. Well I am doing a batch of clothes and then I am going to bed. It is nice to do two at a time. Have a great day. LOVE MOM
Bath time
Today I gave Isaac a bath with the chair Karen got hiim and it was really nice, thank you. It will be perfect for him. Tonight was fun going out with everyone and get out of the house. Thanks for helping me with the baby, it makes trips funner.
Do you have raisins?
Well I had a knock on my door tonight and a group of teenagers were doing a scavenger hunt and they needed a box of raisins. Since I don't like raisin they were out of lunch at my place. After I told them that I didn't have any raisins they asked if I had any dried grapes instead. It took all I had not to point out the dried grapes are raisins. You have just got to love the teenagers today. Well my day was good. Thanks for the surprise in the mail mom. And thanks to Robin for calling for mom to see how I liked it. You are like her personal assistant. It was fun taking to you. I hope that you had fun at the whodoo. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE
Thursday, January 27, 2011
we had a good day. I finished pinning my heart quilt and sewing the binding of the baby quilt. We went on a walk also and that was fun. Casey was home tonight and he is makeing some soup, it smells good. Well everyone have a good Friday.
Almost Friday
I am glad it is friday tomorrow. Good luck on Saturday Karen, bet you get a job and a time to talk at church. That will be good for you. We went to a dinner for work tonight and that was fun. Then one of the guys I work with was waiting for a bus and he left like a 1/2 before us so we asked him if we could take him home. He lives in Ogden so we just took him down to the forerunner bus. It worked out really good. Then we went to Target and just walked around. It was a nice evening. Well have a nice friday. We are going to stay in SLC this week. Dad needs the time to work.
One day more
Well it is almost the weekend. Tomorrow is payday also that this is double nice. I had a good day. I found out what time my new ward starts. But I also have an appointment with a member of the bishopric on Saturday. I think it is too early for them to have my records though. So I don't think that it is a calling. Well I hope that you all had a great Thursday. BYE
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
WEll I think I figured it out to put some photos of isaac on the blog. I know its not as cool as the side on but hopefully you guys can see the photos. WEll today me and rachel went to the mall, It was fun to look around and see a new mall. we went to valley fair mall. Then me mom and dad went to spagetti factory. Grandma didn't go out with us she wasn't having a good day and wanted to stay home. well nothing else it to crazy I'm glad that this week is almost over to. Then its febuary, Jan. is the longest month. have a great one
Yes I am a screaming maniac
I am excited to come to St. George. We will leave on Friday the 25th. I am not sure times as yet or who is coming we will work that out. It was a good day. I went to the insurance lady and she went over my insurance and said everything looked good. That made me happy. I don't know of any other great news. I gave grandma a bath tonight and tomorrow my work is having a work party. It will be fun to meetin everyone. Have a great Thursday.
Screaming maniacs
Well it is official. Mom said that the Screaming Maniacs were going to be on the move in February. Be sure all residents in the areas noted have stocked up on their crazy pills. Well I had a good day today. Work wasn't crazy so that was nice. I am glad that the week is half over though. I need to go and get my oil changed in my car this weekend. I should have done it last weekend, but I lost motivation and didn't get it done. I am glad that you all had a good time sewing. Robin get bonus points for being the only one to blog after sewing though. Well have a great one. BYE
Sorry I didn't blog last night. It was a good day yesterday. We went over and spet the day with Robin and she got some cute pictures. Mom picked up some pizza for dinner so we had a ton of time to sew and grandma and grandpa watch Isaac. I quilted my grey baby blanket and Mom sewed the binding and I worked on a jelly roll quilt. I have a heart quilt on my table that I need to finish pinning. Today me and Robin meet for lunch and signed Isaac up for photos for feb 5. It will be fun. Casey went to visit his friend that needs a liver transplant tonight. I guess he isn't doing well.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
le sew
well today was a snowy day. Grandma didn't go to physical thearpy because it was snowing so bad. We had like 4 inches in an hour. It settled down by the late afternoon. Rachel came over with isaac to sew. i started my long purple dress. I'm excited to work on it. well nothing else to crazy, have a great one
Well things are good here today. My allergies are bad today though. I kept sneezing all day during work. It was most annoying. I hope that Robin and Rachel had a good lunch. I wish I lived closer so I could go to and play with Isaac more. Oh well I will just have to enjoy the sunshine down here instead. Work was good today. It wasn't as busy as yesterday so that was nice. I even still had enough to keep me busy all day. I hope that you guys didn't get snowed in up there. Mom said that it was really coming down this morning. I am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday. That means that the week is half over. I hope that you all had a good time sewing also. Love ya BYE
Monday, January 24, 2011
pins and curls
well today I worked at x pose it went well. I would love to meet up for lunch rachel how about 1 ish so you can feed isaac... whatever sounds good to you I will call you for details. I am glad that you are moving to a family ward karen you will really like it. Maybe they will make you sunbeam teacher and you can play with kids all day. better then a program writer. :) anyway I hope everyone has a great week.
love you
love you
good job
Good job everyone for going to church yesterday. That wll be fun to go to a family ward Karen, good job. I had a good day. I pinned the baby blanket and most of my heart quilt. I am feeling a lot better and feel like I have more energy. Isaac is growing fast and is getting so strong. I got him to lift his head and turn it when we did tummy time. He is doing good. I am excited to sew tomorrow. Mabye we could do lunch Robin, let me know what you think.
Oh what a day
It really wasn't that great of a day but I do like that saying. It was pretty outside but it felt so cold. I am hoping it starts to warm up. Robin said it is suppose to snow tomorrow. We are going to sew tomorrow. I am going to try and do my binding on my cute quilt. I hope I get it done. I like to hold Isaac so much that sewing seems like time away from Isaac. I am glad you called the bishop. That was brave of you. I hope it is a good experience. It will be different for sure. Well not much else to report. We went to Village Inn for dinner and then to Alberstons. Grandma crashed into someone with the Jazzy but he was good about it.
Not the only one
Well I don't feel so bad about not blogging yesterday cause it looks like mom was the only dedicated one. Yeah for mom. Well I am going to start going to the family ward on Sunday. I talked to my bishop yesterday and told him and I call the bishop for the new ward today and left a message so he can tell me what time church starts. Wow I know I finally did it. My shredded beef sandwiches turned out good. It is a good recipe. Work was busy today. There are two proposals that are due tomorrow and apparently we can't start work on them until the day before. I think I got everyone what they needed though. I will have to see how my desk looks tomorrow. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, January 23, 2011
We went to sacrament meeting today in SLC. I don't think we made it to the right ward but it was nice to go to church. We went to the one by our apartment. I think we have to go half way across town to go to our ward. I made meatloaf for dinner. It tasted good. I like making dinner. I hope your roast turned out good Karen. It was sunny but cold here today. We are going to sew on Tuesday night. Karen your skirt looks really good. Robin did a good job
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...