Friday, September 25, 2020


 Today was slower and nice.  I walked and went exercise class, we did yoga which was nice.  Me and Ruth just played today.  We walked to pick up Isaac, Oliver had a birthday party he went to after school.  Isaac thought he could walk home by himself so he wasn't excited we came.  Oliver went to the fun park for his party and had a really fun time.  We mowed the lawn tonight so we are ready to decorate.  We are watching interstellar which is fun.  The kids are just asking a ton of questions which is cute.   See you tomorrow.



Made it

 I made it to Friday. I am sorry jeramy s phone broke that is sad. I am excited for decorating. I will bring all the spiders so Robin can take hers home with her. Kar n came down. She was having troubles in one of her classes and dad helped her. We went to Costco. It was nice to walk around. Drive safe tomorrow. Love ya mom


Today was nice because it was Friday. Jeramys phone died yesterday. It's a work phone so they are getting him a new one next week. But he's a few days with out a phone. Then we drove to home depot and harbor freight. Jeramy bought me the second half of the bench material and a sander. So that will be a fun project to work on. We will head up to Logan after we eat lunch. See you all tomorrow

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Good day

 I went to work today and I was really busy. The day went really fast. We just rested tonight. Dad has a kidney stone and it is hurting him. He has been taking codeine so I know it hurts.  I am excited for decorating. It will be fun. I am glad the tooth came out easy. That is good. Karen I hope you get feeling better you sounded rough. Robin I hope you had a nice day


 Thanks for coming up this weekend guys.  It will be fun and spooky.  Today was good.  Tony was having a hard time focusing on our walk this morning.  His harness is too small so we ordered him a new one that came today.  He did a lot better with it on our evening walk so I think his harness has been bugging him.  I helped in Isaac's class this morning and it was fun to help the kids.  I worked at preschool today and that was fun.  The kids are really cute.  Ruth is doing really staying all day.  Oliver had a playdate after school and had fun with him.  Oliver went in a field trip today to the nature center and went hiking and looked at plants.  Ruth has had a loose tooth.  It was hurting her today so I was having her wiggle it a lot.  Then after dinner she pulled it out herself.  She is so brave.  She has been wanting this mermaid at Lee's.  She showed it to me a couple of days ago and wanted it when she lost her tooth.  So we went and bought it tonight.  She was so happy.  She was so happy to have a loose tooth.  She was like the boys.  Casey had a dentist appointment this morning and then Called came down to get our old couches.  They went to lunch and had a good time.  We are going to go up Sunday and pick up the trailer. Love you guys and have a good Friday.




 I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. Work is about the same. Then I just did school stuff. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Hump day

 Well we made it half way.  YEAH.  Robin those saying made me laugh.  Thanks.  Rachel, I am sorry that Isaac is sick.  I hope he gets feeling better.  I hate throwing up.  Karen I can't believe you got hail.  I wish we would get rained on.  Work was quiet and I got some stuff done.  I am going into work tomorrow.  Dad says he has a kidney stone so I might not be going in, I will see how he is doing.  What is the plan for this weekend?  Are we going to Logan to decorate?  Have a nice day tomorrow.  LOVE MOM 


 Isaac was throwing up last night so we didn't get a lot of sleep.  Me and him slept on the couch in case he needed anything.  We kept him home from school, he wasn't feeling well this morning.  He did feel better this afternoon.  I was going to go to exercise class but I called him after I dropped Oliver off and he was throwing up again.  He wanted a egg mcmuffin so we got that for him instead.  Oliver was invited to a birthday party on Friday so after school we went and got a present and then got Oliver some more chocolate milk.  Oliver and Mom bought Sher next door a halloween card.  I had texted her and she could met up tonight.  She wrote Oliver and Ruth a card also which was nice.  It was good to visit with her.  She really liked the card, thanks Mom.  We watched the Adams family cartoon movie and stayed up too late.  It was a nice evening though.  Love you guys 



Oliver found the blanket Robin made him and was so excited.  He is sleeping with it tonight.

Ruth drew a picture of a grandpa she said and then put the fun house glasses on it.  It was so funny.


 Things are going good here in Kamas. We had a hail storm last night around 11. It came down hard for about 10 minutes. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. Then I  watched a lecture video for school. Hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Today was good. Me and Jeramy went to Texas road house. It tasted good. Then I mowed the lawn and weed wacked the edges. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Today was ok. Work was busy but I felt like I got nothing done. Me and Jeramy went out for dinner and every restaurant was so busy so we ended up at a diner in lehi. Then we came home and relaxed. We started watching flea market flip and want to start making cool things lol I think we are more into judging them then really wanting to make anything :) 



 I got up and worked and then at lunch time I went into work.  I decided to stop at McDonalds and get a big mac.  That was crazy.  It sat for 15 minutes and never even made it onto McDonalds property.  I left and had a garden burger at work.  It was nice to visit and I got some payments done and then we came home and watch a new series called Widow.  It suck us in.  We watched another one last night called The go Wrong show.  It was so dumb it was funny.  Not much else to report on my end.  It is hump day tomorrow which is always nice.  I figure if I make it through Wednesday, I can make it the rest of the week.  Rachel, I love the kids in there 3 d glasses.  They are so cute.  Karen, I hope your arm feels better tomorrow.  They are tough.  Robin, I hope you are surviving.  Be safe LOVE MOM 


 Today turned out to be a busy day.  Me and Ruth went to the store after we dropped the boys off at school.  While Ruth was at school I had to make copies for primary, we are putting a packet together for conference.  I am working on matrices in my math class and it is really time consuming but really interesting.  Ruth wanted to watch a movie when she got home so I worked on it more then.  Oliver had a friend come over to play.  He was so cute, he liked doing pearler beads.  Oliver is going to his birthday party on Friday so we are going to buy him some.  After dinner and homework we took Tony on a short walk and then watched a show for a bit.  Poor Tony is getting adult teeth and his gums have been bleeding.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Love you guys.




 well I went and got my allergy shot this morning. My arm is still sore, but I will make it through. Work was good. After work I came home and fell asleep on the couch. Allergy shots make me tired. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, September 21, 2020


 Thanks for all the pictures I love them.  They are just beautiful.  I was tired today also.  I got up early and did payroll.  I was tired last night and just went to bed.  I think that was a good idea.  I left work early and me and dad got our eye's tested.  I thought it might have been a year for me but it had been three years.  Only a year for dad.  I am going to get a stronger bifocal but other than that we both checked out.  That was good.  They dilated our eyes so we just mostly sat in a dark room and watched TV.  They are a lot better now.  Robin, I hope you start not being so tired.  I am worried about you.  You are under a lot of stress.  Karen I loved all the birds in the pond.  That is so nice for them to have water.  Rachel congratulations on puppy classes.  You did a good job taking him and working with him.  He is a cute puppy.  Everyone have a nice Tuesday.  Days are shorter now than nights.  I love the long days but having it a little cooler is nicer.  LOVE MOM 


Thanks for the fun weekend.  It was so good to see everyone.  You guys are awesome.  Today was good and fast.  I walked and went to exercise class.  Ruth had school and I did my class.  She had dance class this afternoon and had a fun time.  She is cute.  The boys had a good day at school.  I think we were all tired today also.  Tony had his last puppy class today and he graduated.  It has been a good class and we learned a lot.  Thanks Mom.  Love you guys and have a good night.



Here is a picture overload


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...