Saturday, August 12, 2023
Friday, August 11, 2023
Work was really quiet and that was nice. I forgot to stop and get saurekraut for dinner so me and dad went to reams and got some and donuts and pieces of cake. They do have good cake donuts. We did go to Costco and get fruit snacks. We are going to Lehi in the morning to buy seeds for fall harvest. We are dropping boxes off at Kay's on the way home. They moved her move date to August 29. Have fun camping Rachel. That is fun you get to do that. Be safe. Love mom
Happy birthday Dad
Today was good. Work went well and nothing too stressful happened. Walter came over to play when I got home. He is a cute boy and they had fun playing. I cleaned the house and that felt good. I had gotten behind. After dinner Casey got some camping things and I took the kids to the park. We are going backpacking tomorrow so wish us luck. We will be back in Sunday and are going up Logan canyon by White Pine Lake.
Love Rachel
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Congratulations Karen. That is amazing. You do a good job. We had another busy day. Work was good and went pretty fast. Ruth had a birthday party and Emily's Mom was nice and picked her up. We picked up on the way to swimming lessons. She had so much fun and was so happy. Swimming lessons went good and it is fun to watch them swim. The kids had piano lessons so we didn't stay. Oliver has learned a new song and was excited to play it for his teacher. My visiting teachers came over and it was good to visit. I didn't have enough time to go to exercise class though. When Casey came home we went to the park and it was a pretty evening.
Love Rachel
My day wasn't as fun as Karen. I got no raise. Just a lot of emails. I was over hours so I left an hour early. That was nice. I unpacked some of my crafts. Kay needs some boxes so we are taking her the rest of ours this weekend. For dads birthday we are going to organize the printer room. Give him more space. Have a nice Friday. Love mom
Well, my day was good. Apparently, they don't like the QA person they hired. So, they are going to have me to some of it. So, I get a new job title and a raise. I don't know how much of a raise, but it will still be nice. Other than that, it was just the usual for me. I went to work, and I made some progress on the project I am working on. There was a ton of traffic on the way home because the President was here, and people were using back roads. I was patient and made it home in one piece though. I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. Bye
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
I love free stuff also, that is so fun Robin. This week has been busy but all good things. Work went well. We are starting a new quilt and have to figure out how everything works. It has been good to work on something different. Oliver had a playdate with Walter. His Mom and was nice and picked Oliver up this afternoon and then I picked him up on the way to swimming lessons. Before swimming lessons me and Ruth went to the toy store and got a present for Emily's party tomorrow. Swimming lessons are going well and it fun to watch the kids swim. They swam for a bit but we had to go home because they had activity days and young men's. Only two boys came to Casey's activity days but Oliver had fun. Isaac went to a stake activity and his whole friend group was their. He had a really fun time. I made it to exercise class and I picked Isaac up on the way home. It felt so good to go. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
It was a good day at work. I got down to 10 emails. That is amazing. I came home and made hamburger pie. It tasted so good. We picked two zuchinnis and one tomatoes. We have eaten almost all of robins tomatoes. They taste so good. Robin that is neat you got free stuff. That is always fun. We watched murders in the building. It is good. I feel asleep for a little while. Have a nice Thursday. Rachel I am glad the kids got to do swim lessons. Love mom
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
I got a lot done at work. It felt nice. It is busy. Karen's mouth was numb so we went and got a milkshake for dinner. Karen washed the inside of her car window so we went for a drive to see if it was better. We drove to see if we could see James house. We found it and they were outside. We adopted and visited for a while. The relief society came by and her husband was interested in the printer. They are having a church carnival so we gave them a lot of stuff for prizes. That is fun that Robin can make those templates that is fun. I am glad you took Isaac in. That is neat that he can fix that nose rash. That has to hurt. We didn't get any rain. Thanks for having Luna call me. Have a nice hump day. Love mom
Today was good. It was raining a lot this morning and was cooler today. Work was good. I had a meeting and we finished the date pillows which was nice. Now we are starting to work on a new quilt. I left a little early to take Isaac to the dermatologist to look at the mole on his chin. He said it was a good kind of mole and the scar to remove it would be bigger than the mole. He said he couldn't freeze it either. He said to wait until he was old. He thinks Isaac will grow and the mole won't so it won't look bad. He noticed the redness around his nose and said it was perioral dermatitis. He prescribed a antibiotic and Isaac has to take it for three weeks. He said it doesn't clear up on it own. Then we went to swimming lessons. I am so grateful we get to do them. The kids swam for a long time afterwards. It was fun. I didn't make it to exercise class because we came home to late so I sewed. Thanks for making the templates Robin.
Love Rachel
My day was pretty good. I had a meeting this morning so that my it go by fast. Then I had a dentist appointment so I took the afternoon off. I made it through the dentist. Then mom came home and we went to Arby's for dinner. We started watching the new season of only murders in the building. We had to pause when someone from the ward stopped by. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, August 7, 2023
It was payroll Monday so that made the day go fast. I did a.few syops.on my went to sprouts to get dad some probiotics. I also went to winco to get a few things. We are watching murders in the building. They are coming out with a new season. I like them. Have a nice Tuesday. Good.luck with your tooth Karen. Godd luck with compost Robin. Love mom
We had a fun day and it was busy. I was depressed because I had to work this morning but it wasn't bad and the day went fast. I had my yearly review interview and I am doing a good job. She said I need to be more confident and speak up more. After work the kids had swimming lessons. It was so fun and they got to swim outside afterwards. It was so fun to do one of the normal summer things we do. We also were able to get the smoothie's we always get afterwards. The kids came home and changed and then we went to my work party. It was a barbecue and then they had a softball game b we just went for the dinner. Some of the kids friends were their and they had a fun time playing. I was only going to stay an hour and go to exercise class but it was fun so we stayed longer. When we got home we helped Casey mow the lawn. It was so long and really needed to be cut. I didn't take any pictures though, I will do better.
Love Rachel
I stayed busy at work also. So that made it go by fast. After work I just came home and we had tacos for dinner. It tasted good. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment so I am taking a half day off. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, August 6, 2023
Thanks for the fun time yesterday. I really like that arcade place. It was fun to see everyone also. Today was good and we were tired. I finished my collage quilt this morning. It looks good and was fun to make. We went to church. Casey was home when we were done so we all went to lunch together. We went to Tony's Grove and went hiking. We went above it again and looked for caves. It really really pretty and we had a good time. We stayed until it was dark. I didn't take pictures yesterday, sorry about that.
Love Rachel
Thanks for the fun day yesterday. I had a really good time. I slept in this morning and took a long nap. It was nice. Nothing else to report on my end. Have a nice week. Love mom
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...