Anderson gang come up and we have had a fun time. Games, eggs it has been fun. The fabric store in midway went out of business it was sad. It is a Christmas store now. Robin drive safe tomorrow. Hope painting is going good. We can come down and help tomorrow if needed. Love mom
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Friday, April 15, 2022
Work was good. I went to pick up donuts on the way to work for a meeting and the line was a block long so I parked and went in and there were 6 people in front of me. We walked over to the u for lunch and it was so good. We met Karen in park City and got food. They had no hash browns luckily kamas food Mart did. Every one drive safe tomorrow. Robin that paint looks good. Rachel I love that shirt. Isaac is good at that violin. Love mom
I walked and went to exercise class this morning. Ruth had her alphabet parade today and I thought she looked really cute. She had a fun time. They had everyone bring a snack that started with their letter. She brought yogurt and got a ton a snacks to bring home. Isaac had a orchestra assembly. Randy and Casey came and it was fun. Isaac did a really good job and looked cute. Isaac thought he had a audition for the talent show today we we went done to the school but it was yesterday. I think it will be fine. We will be at Karen's house tomorrow but lunch time. Thanks for having us.
Love Rachel
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Today was my Friday. I am excited to sleep in tomorrow. Work was good. The afternoon dragged a bit because I was ready for it to be the weekend. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Today was good. I walked Tony this morning. Me and Ruth went grocery shopping. Then we met Casey for lunch which was fun. He dropped Ruth off at school and came home for a while. Ruth had dance class this afternoon. The boys played out in the cold and made hot chocolate. Ruth has her alphabet parade tomorrow and Isaac has a orchestra assembly.
Love Rachel
Work was good. Nothing to dramatic. They did reorganize all of intermountain so it will be interesting what that means. I did get my first shingles vaccine shot. People at my work were doing them and I caved to peer pressure. I also have seen how awful they are with dad. I am excited for the weekend. We are going to kamas tomorrow after work. We are going to grocery shop in park City and then head to kamas. Have a nice day off Karen. Rachel I hope you had a little quieter day. Robin I hope you had a quieter day also. Crazy days. We did hook up with the gumm gang and that was fun. No new gossip. Love mom
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
We had a busy day today. I got up early and walked Tony. It was nice to get back to walking in the morning. I also went to exercise class. Ruth was starving afterwards so we picked up breakfast burritos on the way home. After I dropped Ruth off I picked up some pot for activity days this evening. Then I went to quilt group. A bunch of people came and it was so nice to talk with everyone and see what they have made. I am glad that I am able to sew again. Isaac has orchestra and Ruth went to play with Emily. So me and Oliver made cupcakes. We did homework and then headed to activity days. We planted Easter grass and painted the pots. Then the boys played tag. They all have a lot of energy. Isaac had young men's after and he had fun there. I had book group and I was late to it. But it was still fun and good to talk to everyone. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Work was good. I am getting behind but it is just getting end of the pay period and that always happens. I came home and dad walked and I picked him up and went and got drugs. We came home and I made tuna casserole. We are the whole thing and then had ice cream. We might be rolling soon. Karen I am jealous you get Friday off. I hope you get that job. That will be cool. Robin let us know what we can do to help. Rachel I love that t shirt. It snowed off and on all day. It is cold. Love mom
Congrats on your 22 years mom. That is cool. My day was good. It snowed off and on all day today. They posted another manufacturing engineer job at work so I applied for that. I will have to see how it goes. Since I get Friday off this week tomorrow is my Friday. Robin if you want me to come and paint I would be happy to. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
22 years
Today was my 22 year anniversary at intermountain. They brought cookies and bought me lunch. I thought that was nice of them. I came home and did a iron chef marathon. It was nice to chill. Rachel that is one cute shirt. She will be darling. Karen you are almost done with school time is going too fast. So robin what do you need from us. Dad can come down and paint anytime and we had planned to help the whole weekend on the 23 and 24. We can do what ever it takes. Never give up never surrender. Love mom
We got a bunch of snow and it hasn't melted yet. It was cold today also. Ruth has an alphabet parade Friday at school. She is going to be the letter Y. So we worked on her costume this morning and her paper. I think she will be cute. I dropped Ruth off and walked Tony but a huge blizzard came. We hurried home. In a hour it had cleared out but I didn't try again. Oliver wanted to make cupcakes so we went to the store but we didn't make them yet. Isaac stayed late to practice for the talent show. We talked about him walking home afterwards this morning. He forgot about that and was waiting for me to pick him up. A lady drove by and called me to let me know he was in the cold. He is so forgetful. Oliver's soccer practice was tonight inside and Ruth had tumbling. They were both at the rsl building. I just stayed and read which was nice. The soccer games are all cancelled this week because of the snow. I forgot water bottles for the kids and then the messaged everyone to not forget water bottles so I need to be more on too of thing. Thanks for having us for Easter. It will be fun.
Love Rachel
Well it snowed off and on all day here. There was about an inch on my walks this morning. It melted by lunch though so I was glad I was lazy and didn't shovel. My day was good. It was meeting day at work so it went by fast. Then I came home and worked on stuff for my operation management class. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, April 11, 2022
Ho ho ho
Work was good. Nothing to exciting. I need to focus. We had dinner and then drove to lehi. Luna hit the side of the bookcase. I thought she would crack open her lip but she got her cheek good. We had to run errands for work and by the time we were done it was really snowy. I just drove slow and we made it safe and sound. Two managers are quiting so I had to get treats and decorations. Be careful in the snow. I really thought they were over reacting but it is snowing good. That was a neat Easter egg hunt I am glad the weather held off. Love mom
Today was good and we made it back to real life. I went to exercise class and we had an 80s party. I was able to do a bit more with my hand. I ran some errands after I dropped Ruth off. It was kind of sprinkling and cloudy. Isaac forgot to bring his violin and was so stressed that he was going to be late. We ran home and got the violin, he was a little late but the world didn't end. The neighbor down the street had a neighborhood Easter egg hunt. I didn't think the weather would be good but we had a hour window where it was good during it. They were so nice to do it. The kids had so much fun and they had really nice prizes in the eggs. Oliver even for a dollar. They had snack and a bounce house. It was fun. It started to rain as we walked home and then it started snowing. It has snowed a ton. Oliver's soccer practice was moved to tomorrow and indoors. We did homework and played video games.
Love Rachel
Mondays always seem like long days. I made it through though. Work was just the usual. I am just working on my to do list. Then I came home and read my textbook for a bit. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, April 10, 2022
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...