Tuesday, April 12, 2022


 We got a bunch of snow and it hasn't melted yet.  It was cold today also.  Ruth has an alphabet parade Friday at school.  She is going to be the letter Y.  So we worked on her costume this morning and her paper.  I think she will be cute.  I dropped Ruth off and walked Tony but a huge blizzard came.  We hurried home.  In a hour it had cleared out but I didn't try again.  Oliver wanted to make cupcakes so we went to the store but we didn't make them yet.  Isaac stayed late to practice for the talent show.  We talked about him walking home afterwards this morning.  He forgot about that and was waiting for me to pick him up.  A lady drove by and called me to let me know he was in the cold.  He is so forgetful.  Oliver's soccer practice was tonight inside and Ruth had tumbling.  They were both at the rsl building.  I just stayed and read which was nice.  The soccer games are all cancelled this week because of the snow. I forgot water bottles for the kids and then the messaged everyone to not forget water bottles so I need to be more on too of thing.  Thanks for having us for Easter.  It will be fun.

Love Rachel

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