Friday, February 17, 2023


 Today was good.  The kids had the day off of school.  Casey brought them lunch and they seemed to have a good day.  Work is still really hot so I wear layers.  I made a bunch of gift tags and it took all day.  I thought it would go faster than that.  We went to red bloom toys so the kids could pick out a present for Oliver.  Then we went the jump zone.  We made Oliver's cake after dinner.   IHC is writing a story about Casey so they met him at the rock climbing gym to take his picture.  Thanks for coming.  We are excited.

Love Rachel


 I was tired today but work was quiet so I just moved slow. I made BBQ chicken for dinner and it tasted good. We looked at houses tonight and she showed us one that was huge and beautiful. I am excited.for the birthday party. Love mom

Thursday, February 16, 2023


 It is really cold here also but the heater is broken at work so it is really hot at work.  We did a lot of editing that took all morning.  We had a snack potluck and I ate too many cookies.  Oliver's friend came over and played.  Isaac had orchestra and was happy today.  He made an almond cake which was really really good.  Ruth had tumbling this evening and had fun.  Casey went running.  I helped Isaac bake and went and got him more almonds.  Everyone have a good Friday.  The kids don't have school tomorrow.

Love Rachel


 Work was good then we went to Texas road house with the gumm gang. Julie has six weeks until she retires. We went to winco to get some food and then Lowes to get some Allen wrenches. Dad could find his. His printer broke so he ordered some parts tonight. Robin that table is beautiful. Rachel way to go with the utube. Karen I am excited to look at that town house tomorrow. Love you all mom


It was cold today. I dropped off Luna then worked on my table. I didn't finish but I got a good chunk done. I haven't started on the top I just took a picture with the wood on it for fun. Then I picked up Luna and we went to one man band for dinner



 It was so cold here today. It was negative 6 this morning. Work is going good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


 Today was good.  Isaac still didn't feel well but felt good enough to go to school.  Work was good.  They had a give away and I got a million tea towels and a lot of felt.  It was fun.  After school Oliver went to his friends house.  Me and Casey had eye doctor appointments.  Casey is going to get bifocals and I got a new pair of glasses.  Then I picked Oliver up and we did homework.  Isaac made dinner and it was really good.  Isaac had young men's.  I went to exercise class and Casey went running with Tony.  It was busy.  

Love Rachel 


 Not much going here on our end. It was a quiet day at work and that was nice. I made penne casserole for dinner and it tasted really good. I have lunch tomorrow also. Love mom


 It was cold and windy here also. I am so ready for it to be spring. Things are going good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Its been so windy and cold. The wind keeps waking me up. Today was my Friday so that was lovely. I am making a kitchen table but I might also take a nap lol the next two days. I'm going to put Luna in daycare stillwater because I don't want her around the power tools. 


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day

 Today was good.  We had a snack potluck at work and it was fun to talk.  I had a meeting and we did some editing so I didn't sew.  I left early and met up with Mom, Dad and Isaac.  Isaac wasn't feeling good so he stayed home.  We went to panda for lunch and then me and Mom went to the parties.  They were a lot of fun and the kids were all so happy.  After school we went and got Oliver some birthday decorations.  Casey and Dad took Isaac to the doctor to test for strep.  He tested negative.  We went to the mall and had dinner.  We also got Ruth some new shoes.  Her old ones had giant holes I never noticed.  Casey got me a really pretty bracelet.  It was sweet of him.  It was really nice to spend the day with Mom and Dad.  Thanks again for coming up.

Love Rachel


 Happy valentines day. I worked from home for a couple of hours. We went to Logan and Isaac was home sick. He had a fever. We took him for lunch and then went to the parties. They were so cute.  They did test Isaac for strep and it was negative. We went to the mall for dinner and they had Raman soup place there. It was good. Luna looks so happy. She looks like she is feeling better. Karen I am excited to look at a new place on Friday. Love mom


This morning they had parfaits for the pareito eat with the kids at day care. So I stayed and had one with Luna she loved it. It was mostly just a yogurt bar but she thought she was cool stuff. Work was work. It's so cold here. I was up all night with crazy wind. Our door on our shed out back kept opening and smacking something. Jeramy closed it twice but it kept opening so he propped it with pillows wouldn't make noises. But I didn't sleep great. We had tacos tonight and took it easy. Luna's been so tired lately everything is an ordeal. 



 Well my fire alarm battery went out at 5 this morning. Luckily I had a 9V battery so I could replace it quickly. Work went good. Nothing too crazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, February 13, 2023


 Good job turning in your notice Karen.  That is exciting.  My eyes were dry today.  We did one on ones today and they are going to start training me to be the team lead so that will be good.  I don't know if it pays more.  I had this long stitch out to do and I asked it if was ready and she said it was but after I was done I noticed it wasn't right.  She had forgotten to copy the new one to the drive.  So I wasted most of my day.  Isaac had violin lessons and I ran to the store to get some valentine gifts.  Casey worked late tonight.  So we did homework and had an early dinner.  Then I took the kids to a health fair.  It was fun.  Their were some interesting booths.  Oliver won some ear pods and he was really excited.  They had a kids area were they could run around and do activities.  When Casey came home we finished up making valentine boxes for the kids.  I forgot to take pictures of them.  Thanks for coming up Mom and Dad, drive safe.

Love Rachel


 Work was good. Nothing of great importance. We came home and watched a documentary on Mt st Helen's. It was very interesting. I looked for holiday Inn in hanksville and I think it isn't there I tried the whispering sands but said there was a problem with my request. I am going to call them tomorrow. Karen congratulations, that is hard to do. Rachel we will be up around 1 tomorrow. I will let you know when we leave. Robin I am glad Luna is OK. Love mom


 Well I did it, I turned in my 2 weeks notice. It went good. They are sad to see me go, but happy for my opportunity. Other than that it was a Monday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Luna had a hard morning she cried the whole time and didn't want to go to daycare. She finally calmed down and had a better day at daycare. Work was busy. I was catching up on things I slacked in last week. Luna was so tired tonight. She was out before 8. Hopefully she doesn't wake up early. I hope your quitting went well Karen. 


Sunday, February 12, 2023


 We had a big busy day. Karen spent the night and we got up and went to Lehi. Luna still looked like she didn't feel great but we had a good time. We helped bring wood home for robins kitchen table. We left there and went with Karen to look at houses. We saw two of them. The last one is a split level with a huge add on. The kitchen was amazing. It is kind of different when you walk around because of the add on. Good luck tomorrow Karen with quitting. Rachel I am glad that they were nice. I am glad you are released. Robin good luck with the table. I bet it will be beautiful. Love mom I love that quilt

The weekend

 We had a good weekend.  I am glad everyone is doing good.  Yesterday I went to exercise class and I made it two hours.  The baptism went really well.  They are really neat to go to.  Casey fixed the van which is amazing.  We did valentine's for the kids and they are ready to go.  We ate dinner at tandoori oven.  The kids love it there.  Today I had my last meeting.  Everyone was so nice and complimentary about be being president.  I did get released and the new presidency will be great.  Casey worked today.  I sewed and the kids played video games for a bit.  Then we went to Randy's house and watched the super bowl.  It was fun.  Isaac made a fruit dessert to bring.  Kimi brought an ice cream bar.  Oliver was kind of emotional and whinny.  Love you guys and have a good Monday.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...