Saturday, March 28, 2020
We had a big busy day. I slept in and then we rearrange the closet in the second bedroom. It was cold today. We went to Lowe's and got a new self for the closet. I am liking doing some deep cleaning. Robin I like those flowers you got. I hope jeramy is feeling better. Dad washed all the sheets today and I have been working on washing blankets. It is fun to orga nize. Love mom
Today was good. I finished up a table topper that Mom got me. I struggled with it for some reason and it isn't perfect if you look close. But it is pretty from far away. After lunch we cleaned out the room under the stairs and it looks a lot better. We walked around the block after dinner. It is so cold outside we didn't do much else outside. I hope that everyone is hanging in there. Love you guys.
It strange you had to mow already Robin. I still have snow on my yard. I am glad the mower worked good for you. Things are good here. It was a quiet day. I cleaned my kitchen a bit. I also made hashbrowns and sausage for dinner and it tasted good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, March 27, 2020
Today was long for a Friday. Jeramy ended up not going into work. He still was feeling under the weather. We just watched alot of fixer upper while I worked and he rested. Then I ordered some vine flowers for the metal fence. I hope they end up being pretty. I also mowed my lawn. The mower worked great. Thanks again Karen. It only took me like 10 minutes to do it. Then Jeramy played a new x box game I and worked on my Neverland chenelle panel. It's fun. I'm so glad it's finally the weekend.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Work was good. It is getting busier and busier. Karen came down after work and we went and got Astro Burgers for dinner. They tasted really good. We just played games afterwards and watch Incredibles. I am glad that Jeramy is feeling better. I was hoping he could have one more day off. I asked my boss if I could have flex hours this weekend so I could play with Karen and get her all set for lock down. Rachel, I really like that mask. That is cool. Everyone enjoy Friday. It snowed here most of the day. It looks like it might be nice the rest of the week. LOVE MOM
Today was good. The weather was nicer and that felt good. I walked this morning and it was cold. School is going good. The kids are good to do there work and it isn't bad. We pick up more packets tomorrow. We rode bikes today and went on a walk. We made the chocolate pretzels Mom got us. When Casey came home we planted peas and carrots. Have fun shopping tomorrow. Love you guys.
Last night Jeramy had a an idea. He has this big blue pillow wegde. So we made a step system so Jenkins can sleep at night with us and get up and down. So he slept with us last night. It was a hard transition but Jenkins loved it. So I'm a bit tired today. I guess Jeramy can go to work tomorrow. He just rested today and took it easy. Work was slower it's hard when time goes by slow. We made another tin foil dinner. It was good but not magical like the first time. It snowed this morning but luckily all melted by the middle of the day. Love you guys
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
I am sorry that Jeramy is sick. I am glad that you took him in. I am sorry about your company. It is so stressful. Good luck with sheltering in place Karen. You can come and stay with us if you want a change of scenery. It was cold and rainy today. It has snowed last night but I was still able to walk. School went faster today which was nice. Isaac said on Wednesday they did art some did paint by number. He thought I should teach them about art but I dont know anything. He didn't want to watch a video so we stuck with painting. I made banana bread from some old bananas. We just watched movies this evening. Hang in there guys. You are amazing.
Oh no
Robin, You might want to get a strep test also. It is really contagious. If you have a sore throat you might just be able to call in the doctor and he will give you some meds. I am sorry you might get laid off. That worries me. If you need anything you let us know.
Jeramy wasn't feeling great so today he went to the insta care. He has strep throat 😷 luckily it wasn't Carina virus so there is a bright side. He is going to stay home from work till Friday and go back on Monday. I picked up his antibiotics from Costco.they were having huge lines but I felt like I would get attacked if I said I had to pick up antibodics at the pharmacy so I just acted like I was going in for food. Lol. We had a group call at work and Lily said they are waiting on the government bail out and then they might start laying off people. All our stores are closed so no one is paying for gowns. I was kinda worried at first then I was like maybe it's my ticket out 😂 but I'm not worried about it, luckily it's a global issue and I can work at Amazon or Costco if needed. Every day it's a different story.
Karen is now stay in place
So Summit county is stay in place now. So Karen is coming down on Friday and going to Costco. I think that is a good plan if she is stuck up in Kamas. Not much is going on here in SLC. We both worked and I was really busy. I even worked a full 8 hours. I worked on Sunday so I am over my hours so I was trying not to have to take a whole lot of time in one day. Crazy. We did have tacos tonight and last night. They sure tasted good. I picked up some tomatoes while we were at Walmart yesterday and they taste so good. Robin, I hope your day went well. Rachel, I am glad you are doing good. It is all going to work out. Everyone enjoy the snow. LOVE MOM
Well I have made thru half the week working from home. I am staying busy though so it hadn't been too bad. After work I went to Heber and got test strips. Exciting times I know. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Tired of Covid 19
So I am tired of Covid 19. It sucks. I don't mind working from home but just not having any where to go sucks. I did go to Walmart today and there weren't many people there. They still didn't have any toilet paper. I thought by now they would start getting some. They did have a lot of hamburger so I bought some and browned it up. I hate browning it so I thought I could buy lot and then give some to you guys. Robin, it was so nice to see you. You look really good. I am glad that you live close to neat stores. Not much else to report on my end. I am glad tomorrow is hump day. We are half way through. LOVE MOM
Things are good in Logan. It was rainy today. I took an umbrella on my walk this morning and it worked out well. School is going good. Isaac's math is taking a long time but we are surviving. I delivered the conference packets to the primary kids. My counselor helped me which was nice. Casey got a small bonus at work. He wanted to go panic shopping with it so after dinner we took the kids to Sam's and let them pick out what treats they wanted. We got some parm, dish soap and body wash also. It was fun and we got food the kids want to eat. The store was pretty wiped out. We opened the trunk to bring everything in and Isaac said we got as much stuff as Grandma usually gets us when we visit. It was funny. Casey said he hadn't been panic shopping and he felt better having done it. We had a fun time. Love you guys and I hope we survive the rain.
work n
I went into work for a bit today. I only stayed till noon because I was over it. Then I dropped by mom and dad's to pick up taxes. Thanks again for getting them done. Then I came home and worked the rest of the day from home. Everyone I feel like is going crazy and everyday it's something new. Me and Jeramy wanted tortillas for our house. And I thought we could have warm up tacos. So we ran to Costco real quick and picked up tortillas. It was fun and they actually had some this time. Costco has slown down alot. We also picked up a chicken and needed up having chicken enchiladas. It was really tasty. Then we just relaxed the rest of the night
Well it was meeting day today, so I had to call in. I was on the phone from 830 to 1130. It was nice to have chit chat going on. I washed my sheets today and got my weekly art assignment done. Now I just need to work on my art research paper. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, March 23, 2020
Big busy day
Well, I worked from day (day3). I did get payroll done and I hope that went well. I did call liberty mutual and changed my car insurance. It saved me 1,000.00 a year. I was pretty excited. Then Tom called and taxes are done for the year. That always makes me feel better. We do have to pay but nothing like I thought so that made me happy. Karen and Robin are getting money back. I guess that was my excitement for the day. I think tomorrow for lunch we are going to Walmart to buy draino. My sink is plugged in the bathroom. Stay warm the next couple of days. It might even snow. LOVE MOM
Good job Karen. That is a hard transition to make. They have cancelled school until May 1 and I think that they will just cancel the whole year now. Lagoon put on facebook that they are delaying opening until April 1 but if the governors order gets extended they will have to close longer. I walked this morning and that was nice. Isaac got his anatomy book this morning and he loves it. It is a really nice book. He read it in his free time. The kids did well at school. We made Oliver a diorama about the jungle. I forgot to take a picture. It took Isaac longer today to do his math and I don't know if I was teaching him it well. I keep taking over. Ruthie is liking to dance to Shut Up and Dance with Me. She can have Alexia play it a she is cute. We built a train track downstairs after school. After dinner Casey and the kids started to plant the peas but it started raining. For primary we decided to make a general conference packet. My counselor put together some pages and I copied them. I just need to staple them and group them by families. Then we can deliver them this week. Love you guys. I hope that you are hanging in there.
Day 1
Well I made it thru my first day working at home. It was super quiet so I had to turn on a movie for some background noise. Other than that it went good. Then after work I finished my midterm assignment. It is nice to have done. I used my bread machine to make bread today. It was pretty tasty. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Nice Day
I had a really nice day. It was so nice to be out in the sunshine. After we came home dad thought maybe the reason the line was so long is they were limiting how many cars they would let on the island. It made sense to me. It was nice to visit and walk around. We came home and dad helped Karen with her homework and I did payroll. I am so excited that I don't have get up at 6 tomorrow. :). Robin that is funny about Jenkins. He is so cute. I am glad you got a chill day. You have been under so much stress and working so hard. It is nice to have some quiet time. Karen, good luck working from home. It took me a while to get use to it. I am still working out the kinks. The earthquake was scary. They make me dizzy. At least it isn't as scary as the first time. Rachel, that quilt is amazing. It is so beautiful. You are so talented. Thanks for hooking up. I really need to sit and talk. Everyone be safe out there. LOVE MOM
It was fun to meet up with Mom and Dad today. We are all sunburned which I didn't think about happening. This morning I had a ward counsel meeting on the computer. Then we went and me up with Mom and Dad. The traffic to Antelope Island was insane. We were basically stopped in a long line of cars. So we turned around and had lunch at a park. There was a walking path and we walked along it. It was very nice. It was good to talk and we had a fun time. We all stopped at Maverik on the way out and got some treats. When we got home Casey ran up to Clifton to dump off the rest of the wood so we could use the trailer to go canoeing this week. We watched the Wizard of Oz while he was gone. I had one row left on my quilt so I hurried and sewed it on. The quilt turned out really nice and I love it. We had dinner when he got back. Ruthie wanted to do the sand painting so we did that. It was a fun time and everyone did a really good job. I didn't get a picture of Oliver's seal. Good luck everyone working from home. Crazy times.
I needed taco shells for lunch, so I decided to walk to the store and get some. It was a pretty morning so it was a nice walk. Then I worked on homework the rest of the day. I am working from home tomorrow for the first time so wish me luck. Have a great week everyone.
Today was chill we were lazy all day. I think it was needed.i feel alot better. Jenkins was sitting on the couch. The sun came through and cast a shadow on the wall. It looked like he was laying in front of a shadow fence. When he turned around to jump down he saw his shadow and was growling and barking at it. Lol it was really funny. That is crazy there was another Aftershock. Hopefully they end soon.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...