Saturday, September 12, 2009
Well I had a busy day. I had class form 9-1. I got out about 20 minutes early so I ran to the bank and deposited my pay check. I went and got lunch from Panda Express, because I didn't want to cook and I was hungry. I talk to Rachel for awhile and that was nice. Then I went and put gas in my car and went grocery shopping. I also got my iron from mom and dad. i guess that I will have to iron now. Then I came home and ate dinner and did laundry. I am also working on home work. I am glad that your wedding show went well, Robin. I hope that everyone has a good Sunday
back in Logan
Dad really likes the couches. WHEW. That is good. We got back from SLC around 6:00 so that was nice. Grandpa isn't doing well at all. Answered the door in a depends. I am glad I bought him some new pants. Well it is nice to be home. I am going to go try out my new couches. Rest. That sounds nice. I am glad that Karen had a good birthday. We will see you next weekend. Robin that is neat you are doing so much. That will help a lot. Did everyone love the makeup? See you RAchel for Sunday dinner.
its karens birthday
happy birthday karen I hope you had a great day. Well last night a girl told me about an institute class so I went, it was fun there was actually more kids then I thought there would be. There are two classes. So I think it will be fun its every friday night. Today I did my wedding show. It was hectic but that is the nature of the beast. fashion shows are pretty high paced. There are only 2 shows tomorrow so that will be nice. The other thing I'm doing is separate from the wedding expo. its a clothing charity event with photographers so I guess I will have more photos of my work which will be nice. Its on oct 4th. Well I better go I'm beat, I'm going to go eat and sleep. love ya
Friday, September 11, 2009
Safe and Sound in SLC
Robin that is great you get to do some jobs. That is exciting. Is that in addition to the expo. That is neat. I got your makeup magazine. I will mail it to you. Happy Happy Happy 29th birthday Karen. Jed said he might pay for you to fly up next weekend so they can see you more. I will drive you to Provo if he will pay for a ticket. That would be nice. Keep me posted. I made it safe and sound to SLC. It is nice to have a quiet night. My couches arrived safe and sound. I took pictures. As soon as I learn to download you will be having a preview. I think they look really nice down there. I like them a lot better than the brown ones. Have a great weekend. Love you guys a lot.
Almost my birthday
Well it is almost my birthday. I have to go to class from 9-1 tomorrow. I still have to do my laundry also. Thanks for all the gifts. I used the speaker you sent me tonight Rachel they work good. I am still trying to find the best spot to hang the pretty picture that you got me Robin. I am going to go and get my iron from mom tomorrow. I may even used it Sunday. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. Love ya.
well my teacher showed us how to make foam laytex and then he put it in our zombie molds. So now I have a zombie face of foam. We are going to make our own and then cast another face to practice painting on. Tomorrow I am going to do makeup for a fashion show. I am getting a ride from a girl from school so it will be fun. I also got a job for a photo shoot thing. I'm not quite sure the details we are having a meeting with a girl at school to discuss the shoot details. so that will be fun. Its going to be 30's makeup so it will be pretty dramatic. well I better go have a great night.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Almost friday
I have only worked on day and I am ready for the weekend. I am excited for my couches. The downstairs smells bad so I am going to go by some Fabreeze tomorrow. I hope that will help. I have fans down there now to dry it all out. I am going to go to SLC after the couches arrive and spend the night with dad and then come home after we help grandma and grandpa on Saturday. I went and got dad's car washed today and vacuumed. I thought he would like that. Well have a good friday it is 9/11 tomorrow and Karen's 29th on Saturday. Way to go Karen. School on your birthday.
Enrichment and book reviews
I had Enrichment tonight. It was really good. They talked about how to make your relationship better with your family and in your marriage. It was nice. Casey is coming home tonight and should be home in a hour. It will be good to have him home.
I have finished two books on my kindle. The first on is Born to Run. This guy kept having injuries and pain when he would run, all the doctors told him that his body just wasn't built for running. He heard of these people, the Tarahumara Indians in Mexico's Copper Canyons. These guys ran a lot and were happy and healthy. Their were old men running and he set out to find their secret of running. It was a really good book and the stories were really good. It kept me reading. The conclusions that he drew were that to be a good runner you need to be a good person overall. You need to be happy and kind, you need to find joy in things, have fun and be happy when you run. He also found that they wear sandals when they run. He says that shoes are bad for us, epically the ones with a lot of padding. He says that our feet are designed to run, we have a lot of nerves in our feet and when we put them in these well padded shoes they can't sense when we are hurting our self's. He says that the less padding you have to more you are able to natural walk and run in a way that doesn't hurt you because you feet can sense how you are stepping and make corrections. It made a lot of sense to me, it was really interesting. He says that injuries have gone up as our shoes get more advanced. He says that the cheaper the pair of shoes the better it is to run in. He also talked about diet and how our bodies are deigned to run a long ways, not necessarily fast. It was a really interesting and good book.
The second book was called Homer and Langley. It based off of a true story. There were two brothers that lived together in New York. Langley served in World War 1 and was attacked by mustard gas. Homer was blind. These two brothers were eccentric and they collected a ton of things. They were compulsive hoarders and rebelled against society. They didn't pay their bills, and they just withdrew into them self's, they were a recluse. The author put his own spin on their story and had them live a little bit longer. He did a good job on showing how the slowing declined into they state that they were in. I would recomend it, it was a good book.
Well thanks for listening about my books, I love my Kindle, it has been really fun and I am reading a ton.
Love Ya
I have finished two books on my kindle. The first on is Born to Run. This guy kept having injuries and pain when he would run, all the doctors told him that his body just wasn't built for running. He heard of these people, the Tarahumara Indians in Mexico's Copper Canyons. These guys ran a lot and were happy and healthy. Their were old men running and he set out to find their secret of running. It was a really good book and the stories were really good. It kept me reading. The conclusions that he drew were that to be a good runner you need to be a good person overall. You need to be happy and kind, you need to find joy in things, have fun and be happy when you run. He also found that they wear sandals when they run. He says that shoes are bad for us, epically the ones with a lot of padding. He says that our feet are designed to run, we have a lot of nerves in our feet and when we put them in these well padded shoes they can't sense when we are hurting our self's. He says that the less padding you have to more you are able to natural walk and run in a way that doesn't hurt you because you feet can sense how you are stepping and make corrections. It made a lot of sense to me, it was really interesting. He says that injuries have gone up as our shoes get more advanced. He says that the cheaper the pair of shoes the better it is to run in. He also talked about diet and how our bodies are deigned to run a long ways, not necessarily fast. It was a really interesting and good book.
The second book was called Homer and Langley. It based off of a true story. There were two brothers that lived together in New York. Langley served in World War 1 and was attacked by mustard gas. Homer was blind. These two brothers were eccentric and they collected a ton of things. They were compulsive hoarders and rebelled against society. They didn't pay their bills, and they just withdrew into them self's, they were a recluse. The author put his own spin on their story and had them live a little bit longer. He did a good job on showing how the slowing declined into they state that they were in. I would recomend it, it was a good book.
Well thanks for listening about my books, I love my Kindle, it has been really fun and I am reading a ton.
Love Ya
Almost the weekend
Well it is almost the weekend. i am glad. I had to take my first test today in my EMT class and I got an 86. So yeah me! I have to go to class on Saturday from 9-1 so Saturday is already half taken. At least I will have half the day to do stuff. I hope that everyone has a good Friday.
pretty amazing
So today was fun in prosthetics we learned how to make gelatin yesterday. so today I was able to make some. It smells like really bad dog breath but its cool stuff. We are making our noses out of it. so I casted my witch nose today. It was pretty amazing. i am going to cast my scars and cuts tomorrow. And since me and a few others are so far ahead of the class I was able to talk him into letting me do a chin. So maleficent is now going to have a pointy chin. I think its going to look pretty sweet. We are going to do foam laytex tomorrow and that is what my zombie face is going to be. Making foam is a lot more intensive then gelatin but I still think it will be fun. Well I guess I better go I brought my chin home to sculpt so I can make a gelatin mold of it soon. :) well have a great one. I hope mom and dad had a great anniversary sorry I forgot to say something. love ya
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I didn't realize that today was a interesting day, 9-9-09. Happy Anniversary yesterday Mom and Dad. I forgot yesterday. I hope that you had a good time. I was supposed to go visiting teaching tonight but it was canceled. I am really happy. I am going to get some sewing done. Not much else is going on on 9-9-09. It is getting close to Karen's B-Day.
back in Logan
I am safe and sound and back in Logan. They are cleaning my carpets as I speak. I am so excited. I am having them put scotch guard on the carpets also. They are going to clean the white couch also. It will feel really nice in here. Friday they will deliver my couches. Robin says we should have a party because if I wait the same amount of time as last time I will be 83 before I get a new one. Rachel that salsa looks so good. I want the recipe. I am excited to try your frozen cucumbers. That is fun to have a garden. I am going to work on mine tomorrow night. I had such a nice trip. Dad loves his money. I am going to frame it. I got one for Casey also. I will have to frame his. I didn't get a lesson on downloading pictures but I will try to do that and if I get into trouble I will have to have Rachel come over and give me lessons. I am the luckiest mom in the whole world to have such wonderful daughters. LOVE MOM
its a nose
Well we had a lecture on how to make gelatin molds. Tomorrow I am going to attempt to make gelatin. I hope it goes well. That is the material that we are making the nose out of. when you touch a big chunk of it, it feels like real skin. its kinda weird. Tomorrow we are going to learn about foam latex what we are making our zombies out of. That is what most face prosthetic pieces are made out of. It amazing how fast time flies. Well I hope everyone has a great day.
love you
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Welcome back to blogging
It is good to have everyone back and posting. I am excited to hear everyone stories and see pictures. I missed everyone, thanks for the updates throughout the trip, it was good to know everyone was safe. Well I had a good day. I mailed Karen's birthday present so you should get that Thursday. Casey's Grandma called me today and wanted to spend tonight with me. So she is here visiting for the night. She is going home tomorrow. Kay and Jerry were going to Idaho Falls again and they dropped her off in Clifton. We went over to Helen's house for dinner and had Fresh corn on the cob. It was good. I am glad that everyone is back and posting.
back on board
Well I made it back safe and sound. I am glad to be back. It feels like it should be later than it is though. Mom should be getting to SLC soon. I had a great time in Canada. It was a lo of fun and it was really good to go and spend some time with Robin. She was a trooper and kept up as me and mom dragged her all over the place. It is going to be hard to go back to work tomorrow. But at least when I get up it will fell like 9 instead of 7. Hope everyone has a great day.
i'm back to posting
hello family its me again, mom was my poster for a while :) it was fun to have mom and karen come up I had a good time. I needed a break. I'm sorry for all the blisters. well today was kinda busy, We had to do more casting and stuff so my day was pretty packed. I think the next three weeks are going to be crazy. I can't believe its tuesday, i feel like I'm running behind, but I will catch up. I'm glad you got a new sleeping bag rachel its cute. well I hope everyone makes it safely home and gets alot of rest. I'm excited for moms new couch. I will try to post pictures here and face book. well have a great night. love you
Monday, September 7, 2009
Great Labor Day
I am glad everyone had a fun vacation, I am glad that you will be in America tomorrow. We had a good weekend. We are failures at camping though. Sunday after church we decided to take a nap before we left, so we didn't get going until later. We packed up our stuff and headed out to high Creek canyon.
It was a really pretty evening. It started to get dark and we weren't going to make it to the top so we found a spot on the trail to camp. But we decided that we would be bored and their was a MST3K we wanted to watch so we can back to Clifton. Today Casey made Salmon Chowder with Potatoes and Carrots. It was really good. While we were out their we noticed that we had like 16 cucumbers so we made some cucumber salsa. It is really good and fun to make. Casey is going to take some with him to the Uintas. With the rest of the cucumbers I found a recipe to freeze them. You put sugar, vinegar, onions, bell pepper and sliced cucumbers. Then you can eat them all year long. They turned out really good.

Well have a safe trip back and be safe.
last day in Canada
Well today was the last day in Canada and we just took it kind of easy. We went to themall and then got Karen's hair done. It was a nice day we just walked around. I think we are all pretty tired. Blisters on the feet. It is a nice place just to walk around because there is so much to see.
Be in America in 24 hours.
Be in America in 24 hours.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Niagara Falls
Niagara falls was really nice. The freeway was really bad traffic it took twice as long to get there. The driver was very nice. I liked her. She took back roads and it saved us a lot of time. Niagara on the Lake was like a parking lot with cars. It was just too crowded. We did get to go on the boat ride and I was happy about that one. Karen got to check one of her must see items from the trip off her list. I hope you had a fun time camping. Love the sleeping bag and quilt. You are spoiled. We are going to celebrate Karen's birthday tomorrow. We were going to go to Medival Times but they are closed. We were going to go to a play but they are all closed. We are still trying to figure out how but we are going to celebrate. We might go do massages and haircuts. I'll keep you posted on that one.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...