Thursday, September 10, 2009

Enrichment and book reviews

I had Enrichment tonight. It was really good. They talked about how to make your relationship better with your family and in your marriage. It was nice. Casey is coming home tonight and should be home in a hour. It will be good to have him home.

I have finished two books on my kindle. The first on is Born to Run. This guy kept having injuries and pain when he would run, all the doctors told him that his body just wasn't built for running. He heard of these people, the Tarahumara Indians in Mexico's Copper Canyons. These guys ran a lot and were happy and healthy. Their were old men running and he set out to find their secret of running. It was a really good book and the stories were really good. It kept me reading. The conclusions that he drew were that to be a good runner you need to be a good person overall. You need to be happy and kind, you need to find joy in things, have fun and be happy when you run. He also found that they wear sandals when they run. He says that shoes are bad for us, epically the ones with a lot of padding. He says that our feet are designed to run, we have a lot of nerves in our feet and when we put them in these well padded shoes they can't sense when we are hurting our self's. He says that the less padding you have to more you are able to natural walk and run in a way that doesn't hurt you because you feet can sense how you are stepping and make corrections. It made a lot of sense to me, it was really interesting. He says that injuries have gone up as our shoes get more advanced. He says that the cheaper the pair of shoes the better it is to run in. He also talked about diet and how our bodies are deigned to run a long ways, not necessarily fast. It was a really interesting and good book.

The second book was called Homer and Langley. It based off of a true story. There were two brothers that lived together in New York. Langley served in World War 1 and was attacked by mustard gas. Homer was blind. These two brothers were eccentric and they collected a ton of things. They were compulsive hoarders and rebelled against society. They didn't pay their bills, and they just withdrew into them self's, they were a recluse. The author put his own spin on their story and had them live a little bit longer. He did a good job on showing how the slowing declined into they state that they were in. I would recomend it, it was a good book.

Well thanks for listening about my books, I love my Kindle, it has been really fun and I am reading a ton.

Love Ya

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