Sunday, September 6, 2009

Niagara Falls

Niagara falls was really nice. The freeway was really bad traffic it took twice as long to get there. The driver was very nice. I liked her. She took back roads and it saved us a lot of time. Niagara on the Lake was like a parking lot with cars. It was just too crowded. We did get to go on the boat ride and I was happy about that one. Karen got to check one of her must see items from the trip off her list. I hope you had a fun time camping. Love the sleeping bag and quilt. You are spoiled. We are going to celebrate Karen's birthday tomorrow. We were going to go to Medival Times but they are closed. We were going to go to a play but they are all closed. We are still trying to figure out how but we are going to celebrate. We might go do massages and haircuts. I'll keep you posted on that one.


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