The funeral is going to be on Thursday. What is everyone's plans? I am going to start making reservations tomorrow so I will call you guys and see what you want to do.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
We had a good saturday. I am sorry your vacation didn't work out Rachel. We just stayed in SLC and slept in until noon and then just rested all day. It was really nice. We did go out and see Grandma Bodily for a while. No news on the funeral at all. They are all just shell shocked right now. It takes a while to get things organized. I will keep you posted on what I know. Right now that is nothing. HAve a great Sunday. I am going to try and get to church and just rest some more. I have been really tired and this feels nice to get caught back up. Karen, I am glad you had a good day. That sounds like a lot of fun. LOVE MOM
Well the primary practice went well. 2 hours is a long practice though. I was glad when it was done. I also got free pizza. I also went to the bank and paid bills. Then I got my car washed. I also used the gift card you got me for Cafe Rio, mom. Thanks it tasted good. Now I am working on getting my laundry done. I am sorry that your mini vacation didn't turn out Rachel. You could always come down here and I will watch Issac for you. Robin, I am excited to see you on Monday. You will have a totally awesome interview and then we will have a totally awesome night. I love you all and hope that you all had a good Saturday. BYE
Heart Sick
I feel so bad for Ann and her family, this is such a hard time. Everyone has been writing nice things on her wall, it is sweet. I am glad that you got to spend the day with everyone Mom. We are failures at the vacation front. We ended up just staying home and working in the yard and we got Casey some pants. We just couldn't think of someplace awesome to go and everything was limiting with Isaac. It has been nice to work in the yard and get things done. Well let me know what it going on with Ann.
Friday, October 21, 2011
loved ones
I am in shock about ann. I just can't believe it. I feel so bad, well not to much else going on in my life, Love you guys, Be SAFE!!!
Hard Day
I left work after about a half a hour to be with dad. We went out and spend a couple hours with Margaret. Annette and Krisen and Anya were there. Jani was coming for the weekend to spend time with Margaret so that will be good to have her here. We all felt like we should be doing something. I called Melody and they were on there way to Eugene. All the kids would be there by 10 tonight. Sharon and Raphel got on buddy passes that Kristen had. It worked out really well. I don't have any time for the funeral yet. Teresa said they will probably do an autopsy. I am not sure how long that will take. It just breaks my heart. She was so young. Until we know when the funeral will be I don't know what we are going to do but I think we will fly up. It is 15 hours to drive. 30 hours in a car is a long time for dad. He still isn't feeling a hundred percent. We went out to dinner with Jed and Teresa to talk about going up there. I will keep you updated as soon as I know anything. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
Robin just make sure you remember that Vegas is an hour behind Utah. I am sure that you will do awesome and get many job offers. I can't believe that Ann has past away. That is sad. My day was good. Work was a little slow at times but I made it thru. They are interviewing for the job of one of the guys you is retiring. So they were giving them tours around. Well I hope that Friday went well for everyone else. BYE
Ya that will work karen. hopefully I am done by 2 oclock. but you never know. anyway work was good today its a 4 day run so Its going to be a long week. I hopefully finished my friends halloween "mask" prosthetic today so hopefully it turns out. well not to much else I'm tired so have a great friday
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I just thought everyone would be so proud that I upgraded my farm tonight. Thanks Rachel for showing me how to do that. I was excited. I did laundry tonight and dad is still at work. Poor guy. I just kind of vegged and once in a while put laundry around. Tomorrow I am going to iron. I think I have been saying that all week. Good luck with your book Robin. Rachel that is fun about the pumpkin walk. Isaac will like that with all the kids around. It is getting dark early and also in the morning there is no sun for my commute. I am not looking forward to winter time. I was going to ride the bus today but I have to get up 20 minutes earlier and that just didn't happen. Well have a great friday. It should be a quiet day for me. Everyone has taken the day off for UEA. I am getting things caught back up and that feels nice. I was beginning to think that would never happen.
Good job Robin, I hope that your book turns out good, I am excited. I bought some of those ranch puff cakes and they are really good. Isaac even likes them, thanks. Today was good. I made three baby blankets. We went on a walk also, it gets dark so early and it is cold. I had to bundle up Isaac for the walk. The pumpkin walk started so I think tomorrow we will walk over and see that in the day when it isn't so crowded. The bus has driven by a hundred time for it. Well everyone have a good night.
Good luck
Robin good luck with your portfolio. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Be sure to print out a couple of resumes also. Job fairs are a good place to start the hiring process. Most of the engineers where I work were found at a job fair. It helps to give them resumes. Makes it easier to remember and not lose your information. Just a suggestion. I had a good day. The Primary President called me at lunch and asked me to go to the practice for the program on Saturday at 10. That way I will know when the kids in my class are suppose to do their talking parts and I can remind them when it is time for them to go. Should be interesting. We also had a fire drill today at work. It was so nice outside. It was hard to go back in when it was done. Oh one more thing Robin, I thought Monday you could just call me when you are done with your interview stuff and then we can meet up. That way I won't be calling at a bad moment. What do you think? Well have a great Friday everyone.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
get it now
sorry its been a while since i blogged I get into these projects at night and forget about blogging. I tried to order a portfolio book onlline at micheals but it took 10 -14 business days to order so I tried inkleys but the software I needed wouldn't download. but I finally got it hopefully it will be done tomorrow or friday. cross your fingers. Then my car is making noises hopefully they fixed it. they seemed out of it at pep boys. but I think everything will come together. mom and dad got me a new outfit, thank you. other then that keeping it glued together
Nice day
I am glad we all had a nice day. Robin's car was making a noise so we took it to Pep Boy but they said it was just a wet belt. It didn't even cost us any thing. They said the tires are almost ready to replace but we decided to wait a month or so to do that. We went and looked at the IPad tonight and it was nice to look around. I was really tired all day. I am going to bed early. I knew Isaac would pull himself up soon. He will start taking steps by himself soon. He is going to be very mobile. The bathroom is always full of fun. Toilet paper, toilets and water. What else is there. I am glad you are getting away for the weekend. That will be fun. Blueman for Karen and Robin and a vacation for RAchel, Casey and Isaac. I am going to have to tell dad we need to do something fun this weekend. Love you guys
We are back
I was good to be back in Logan. I didn't have any milk or bread so we went to the store in the morning. I bought Isaac a fire truck and he really enjoyed that. He pulled himself up by himself today. He crawled into the kitchen and we were playing around and he pulled himself up on the banister. He also did it in his crib, I put him in there to put away his clothes and he stood up. I lowered the crib again so I think he is good to go. While I was lowering it he crawled into the bathroom, he loves going in there. This weekend we are going to try and have a mini vacation, I am not sure what we are doing yet but will be fun.
Well the week is half over. I had a good a good day. They had a field trip come thru my work during the morning. So that was kind of fun. Other than that is was just the same old same old. I did get a paper cut on the knuckle of my thumb. Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Missing Isaac
Well it is quiet here tonight. I had a nice day. Work was really busy but the rest of the week should be quieter. I hope. We got Robin an interview outfit. That was fun. Thanks Robin. Have a great hump day. We are half way done.
Well today was good. I stayed busy all day at work so that was nice. It was really pretty outside today. The weather this week is suppose to be sunny and in the 80s. I love this time of year. I am trying to think of a fun game or activity to go for primary on Sunday. They are doing the primary program on Sunday so I figure that it would be futile to try and get thru a whole lesson without something fun to do. So if you guys have any ideas let me know. BYE
Monday, October 17, 2011
stir fry
I made stir fry tonight and it tasted really good. THey leave for China in the morning. Pray for us. I hope it goes well. I had a good day at work. I got a lot done. Tomorrow is another meeting so I will get a lot more work from that. In fact I have two meetings tomorrow. Man I will be busy the rest of the week. That will be nice. Well have a great Tuesday. LOVE MOM
Hello again
Sorry I have been a bad blogger. I had a good day. I also had a rough start in the morning but it turned out nice. Isaac got up super early but he took a nap and I joined him and I felt a lot better. Me and Robin went out for lunch and that was really fun. Mom made us dinner and we did some shopping. Casey's birthday is tomorrow. Thank you for making it so wonderful, he is spoiled.
Well today seemed kind of long. I had trouble falling asleep last night so that it probably why. Work was good it was busy in the morning then it slowed down inthe afternoon. Then right before I left I got some more stuff to do, so at least I will start out busy tomorrow. I hope that everyone had a good Monday. Love ya
Sunday, October 16, 2011
today was good just work at usual it was good. This week we work thursday,friday,sat, and sunday for shows whew. its going to be tiresome but fun. well not to much else going on. I am glad that austin's farwell was fun
Nice day
The farewell went really nice. Austin gave a really good talk. I enjoyed it. THen we had Casey's birthday party and that was fun. Isaac was perfect as usually and it was a nice day. Have a great week.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...