Saturday, January 21, 2023
I got up early and went to exercise class. Everyone were still asleep when I got home so I worked on cutting up my scraps. I got them all cut up which was nice. We went to the mall for lunch and got Isaac GameStop Nintendo money. We get it every month we just have to remember to go in. We also went to Kohl's and got everyone new clothes. Ruth's shirts weren't fitting and she wanted some new ones. Their were having a big clearance sale so we got some good deals. Casey took the kids to the park and sledding. I fell asleep for a bit. Isaac made made biscotti and it tasted really good. Then we made bruschetta for dinner and then just watched shows. Everyone have a good Sunday.
Love Rachel
We had a nice day. We got up and went Lehi. Luna is the happiest baby. We went to target and spent my gift card. It was fun to walk around. We went to cuppop. It was good. Very simple menu but it tasted good. We came home and took naps. Karen I bet you are freezing. It is cold. It is suppose to snow tomorrow. Rachel I hope you had a nice day. It is nice to move slow. Love mom
It was a cold day here. I don't think it got over 20. I slept in this morning. Then i went to Smith's to go grocery shopping. I forgot that sundance is going on so it was super busy. Oh well I made it thru. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, January 20, 2023
We ended up going to dinner with Kim and Jessie tonight. They are really really nice and we had a fun time. They have done a lot of rock climbing and had a lot in common with Casey. Casey went to eh doctor this morning and he is doing really well. They cut back on his cholesterol medicine and increased his blood pressure medication. He is going to check it every other day to see what it is at. His lungs look really good also. I took Ruth and Isaac to a wellness check after school. They are doing good and growing well. Ruth is super tall and is in the 85 percentile. The kids brought up Casey's heart attack and I asked about the kids cholesterol since they could have bad genes. He said that after 9 they can check their cholesterol so they checked Isaac's. He said it was good. His HDL was on the lower side though. He said with our family history he would have them check it every other year. We are going to check Oliver's when he goes in in March. Oliver wanted to go to zupas after so I took them there for dinner. Then me and Casey went out to dinner. Everyone have a good Saturday and get some rest.
Love Rachel
Work was quiet and i got some stuff done. I picked up.donuts.on way to work. I am not loving donuts lately. We went and got drugs after work and then just came home and vegged. I tried taking I am going to start putting them in a folder. We are going to see Luna tomorrow. Rachel.hope your dinner is good tomorrow. Karen that is a.lot of interviewing this week. You have been busy. Love mom
I am glad that the weekend is here. I got up early to get to my interview. I think it went well. Then I came back to Kamas and then I went to work. I made through the day so that was good. Congrats on Casey's award he deserves it. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Work was good. Not so busy today. After work we all went to dinner. It was fun to go with the team from work. We went to Maria's and they have good Mexican food. We will have to go there. There was an all a dollar and we walked around afterwards. It was fun. That is neat about casey. That is nice they recognized his hard work. I am glad you got a new dryer. Karen that is good your interview went well. Good luck with tomorrow as well. You are on fire. Robin I hope all is well. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I have to get donuts on the way to work for someone's birthday. It is cold out there. Love mom
Casey got a big award at work today. He actually was going to receive it in December but he was sick so they waited to give it to him. For his department a reliability award and then for the whole company he got the above and beyond award. He gets $200 and a plaque. Isaac and Oliver stayed home again from school because they didn't feel well. They are going to try to go tomorrow. Work was good. We had a discovery meeting and showed us some new products for Easter. They are cute. Today is Kimi's birthday. We went up to Randy's for dinner. We didn't stay long because Ruth had tumbling and Casey had a meeting with Australia. Oliver stayed and played with the girls. I didn't go to exercise class so I could pick up Ruth in case Casey's meeting went long. The new dryer is working good and we folded a lot laundry today. Good luck tomorrow on your interview Karen.
Love Rachel
Well one down one to go. I think my interview went well and it seems like a good company. After the interview I met with dad and had lunch. Then I headed home. I stopped along the way and got my allergy shot done. Then I took a nap. I have my interview with ti tomorrow and I am going back to work after so it will be a busy day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Today was fine. It seemed to go slow. The kids were all sick this morning so Casey kept them home and then worked from home. I had meetings this morning at work. They had a whit elephant giveaway. They have all the embroidery stitch outs that weren't correct or they don't them so the save them all and when their is enough they let everyone take them home. It was fun but I probably didn't need what I took. We are going to use go pros to film the machines stitching. They have been getting a lot of views when they put that stuff in social media. So we did a training on that this afternoon. Randy and Kelly came over and helped bring up the old dryer and take down the new one. The new one seems nice and it will be good to have one that works. Isaac went sledding with the young men at cherry peak. He said it was fun. I went to exercise class and it was high tonight. I love it so much. Casey took Tony on a walk in the cold cold dark. Good luck tomorrow Karen.
Love Rachel
My day was busy. I went to work and the morning was busy. Dad is feeling good. He walked to.pick me up. He said his pain is way down. I was excited about that. I made barbecue chicken and stuffing for dinner it tasted so good. Lunas hair looked brown today. It has.looked red the last little bit. I am glad you got your dryer Rachel. That has to feel nice. Karen you are busy. I hope your interviews go really well. Drive safe. Love you all mom
Well today was a busy day. I had a dentist appointment to fix a cavity. Then I got a email for an interview for a different job tomorrow. So I took the whole day off. Then TI texted me and moved my interview to Friday morning. So then I had to take Friday morning off. It was a little annoying having to rearrange things but I got it done. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Work went quick because I left early to take dad to get a shot. he did good. I hope it helps. If you need him to watch Luna let us know. Rachel I am glad you are getting a new dryer. You needed one. It just is coming at you from all sides. That bill is a lot of money. Can give you a heart attack. You guys have had a hard time. Do you need help getting a dryer. We can help. Karen I am so excited for your Interview. You have a busy week. That is fun. Not much else going on with me. Love mom
Goo luck on your interview Karen. Our dryer is broke. It is frustrating because we just fixed it. Casey is at the store with his Dad to get a new one. Work was good but it went slow. We did a lot of editing today. Isaac had orchestra after school. I went to exercise class and it was upbeat barr. I really like it but it hard. I always feel like I should be getting better at exercising but it is always hard. Casey got a itemized bill for the hospital in Murray and the total is $164,000. That is so much money. Everyone have a good night.
Love Rachel
My day was good. It did snow but not much stuck. It might tonight though. I have my second interview at TI on Thursday. I am nervous so I hope it goes well. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment at 11 so that should be exciting as well. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye
Monday, January 16, 2023
We had a nice day today. Rachel and Casey had to work so we played with the kids. It was fun. They are good kids. We had dinner and came home. Sardine was snowing but roads weren't bad. Robin that is fun Luna went swimming. Karen I am sorry you had to work. Dad is getting a steriod shot in his back tomorrow. It is so much easier than the neck. They don't sedate him. It goes fast. I am working until.about one. Good luck with the snow. Love mom
I was jealous of Mom and Dad and the kids that they got to play today. They had fun. They went to the mall and the jump zone. Isaac had a birthday party and had fun time. Work was fine. I just sewed a lot today. We went to a Mediterranean place for dinner. They were really slow but it tasted good. We are missing Mom and Dad. Thanks again for coming up.
Love Rachel
It was just the usual for a Monday. It was cold and snowy all day. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, January 15, 2023
We had a nice day in Logan. We got up and went to church. I am enjoying the Mediterranean diet. They are cooking good food. We painted the junk room downstairs. It looks a lot better. They found the floor they want. They have to order it. We are spending the night. Rachel and Casey have to work so we are watching the kids. Robin do you get the day off? I might be the only one. It snowed/rained here day. Love mom
My day was good. I made tacos today and it tasted really good. I played occulus with Oliver for awhile. The rec room he likes to play makes me dizzy after awhile, so I can't play long. I am jealous people get tomorrow off. I still have to go into work. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...