Friday, August 30, 2019

So glad it is the weekend

Karen came down tonight and that was fun.  We just played bubble bobble and hung out.  It was nice.  I am excited to come up tomorrow.  Karen wants to stop in Willard and get peaches so we are going to swing by and get some on the way  up.  Everyone drive safe.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  We walked this morning and then went to exercise class.  It was Yoga today so all the stretching felt good.  On Friday's Oliver's school starts a bit earlier and everyone gets out early.  Casey has been working so much and no one was at work so he came home early.  He got there the same time we got back from walking home from school.  It was really nice.  We haven't checked the garden in a couple of day so we picked everything and made salsa.  Then they picked the blackberries and grapes and juiced them.  Everything tasted really good.  Casey mowed the lawn and it looks nice.  Drive safe tomorrow.  Thanks for coming up.


Thursday, August 29, 2019

I walked a mile

WOW Rachel that is impressive.  100 miles.  That is like walking from Logan to Salt Lake.  I walked a mile.  We went to the zoo after work and walked.  Not many animals were out and the place was a ghost town.  It was so different than the last time we went.  It is still so nice to walk around and see the animals.  I am with Rachel.  It is so hot.  I thought it would have cooled down by now.  I am over my hours so I get to leave a little early tomorrow.  A whole hour but I am super excited about it.  I am so excited to play.  Robin, I hope you get feeling rested.  You worked so hard.  I hope the show went amazing.  See you all soon.  Drive safe coming down Karen.  LOVE MOM


Karen, I think you are right with the watch counting steps when you are pushing something.  I walked pushing the stroller and didn't swing my arm and my watch thought I was riding a bike and it didn't count any steps.  Then a couple of hours later I looked and I had a ton more steps.  So I think it just takes a while to load them in.  I am not sure.  I am also keeping track of my walking for a program for North Logan.  If you walk a 100 miles you get a shirt.  I started keeping track in July and I will have 100 miles next week and can get a shirt.  Anyway we had a good day.  We went and got some more beads and went grocery shopping this morning.  We walked to drop Oliver off and it is so hot.  Ruth had her preschool open house.  It was fast and she is excited to go.  We walked to pick up the boys and it was still really really hot.  Randy came over and grouted the shower and then watched the kids while we went to back to school night.  Their is a new principle and it was a lot shorter.  The kindergarten teachers weren't their so we just saw Isaac's teacher.  He has math and spelling homework everyday.  It is such a pain and so hard for Isaac.  She seems really nice though and does a good job.  Love you guys and have a good night.


Me 2

I am ready for a 3 day weekend as well. My day was good. Work is moving along. I am keeping busy so that is good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was my first day back. It was good. I fell asleep at 8 last night and slept till 7. I'm still pretty tired. I'm going to bed early tonight. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm ready for a 3 Day holiday.


Wednesday, August 28, 2019


I am so glad that everyone made it home safe and sound.  We have been all over the country this week.  Karen, I am so glad that your school went well.  You are going to rock this quarter.  Coming home the jeep started making a weird noise and we got it home barely and one of the belts had broke.  Dad ordered a new one so that should be an easy fix.  Not much else to report on our end. I am so glad that everyone is doing good.  I love you all MOM


Today was good.  We walked this morning and then went to exercise class.  We walked to take Oliver to school and it was really hot.  He is so cute.  He hung up his backpack where it was supposed to go and knew where his crayons were.  He had fun, they made train hats and gave them tickets.  Then took them around the school to see where everything was.  They also went over the rules.  While he was gone me and Ruth cleaned the van.  Ruthie was so good to vacuum and clean.  It was so messy and looks really nice now.  We were hot so we went to Sam's for a snack and then picked up the boys.  Collin came home with us and they had a play date.  Isaac said it was the best play date he has ever had so they had a fun time.  Isaac had scouts this evening and they went on a hike.  They had fun and their leaders said that they were loud and hyper.  Casey made it back and is super busy at work.  Love you guys, you are the best.


First day

Well I made it thru my first day. It wasn't a lot to do. I had to read the silibus and get signed up for stuff., but I did it. Work was good. I am making progress on some stuff, so at least I feel productive. I am glad you made it back Robin. I hope Casey makes it back safely as well. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I made it home safe :) it was a long day of travel and I'm tired. Jeramy was sweet and made dinner and chocolate dipped strawberries. It was sweet. Love you gust


Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Today was good. We packed the whole back room and we're just hanging out a girl said we could take an hour break since we couldn't start packing till 5 so a girl was only here for a couple days so I showed her a few places to get some souviners and we walked the river walk on the way back. Then we went back and started to prep for breakdown. Since we had to arrive early we put our stuff in storage first so that meant we got ours unpacked last. :/ So we were at a stand still for an hour or so and they lost 2 of my racks. So we didn't get out till 9. It was a long day. I'm so excited to come home tomorrow. It's been a long time. Thanks again for taking care of Jenkins. Would Saturday still work ok to drive up and pick him up? Good luck tomorrow Karen with school. You'll do great.


Busy Day

I was busy today at work and the time went fast.  I am so glad that Oliver loved school.  That will be fun for him.  I love the picture of Jenkins.  He does love small stuff animals.  He is funny.  I am excited to see my necklaces.  Karen good luck with school.  I hope it is a good quarter for you.  Fly safe Robin.  I hope you are all packed up and cleaned.  That is a lot of work.  I am glad you got a down day and got to see the city.  Dad's leg is getting a lot better.  I am glad he went to Insta care.  Not much else to report on my end.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Casey was gone so I just went on a quick walk with Jenkins this morning and that was nice.  We made necklaces for Grandma all morning and Ruth is excited to give them to you.  Oliver had a good first day at school.  He was really excited to go and had a good time.  He was sad after school because he didn't want to walk home but he was just tired.  While he was at school me and Ruth went to the fabric store and bought fabric to make Tiffany a quilt.  It as fun and nice to look at everything.  Ruthie didn't eat lunch very well so we went to chick fil and she played for while.  It was nice to spend time with her.  For dinner we picked up a pizza and went to the park and ate it.  Then the kids played for a while.  Casey is on his way home and will be back soon.  Travel safe tomorrow Robin.  Good luck with school Karen, you are so smart.  Karen's birthday present came yesterday and I forgot to mention it.



Well things are good here in Kamas. My school offically starts tomorrow . Wish me luck. Other than that things are pretty quiet here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, August 26, 2019


I survived Monday also. I got my tuition check in the mail so that is nice. I start school on Wednesday so wish me luck there. Work went good. It was just the usual for a Monday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good. It was the last day of the runway shows. So tomorrow I can focus on starting to pack and clean. We went to a deep dish pizza place tonight and it tasted good. I come back on Wednesday. I'm ready. That is fun Casey is in California I'm glad he's safe. How long is he gone for? Have a great one


I did it

I went to early this morning for payroll.  That means I have extra hours so I can leave early.  I went grocery shopping after dinner and got some strawberry, raspberry, blueberry mixed fruit with angel food cake.  It tasted so good.  Not much else going on with us.  I think dads leg is getting better.  I am glad that Casey made it safe to California.  Robin, I hope you are surviving the fashion show.  Do you come home on Wednesday.  It felt nice to get groceries. I am glad that Oliver found a friend for school.  He will love that.  Everyone enjoy Tuesday.  It is suppose to get really hot this weekend.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  We walked this morning and went to exercise class.  Oliver has a group of boys that are his friend that are starting kindergarten in the morning so they wont be there any more.  The little kids cleaned their rooms by themselves and without me asking.  The were proud and happy.  We made cupcakes this afternoon.  We walked to pick up Isaac and it was hot.  Oliver has a kindergarten open house this evening.   Ruth and Isaac played on the playground and I took Oliver inside.  They had the kids do a scavenger hunt and find their desks, the bathroom and where they hang their backpacks.  Oliver was super excited and had fun.  His best friend from preschool is in his class and they were excited.  I didn't cry but I came close a couple of time.  We went and got ice cream afterwards.  Casey made it to California and I think everything is going good.  Love you guys.


Sunday, August 25, 2019


We made it home from Karens.  We stopped by insta care on the way home  Dad said it wasn't itching anymore and was throbbing. He got some antibiotics and steriod cream.  I hope it helps him.  We took naps and just hung out.  Robin, WOW what a trip you had.  That is amazing you got to see all that.  Rachel the grout really does make a difference.  It looks so nice.  It is payroll Monday so I am going in early.  I was thinking  about the holiday weekend coming up.  I was wondering how this sounds.

Saturday go up to Logan and help with the bathroom and Monday go to boondocks.  We could go to boondocks on Saturday and go to Logan on Monday.  I really don't have a lot of plans, we really can do anything we want to.

I am sorry Isaac has a cold.  That sucks.  There is one going on a work also. Have a nice Monday.  I can't believe it is the end of August.  Time goes so fast.  LOVE MOM


My weekend has been good. Mom and dad came up and helped me around my house. Then we hung out. Mom, you left dads on and lemonade in my fridge. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

The weekend

I am jealous you got to see Hamilton, that would be amazing to see.  I didn't blog yesterday either, sorry.  Yesterday was good.  Casey went shooting with Randy and Collin and they had a fun time. Then Randy came over and we grouted half of the shower.  It is looking really nice, the grout really helps it look finished.  Casey fixed everyone's bikes so we rode them to lees.  The had doughnut samples and the kids really wanted doughnuts so we got some.  We took them to the pond where Dad used to work and ate them.  It was fun and the kids had fun running around.  Isaac caught a cold at school and has a runny nose.  He has the worst time sleeping when he has a runny nose so it was a long night.  Ruth and Oliver both woke up too so something was in the air.  Today we went to just primary and Isaac stayed home to rest.  Casey went to work to get ready to go to California tomorrow.  His phone's battery is swollen and pushing the screen off so we went and got him a new one this evening.  It is out of stock but they are shipping us one and it will be here Tuesday.  Jenkins is doing good.  He is warming up to being here and has more energy.  He keeps escaping to the next door neighbors house.  Casey put a board up so that should help.  He is good to come back when we call him.  Love you guys.



Today was a long day. We had to work 8 hours. I guess I can't complain to bad Jeramy had to work to be started at 4 so I think that would be worse. Yesterday we had the day off. We went on an architectural cruise and then the navy Pier. The peir I thought would have fun arcades and games but they didn't. It was all people dressed up in prom dresses going on cruise dinners. So it was weird. Then I went to Hamilton. It was good. I listened to the music and it was hard to follow so I was worried.but I followed the story line and the singers were really good. Today we just worked so I'm tired. We are going to an Indian food place I think for dinner tonight. I thought I would blog early so I wouldn't forget again. Love you.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...