Monday, August 26, 2019


Today was good.  We walked this morning and went to exercise class.  Oliver has a group of boys that are his friend that are starting kindergarten in the morning so they wont be there any more.  The little kids cleaned their rooms by themselves and without me asking.  The were proud and happy.  We made cupcakes this afternoon.  We walked to pick up Isaac and it was hot.  Oliver has a kindergarten open house this evening.   Ruth and Isaac played on the playground and I took Oliver inside.  They had the kids do a scavenger hunt and find their desks, the bathroom and where they hang their backpacks.  Oliver was super excited and had fun.  His best friend from preschool is in his class and they were excited.  I didn't cry but I came close a couple of time.  We went and got ice cream afterwards.  Casey made it to California and I think everything is going good.  Love you guys.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...