Saturday, May 13, 2017

Fun time

WE had a really nice time at Karen's house.  WE played Mario kart and we tried to work out in the yard but man was it windy.  We went to a new taco place in Kamas that makes street tacos.  They were really good.  We saw Guardians of the Galaxy2.  It was good.  I liked the first one better but it was good.  We got home and I took a nap and then we watched Hidden Figures.  It was a really good show.  It is on Vudoo.  Everyone have a great Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, May 12, 2017

Nice day

Rachel that is so cute about the spa. That is such a cute idea. Have a fun trip. Robin that is a lot of hours for you. I hope you get some rest. We made it safe to Karen's house. Dad and Karen got me a printer for my phone. It is pretty cool. I can print pictures off the bog. Have a safe weekend. Love mom


Today was fun.  They had a Mother's day spa in Isaac's class this morning.  So Randy watched the little kids and I went to school with Isaac.  It was really cute and fun.  He painted my fingernails, gave me a back rub, a facial, foot bath, moisturizing, combing my hair.  We had a good time.  Isaac tried school lunch today, he didn't like what they were serving but it was good practice for him.  It was so hot today we watched a show while Ruthie was napping.  We were out of fruit snacks so we went to Sam's and got them, then had a snack.  The kids had fun.  After dinner Casey mowed the lawn and I took the kids for a walk.  We got back and Ruthie and Oliver helped mow for a while.  We had a late night since it was so nice and cool outside.  We are headed off to Lava tomorrow.  It should be a fun mini vacation.


Plot twist

Today was so pretty and warm. I am working on a project at Maggie and I noticed halfway through the day the computer didn't register half of my work. I was so over by that point I just figured I will clean it up next week. Then a girl at scheels had sick kids so I came in for her.  I have to work Saturday and Sunday so I figured might as well just go the full weekend.  Have a good night


Thursday, May 11, 2017


I hope you guys had a fun time tonight.  Today was a busy day and I was stressed about it all going smoothly but everything went great and it was a good day.  Ruthie didn't sleep last night, she was up all night so me and Casey were tired.  It was teacher application day at school and I did that sun flower craft.  The kids liked the craft and they turned out cute.  Oliver and Ruthie did really well also, they were good kids.  We were their until just a little before Isaac came home.  I had quilt group and that went well.  The kids were really good and it was shorter so that worked out good.  It was so hot today we just played outside a bit.  We went and got stuff to make fish and chips for dinner when Ruthie woke up.  After dinner we finished planting most of the garden.  We just have to plant the sun chokes.  I hope you guys had a good night.


We were gassed

Well the mystery room was really fun and I had a good time.  We didn't even make it half way and were gassed but it was a lot of fun.  We will have to try it again.  Work was good.  I had the worst headache all day.  I am going to try Robin's medicine tonight.  I was carrying my coke I got a Marverik this morning and dropped it all on the floor at my desk.  What a mess that was.  Thanks Karen for inviting us.  Rachel, have a lot of fun on  your vacation.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Nice day

I had a nice day.  Work was calm and that felt so nice.  I was worried I wouldn't have any work to do but I am keeping busy so that is nice.  I did laundry tonight.  Rachel congratulations on the garden that is nice.  Robin it is hard to have meetings all the time.  It just makes it so you don't get your work done and they add assignments.  Karen, I am excited to hook up tomorrow.  It will be fun.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy, their were a lot of errands to run.  This morning we got goggles for swimming and then plants for the garden.  They had sun chokes so we are going to plant those and that is exciting.  Isaac had a field trip to a bug lab at USU and had a fun time.  They saw a tarantula and coach-roaches.  I am doing a craft tomorrow at Isaac's school so me and Isaac tried it out and it think it will be good, it is a sunflower.  Isaac had martial arts and when I was putting Ruthie in the car after dropping him off she pointed to her mouth and said cheese.  It was so cute and it worked because we went to the cheese factory.  I wanted a handle for a bag so we also went to Joann's.  Casey picked up brats and hamburgers for dinner and we had a picnic and then planted some of the garden.  We will do the seed part tomorrow.   It was dark when we finished so I will get a picture tomorrow also. I was kind of grumpy today, I will be better tomorrow hopefully.



My day had been good. Work is still moving along so that is nice. I am taking Friday off for an eye doctor appointment so tomorrow is the last day I have to work this week. I am excited for the escape room tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye


Today was alright I had 3 meetings so that was kinda crappy. I also had to work at scheels so it's a boring night. I texted jani and she said she had to go take care of grandma so she wasn't sure about dinner tomorrow but she is planning the panic room still. Hope everyone has a good night


Tuesday, May 9, 2017


I used mom nail polish you bought me around Halloween.  Last night I found out it glowed in the dark. I had no idea until I took me a minute to figure out what was going on. Lol. I did get my refund so that was good to have over. Work was work. I didn't have to work tonight. I was going to try the gym but I feel asleep and didn't go. Good job on your switch Karen I hope it's fun!


Big busy day

You know at work I only have 7 emails in my in box.  That right there is a miracle.  It has been so nice to get caught back up.  I am loving it.  I met the gang after work and we went to Gardner village.  The theme is fairies and they have made these cute little fairy villages.  I want to make one for my outside.  They are so cute.  Karen, I am so glad you got your switch.  Dad was excited to go hunting for it this morning.  He got two crowns on this morning.  He is doing good.  Robin, did you ever get your refund from the over charge?  I have been worried about that one.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


That is awesome Karen, congratulations.  We will have to come up to your house and play it.  It looks awesome.  My day wasn't as good as Karen's.  Oliver did a lot better today and didn't have any accidents which is awesome.  I lost Ruthie's shoes so we went and bought her a pair this morning.  I have to do a craft at school on Thursday so I got some things for that also.  My visiting teacher came over this morning and that was nice.  This afternoon we watched Thomas and then played outside.  When Ruthie woke up we went to the park in Smithfield and ran around.  It was fun.  Casey had scouts and I had young women.  They always get ice cream when I am gone but Oliver fell asleep so Casey ran and got it before I had to go so it worked out.  We played dodge ball for our activity tonight and it was fun.  It wasn't as bad as I was thinking it was going to be.  I finished the strawberry quilt last night and I like it.  Do you think white flannel on the back would be pretty with green binding?



Well I am impressed with dads skills. Thanks again for finding the switch for me.  I have been play mario kart. It is fun. Work was good. It is still going quick. I also mowed my front yard tonight because it was getting super long. It also gave my game time to charge. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, May 8, 2017


I babysat this morning and that went good, the kids are good and we played outside for most of the time.  I cleaned and cleaned today to get ready for the appraiser.  The kids were on strict instructions to put away what they played with, that might have to be a new rule because it was nice.  The appraiser came a little late so we were late to marital arts but it all worked out.  I was going to get plants for our garden and then plant them tonight but Oliver fell asleep in the car so we just went home and put him in bed.  Kelly came by to borrow some tools and he stayed for dinner and then helped Casey finish getting the transmission out of the jeep.  Tell Dad good luck tomorrow, I hope that it goes smoothly.  Oliver motto about potty training is he has already done it and why is it still going on.  Hopefully it will start to click again.



Today was good. At work our main system was glitchy. So I didn't get much done. I decided to sign up again for the gym.....hopefully I will go. I am going to.try   to go tomorrow.  We will see.  I need to be better. Lol have a good one


Me to

Things are moving along here as well. Work is staying busy so it goes by quickly. I got my dishes done tonight. So that is my exciting news. I hope everyone had a great day . Bye

Moving along

Not much going on with us.  I had to go to work early today but that wasn't bad.  We had firehouse subs for dinner and they tasted good.  We went and got dad's glasses and it is nice to have them fixed.  He goes to the dentist tomorrow and gets two crowns.  Lucky guy.  I am meeting the Gumm gang for dinner tomorrow at Gardner Village.  Thanks Rachel for letting that guy come and do an estimate on the house.  It did rain here for awhile.  LOVE MOM

Sunday, May 7, 2017


Today was chill. I didn't have to pick up davin. But he came over for a bit. We watched across the universe. I'm not sure if he liked it... but it was fun. Then after he left I made nachos and was lazy. I hope everyone has a great week.


Good times

It was a really fun weekend.  I love the quilt show.  We got up this morning and played with the kids.  After they left we got ready and we and saw grandma.  She was so pale that we just went out and brought lunch in.  It was nice to visit.  Then we came home and I feel asleep.  We went over to Julies house for a dinner for Austin.  It was nice to visit there as well.  I have to go to work early tomorrow but that should be the last time I need to go.  Have a really nice Monday.  Thanks again for the fun time.  LOVE MOM

Until next year

It was another successful quilt show, thank you guys so much.  You are the best and are so fun to be with.  We spent the night last night and came home this morning.  I really liked doing that.  I felt like we had more time with Mom and Dad and then we had a day at home too.  It was perfect.  I went to church and everyone else stayed home, they were done and wanted to play.  We got pizza for lunch and played.  This evening we went up the canyon and went hiking and it was a lot of fun and it felt so nice to be out in nature.  The kids loved it.  Isaac did fall near the end and has a scrapped knee, he barely survived.  Thanks again and I am sad that it is over.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...