Saturday, June 18, 2016

Easy peasy

Today was. Chill I didn't do much. I am trying to do a photo transfer on to wood for father's day I still need to cut the vinyl but I final fine tuned the picture to not make them look like a ghost. I put a pict below. I went to red box and got zootopia it.was a cute movie. Have a good one



My day was good. I went to the store this morning and went shopping. The road still isn't paved but i was able to drive on it. It does look like it is getting close to being pavable. I am excited to meet everyone tomorrow. Have a good one. Bye

Interesting day

Our day turned out to be an interesting day but a good one.  We went to get our hair cut and it was a half hour wait.  I tried to book a time on line and it wouldn't work.  We decided not to wait and go by a printer cartridge for my printer.  The toner was out and I need to print all the stuff for that dizzy clinic on Monday.  We went to Best Buy and they had the printer cartridge.  I was so relieved because the printer is getting really old.  We walked to the jeep and noticed it had a big nail stuck in the side of the tire.  Dad said we should take it to Pep Boys because we had a warranty there on the tires.  We drove over their and dad dropped me off at the mall.  There was a warranty and we got all 4 tires replaced for $100.00 and that was because we wanted them to mount them.  It took 5 hours and we had such a fun time walking around the mall.  We tried beds and looked at stores and people watched.  It was really fun.  They said our tie rod was wearing and we needed a new one but there was no way they were touching anything after the radiator drama.  I thought Casey could look at it and see what he thought.  They said it would be fine to drive it but that was why the tire was wearing a little bit different.  We went to dinner afterwards and Hot Dynasty.  We hadn't eaten there for a long time.  It tasted so good.  We ate the whole thing.  It is interesting how you start your day thinking one way and end up a whole different day.  It was nice to go slow.  I talked with Robin and I think it would be fun on 4th of July to play with her new photo shop and fix up some of Rachel's pictures and print them.  I need a new picture for work.  Everyone have a nice Sunday.  I am excited to hook up.  LOVE MOM


Oliver was doing better this morning, he slept with me last night and did good.  We walked to the farmers market this morning to see Calleen, it was hot but a nice walk.  We played outside for a while.  Casey and Isaac made it home and they had a pretty good time.  Casey was super tired so he took a nap for a while and Isaac got to play with his new hotwheels.  When Casey got up we were watching paw patrol and Oliver fell asleep for like 4 hours.  I was hoping to go walk around summer fest but it didn't work out so we just ate otter pops in the backyard, it was a good evening.  I am excited to see everyone tomorrow.  Thanks for meeting up.


Friday, June 17, 2016


They still haven't paved the road, but they have filled it up so i can drive on it. My day was good. Work went by pretty fast for a Friday.  I did get my dishes done tonight so i feel a little productive.  I hope everyone has a great Saturday tomorrow.


I am glad that you had a fun time Robin, that sounds nice.  Thanks for the boys stuff, you are super sweet.  I hope that Dad feels better, getting a book is a good idea.  Today ended up being pretty busy.  We went to the library and got our summer reading prize this morning which was fun.  Isaac had a dentist appointment and he was super scarred.  They were really good with him and it went a lot better than last time.  One of the nurses held Ruthie and Oliver was good to play a game so I held Isaac while they worked on him.  He has an infection under his filling so they are going to pull the tooth next week since it can affect his permanent teeth.  So we had to go get a prize since he was braze, they had a clearance hot wheel so we scored.  Then I had to go to the place where he is getting his teeth worked on to sign some papers for sedation.  We grabbed some breadsticks and headed home.  By then it was almost 2 so I got some stuff ready for camping and then when Casey got home they left.  Ruthie took a good nap so I was able to sew for a while, then when she got up we ran some errands.  When I was putting Ruthie to sleep the boys came home.  Oliver didn't want to be their and when they got home he threw up so he isn't feeling good.  Isaac and Casey went back up and I hope that it is a better time for them.  We are going to leave at probably 1:30 on Sunday and we should be their at 2:30 if that works for everyone.


So glad it if Friday

I am glad you had a fun time with you day off Robin.  That is a cute picture of Walter.  I am good with hooking up sometime next week. WE are going to ride the gondola on Sunday afternoon at Snow Basin but we can do dinner with you on a night you don't work.  Today was good.  We went to Barnes and Noble after work and got dad a book.  His heart was having PVC's and we thought it would be good to just rest and relax tonight.  It was nice to just read a book.  I hope Casey and the boys have a nice time camping.  That is fun he took them with him.  Karen did they pave the road? 



Today was nice. I met up with walter and he said he would go with me to get a pedicure. He's feet had alot of dead skin and cracking. The ladies were not excited about his feet but we had fun. Then he had a va meeting so I went my own way. Sports authority by me closes tomorrow. They had 70 percent off their items. I just went in to check it out. There wasn't alot but they had some boys jackets. So I bought some cloths for the boys. The are big but they are winter cloths so hopefully one day they fit. Then I got my massage. It was nice but now I'm really tired.

Are we.doing something for father's day? I am trying out a project that will be some later tomorrow for dad and I work sunday. I am not sure of you want to meet up tomorrow or sometime next week. Have a good saturday

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Today was a lot better.  We all slept a lot better last night and I think that helped.  The boys were kind of grumpy this morning so we took it slow but by the afternoon they were doing a lot better and we had a fun time.  It was pretty nice outisde today also, it was cool in the shade.  Casey mowed the lawn when he got home and got ready for camp tomorrow.  He has been really busy.  Everyone have a good night.



Robin I am jealous that you are taking the day off. I hope you have a great one. My day was good. Work was busy so it went by quick. It was windy again here today. My allergies are bad today but I am hanging in there. The did put filler in the road so it isn't 2 feet deep any more. Hopefully they will pave it tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

good for you

Robin, I am glad you are taking a day off and just relaxing.  You need that.  I hope the massage helps you.  Not much going on with me.  Work was good.  It is slowing down a lot and I am loving that.  It helps so much.  Dad took grandma to the doctor and I rode trax home.  We just vegged and didn't do much.  It sure was a pretty day.  Everyone have a great Friday.  I hope that Isaac is feeling better.  LOVE MOM

Just do it

Today was busy again. I was an hour over. But what can you do. I saw a group on for a massage so I  bought it. My back has been killing me. So I decided to take tomorrow off and relax and get a massage just to get away from work for  a bit. So I'm excited. I am working scheels tonight so it's a slow night. Have a good one


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Free pie

Today was busy. The two girls we are training are eating up alot of my time so I don't get alot of my regular work done. But it is what it is. I met up with walter at village in for dinner. There were a lot of old people there. It was free pie wednesday. I broke down today and finally bought photoshop. They now do it by month so it's not to expensive. I  going to try and do tutorials at scheels when I'm bored. Just to start building a portfolio see if it is something that would be fun. It's taking forever to download so I'm just watching movies while I get set up.


Today was a Bust

Isaac didn't sleep well last night, he ended up sleeping with me in our bed and Casey went downstairs.  Oliver got up twice also so it was a long night.  They were having a star wars activity at the library this afternoon and I was looking forward to it but Isaac was saying how cold he was and he felt hot, he had a bit of a fever.  So we just stayed home and Isaac stayed on the cough all day.  He was grumpy also.  He got up this evening and ate and played outside for a bit.  I don't think he is too sick just a cold.  Casey needed some things for his camp so me and Oliver ran to the store and that was fun just the two of us.  Well everyone have a good night and a good day tomorrow.


Blow me away

It is really windy here also.  We stopped by Fairmont park to see the farmers market and the wind was crazy.  We went grocery shopping and got drugs.  Today was good at work.  I got three projects caught back up.  That felt really nice.  Not much else going on with us.  It is suppose to get really warm this weekend.  LOVE MOM

Hole in the road

Well instead of paving today the dug the whole road down 2 feet deep. I think they must have had a leak or something they had to fix. I am good to meet up on Sunday anytime. It was super windy here all day. My visiting teacher did come over today and hung out for a while. It was fun. I put a picture of the road below. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The best sandwich

Mom, we have church until 2.  I have to teach but I was thinking of leaving early around 1:30.  So we would be their around 2:30 or 3.  Is that alright?  Mom Casey changed the oil in your car and the front brakes looked new, so you should be good to go.  Today was good, we went grocery shopping this morning.  Oliver pushed the little cart around and liked that.  I made the best sandwich for lunch.  I love Cuban sandwiches and Alton Brown had a easy recipe so I made it and it hit the spot.  I may make it everyday for the rest of my life.  Randy picked the boys up this afternoon and they went and got some planets for the ceiling and had a good time.  Casey made a million enchiladas for his lunches so me and Ruthie hung out.  I tried to go on a walk with her but I chose a new way and it was too bumpy and she didn't like it.  I finished Karen's quilt top and now I am going to quilt it.  Everyone enjoy this cooler weather, I love it.


Clip board of fun?

Karen, I can't believe that they didn't pave the road.  The kid told me they were doing it on Monday.  I am sorry.  Robin, I think that is funny you thought you were seeing double.  You are tired.  I talked with Rachel today and we were thinking of a Father's Day plan.  How about we meet at Snowbasin  and ride the Gondola and then go out to dinner?  How does that sound.  I wasn't sure what time Rachel got done with church or if Robin had t work.  Let me know how that sounds. If the plan doesn't work we can met up at different times.  Not much else going on with us.  We have been walking every night after work and I am really liking that.  It was a pretty day today.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was pretty good. I did get woken up early by a tracker beep beep beeping down my road. So i thought yea they will pave it today. But when i got home it still wasn't paved. So hopefully tomorrow. Work went good today. I did have a meeting that went long, but i made it thru. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Double vision

Today was busy. But it's going well. Nothing exciting. Today I looked up at my screen and thought I had double vision. So I just focused on the number to get my eyes back to normal. It turns out I was fine. The # was 11. So I wasn't seeing double 1's I was just seeing an eleven. I am just losing my mind. I worked at scheels tonight so it's a chill night



Well I just laid down for a minute around 8 and that was the last thing I remember. I was out.  I did get some good sleep.  It was so nice and cool.  It was really rainy.  I am glad that Casey got Kelley's car.  I am assuming Randy went with him and helped him.  Not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM

Monday, June 13, 2016

What day is it?

Today was pretty good.  This morning we were out of root beer milk so we went and got some.  Then we went to the hobby lobby and walked around.  Casey went back up to Pocatello and they were able to get Kelly's car this time so they don't have to go back up.  He didn't get home until 8 so he had a long day.  This evening we were going to go on a walk since it was so cool but a thunder storm came so we just went home and watched the lighting.  I kept thinking today was Tuesday, I am all messed up.



My Monday has been good as well. I walked this morning and was lucky that it didn't rain on me when i walked home. I really don't have any exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good for a Monday work flew by. After work I went to the gym and cancelled my membership. I haven't gone in months so I just finally faced the facts, then waffle love sounded good so I got a waffle, it was super rainy, have a good one


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Rachel tell Casey how appreciative I am of him fixing my car.  I am so grateful that he did that for me.  I love the pictures.  Thanks for posting them.  Isaac looks so grown up.  Karen we got hail also but it lasted 30 seconds and it wasn't  that big.  Man you do have crazy weather.  Good luck tomorrow with the road.  I hope it is all done tomorrow.  Robin I hope you had a nice weekend.  It is a lot cooler for sure.  We had a nice day.  We took Grandma out to Rev Pizza and then to Walmart.  She does like to go Walmart.  Have a nice Monday.  LOVE MOM


Casey fixed Mom's car last night and it looks good.  Today he went up to Pocatello with his Dad to get Kelly's car so he was gone all day.  He is going to drive it back up to Pocatello tomorrow and his Dad is going to drive it back if that is alright Mom.  Casey is going to drive Kelly's car.  I didn't go to sacrament meeting but we went to our Sunday school and primary classes.  Then we just played all day.  It went pretty good.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday, don't work too hard.



Well things are going good here. I had a fun time yesterday. Well this morning at 2 am my fire alarm battery decided to die so it started beeping. So I had to run to the store this morning to get a new battery. The weather did get nasty about 4. It poured rain and it hailed. It did clear up and the sun came back out. I also got my laundry done tonight. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...